Memory Problems ... Should I be worried ?


Mar 25, 2006
Hey all, hey mods, sorry if there is a thread alike, but I couldn't find it...

I've started sorta noticing more over the past couple of months, despite doing way less drugs than I used to, I feel my memory is getting worse than better like I thought it would. I've been a very heavy benzo user in the past, along with alcohol, so obviously this isn't good for memory, but I thought it may get better for a while before I get older when it may deteriorate again.

Just some examples, things like my girlfriend asking me last night what I had been up to for the day, and a couple of nights earlier asking me what I had for dinner. As hard as I was thinking, I just couldn't remember until a couple of minutes later remembering just little bits and pieces. And my parents talking to me about money I owe, which some of just completely left my head.

I'm 26 years old, but my memory feels 50 years older. Does anyone else get concerned with their memory? Can benzo use actually cause problems like dementia down the track, or does it just "screw your memory up"?

Thanks ppl
I'm 26 years old, but my memory feels 50 years older. Does anyone else get concerned with their memory? Can benzo use actually cause problems like dementia down the track, or does it just "screw your memory up"?
I'm not sure if anyone knows the answer to whether or not benzo use/abuse is affiliated with dementia in any way because I don't think it's been adequately studied yet. However I know from my personal experience that long-term alcohol abuse has really fucked with my memory, and I suspect that benzo abuse may have a similar effect. But also, everyone is different so not everyone who abuses substances would necessarily have this side effect. But I suspect it would be reasonably common.

As Missykins suggested, if you're really concerned about this please don't hesitate to speak to your doctor about it as they might have some good suggestions or may possibly want to run some tests. Otherwise/in the mean time, you could try to improve your brain's functioning and memory capacity by exercising it regularly. For things like learning and memory, the brain is quite literally like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets and the better it works. You can do things like crosswords and sudoku puzzles, read a book every day, perhaps do some kind of online course where you need to learn things and then get tested on it later, that kind of stuff. Hopefully over time you would notice a positive difference in your brain's functioning.

However, sometimes people's memory just reduces over time, with age. I personally suspect it can be a genetic thing as well (although I haven't yet read any studies on this to back me up), so if either of your parents have bad memory, then it could just be something you're going to have to live with. If you start to forget tasks you're supposed to do or other important things, start writing lists or set reminders in your phone to remind you to do things (I do this for EVERYTHING!!).

Do you think any of that might help??
^ Thanks for that hun. Yeah, I used to keep lists in my old blackberry for absolutely everything when I was working full time! Then after resigning I stopped, but maybe should start a bit again. I'll mention it to my doctor next time I see him. He's a great doctor, but I know he'll probably just say "yeah that would be from the meds you're taking, that happens, etc". It does seem pretty bad my memory, but I may also be a bit too paranoid over it.

U drink much these days hun? (only if u want to answer) :) I drink every night still pretty much, but drink more alone now and don't really go out anymore (over that), but even though I drink too much, geez the blackouts I used to constantly get a couple of years ago with benzos/alc together were absolutely terrible. Most likely some damage I reckon :\
are you still taking benzos at all??? what about alcohol intake??? any other drugs...cannabis,dissociative drugs of any kind?
if not,how long have you been off benzos/alcohol???

I did a search on this topic and found an interesting thread w/ some sited info on memory loss and benzos in other drugs. Thought it might help you with some independent research,but as always,nothing can explain the problems you are having like a qualified physician. Here is the thread I located by using the search engine and typing in "memory loss benzo".
It is a short thread,but the last post had 2 GREAT suggestions...keeping a diary(like you did w/ your Blackberry) and also dietary factors-including supplements for memory loss,like gingko and others that I found quite interesting HERE from the University of Maryland Medical Center. (I just did a quick google search). However,if you are taking ANY medications,talk w/ your doctor about possible negative drug interactions before adding any supplements to your diet . For instance,certain meds that I take for my bipolar disorder prevent me from taking St. John's Wort.
It's just a little information for you from here and the web. Food for thought,if you will :)...maybe somethings to write down to discuss with your doctor.

Much peace and love..............skillz <3
Thanks s4t! Yeah each day i'm prescribed 4mg diazepam (used to take over 100mg), 200mg sertraline, and 25mg seroquel. So even though I'm on barely any benzo now, i'm still taking 3 different meds, and probably drink around half a dozen per night :\
^^ stick with it, I am doing the same as you and trying to get off benzos... and although I am confident (but not entirely sure) that your memory will return to 'baseline' I am super confident it will improve once you quit.

The only studies I know of with reduced cognitive impairments involve elderly people already on benzos, and they improved once they were withdrawn from benzodiazepines..

Just try and get off them, I'm here if you ever need someone to speak with, I can relate. Take care :).
i'm a heavy benzo user but i take weeks off every month due to lack of resources and my memory is crap so i'm not sure how long off of benzos one would have to be to regain their memory
My memory is absolutely crap too - I attribute mine to meth and alcohol use. During the years I was abusing meth heavily I feel like I only have a handful of memories from the whole time, it's scary. It also felt like a much shorter time too - I suspect because even during it I couldn't remember much so there was no way for me to accurately gauge the time that had passed (relative to the rest of my life). I have even met people before, in more than just passing, only to see them again and have no, absolutely no recollection of ever having met them before. People tell me about things I've done and they could be talking about another person. Sometimes I feel like I'm just drifting along in the here and now, with only a limited connection to my past, though I do think it gives me a kind of peace, since I'm living in the moment (trying to put a positive spin on a fucked up thing).

I have noticed though that since I've been taking it a lot more easier on substances, my memory has improved a bit. If I'm on something, even just a couple of beers, it seems like my memories just aren't formed. I've been free of all substances days in a row now (something that never happened before) and I surprised myself by remembering what I had for dinner for the past 5 days. That's a huge improvement for me, and gives me hope that the damage is not completely permanent. Hopefully you will notice the same thing when you go completely substance free for awhile <3
^ Thanks for the replies ppls! I think it is just a time thing if the memory does get better to a certain point. I had a lot of time pass not remembering shit too footscrazy, so maybe in some respect my memory is slightly better in a way.
if u dont remember it probably wasnt important...that's how i rationalize it.
^^ Ahhh, but if only it was that simple ;)

fivelinefury said:
U drink much these days hun? (only if u want to answer)
Yeah unfortunately I do still drink. I've been doing better than I was previously this year, but it's a constant, daily battle :| I'm kinda dreading the holiday season because I just want to be sober damnit!! :!
*sigh* There's always next year. Bring on sobriety in 2012! :)
^ Yeah, same here darl! I've drank too much since I got worse at about age 19, and still have pretty much half a dozen every night 8) It's always HEAPS harder this time of year for people like us and a lot of others, since it's the social norm to just basically get as wasted as you like on alcohol. *sigh* Society pisses me off like that haha

Memory Problems ... Should I be worried ?

Nah, try and forget about it.

lol, well true I spose. Maybe because I think about drugs so much there just isn't any more available space for other shit 8)
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I spent my highschool years (14 up to 18 years old) occasionally using benzos and heavily using weed, really heavily. I can barely recall any of it, I even had a couple of school mates who didn't make it till the last year and I only remember they existed because of facebook. Talk about forgetting stuff...

*I mean I really didn't remember they existed until they sent me a friend request. scary.
** I only finished highschool 3 years ago
^ Yeah its scary stuff when you think about it eh. I've had similar experiences, running into people who know me, but I don't even know them, lol.