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JWH-018---Six months of Heavy use..(LONG)

Well after scouring the net and comming up with few sources of information I want to let my experiences come to light for some people who might wonder about heavy JWH-018 use and other complications that may arise from it. I am not trying to scare people out of using JWH, infact I recommend this stuff to about everyone, but it needs a disclaimer.


Being in something I can't smoke weed like I wish I could...so about 6-8 Monthes ago a bunch of my buddies discovered spice and began to smoke it daily. After smoking some spice and it working on me, which blew my mind, I instantly researched the stuff and bought a gram of jwh off the net.

At first I tried to make my own spice(Acetone+Weird fake Bud+JWH) which worked alright but soon I discovered the "Sprinkle" technique which is what it sounds like, I would just sprinkle some JWH ontop of tobacco/pretend-bud and smoke it like that. So after about a month of use, my wife and I were smoking 4-5 bowls a night with a scoop of JWH-018 sprinkled ontop of whatever was the filler.

This sprinkling of JWH-018 ontop of "filler" in a bowl is dangerous as hell, I had plenty of friends go into crazy shaking fits, vomitting, and extreme confusion(Holding onto walls like cliffhanger, forgetting how to talk, vegtable like states). At first I just blew it off thinking they couldn't handle their shit.

If I had to guess I would say between me and my wife we were going through a gram in about 5 days.

**THE HIGH!***

If I had to describe the JWH-018 high it is very similar to THC- you are more inclined to watch crappy television, paranoid a bit, music sounds better, extreme appetetite spikes(More on appetitie later) etc.
After taking a hit of the JWH out of a bowl I usually felt my spine relax, body temp went up, clammy hands, and the overall sens of well being for an hour or so.

JWH-018 Tolerance grows very fast, I would use a razor blade corner to scoop some of the powder out of a bag onto the filler, at first it was a very tiny bit(Guessing 5-20mg) I noticed if I put too much on I would get TOO high, my muscles would be flexing constantly, and I would have crazy paranoid thoughts about ODing or what I have done to my body.

Eventually I could put as much JWH-018 as I wanted to ontop of some filler in a bowl, I loved watching the flame lick the JWH and watching it melt into itself then turning into weird resin that would get you more fucked later.


Heavy JWH-018 With all certanty RUINS your stomach. Multiple people I know who all smoke JWH say the same thing about their stomach problems. For months it felt like I had a rock or some type of ulcer in my stomach, it did not hurt really bad it was just kind of annoying. The best way to describe it was it felt like I always had to shit/fart/burp, but no symptoms when you are high of course. Infact a buddy of mine noticed that when taking a huge rip of pure JWH you can feel your stomach turn over and do weird shit, none of us are doctors but I can promis smoking JWH does something bad to your stomach. Being in something they force us to (Work out) every mornin, I felt like I was in better shape and enjoyed exeresize while high on JWH......at first. After about 4 months of JWH use I couldn't exert myself without puking. Without fail everytime, I could run about 2-3 miles before my stomach would just refuse to be nice and I would puke up anything, everytime. This is byfar the worst symptom(well that I kno of so far) You can deal with it, it just sucks. It also took awhile for my wife and I to realize the JWH was hurting our stomachs, a bit of denial on out part.

JWH-018 = Roids for professional eaters. This ties in with the stomach problems I assume. I am not sure what would go on in my brain but some nights the "switch" that turns your hunger ON would not switch off no matter how much shit I shoved in my tummy. I have had the munchies and can't really say JWH-018 gave me the munchies, it just felt very good to put food in my stomach. It wasn't the taste of the food I was seeking, just the filling of my belly with food made me felt good. It took much self control to get high off of JWH and NOT eat anything because I knew I would regret it later, these crazy hunger fits did not start showing up until about 2 months of use. I would find myself not eating bfast or lunch, but around 6pm I would get super high off JWH and eat 2 entire days worth of food. I have never experimented with something that made my eating habits so strange. Somewhat gross detail, it would cause your shit to be waaaaaay bigger/more then normal.

JWH-018 RUINS your tolerance to weed. I have read a couple of posts saying there is almost no corrilation between JWH and THC tolerance, that is a heap of bullshit. A week ago I got a half ounce of weed from my buddy( I knew I wouldnt be tested for a couple months so I wanted to get high off real weed) I smoked and smoked this weed till my throat hurt, it wasn't doing anything, maybe it was the weed, I bought another bag the very next day by a guy claimin it was Hydrosuperbestweed blahblahblah, anyway the weed looked very nice but only gave my wife and I a slight headchange. Smoking weed after months of heavy JWH use will do nothing but disappoint you, I promise. If you are going to make the jump from JWH to Weed I suggest you don't do any JWH for about a week if you want to enjoy the weed.

After not smoking JWH for about a week all of the stomach problems went away which was nice, I have not tried to smoke weed again. I do not think JWH dependancy is a problem, I am a self-proclaimed drug usin expert and really don't think JWH compares to ciggerettes, alcohole, cocaine, or meth when it comes to risk of addiction(I haven't done heroine enough to thro it in there)

JWH-018 can be fun and I do recommend it for those of you who suffer thru drug testing. Please respect it's power and mystery, like anything it can be overdone and abused. Sorry the post is so long and prolly reads like a 3rd grader, if anyone else has any questions feel free to ask.
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Welcome to bluelight, Greasy54. This is a very interesting first post. Hopefully the first of many to come. It's not a trip report, however. Cannabis Discussion has a synthetic cannabinoid discussion, so I'll movie it over there for you.
I would not reccommend smoking it regularly. If you smoke it on the odd occasion, that is one thing, but it should not be used regularly
Here's how I make mine.

I like 1 gram of JWH-018 to 15 grams of plant matter. This is quiet potent for most people, a joint will absolutely head-fuck people without tolerance. I really suggest you go much lower for your first trial, maybe 300mg to 10 grams.

Also, just smoked JWH-018 for the first time in 2 days today. Tolerance certainly has lowered, but I still vape/smoke the same amount without any nasty side effects, I just get higher. I'm going to say a 5 day break would do a good deal to your tolerance towards this stuff.

Will report on JWH-250 tomorrow (compared to JWH-018, as that is my personal favorite by far).

Is that video still up? I can't get it to work. Highly considering trying to make my own blend, think I'm only lacking a spray bottle for acetone.
Is that video still up? I can't get it to work. Highly considering trying to make my own blend, think I'm only lacking a spray bottle for acetone.

instead of using an EPA safe bottle just pour the shot glass with ~30ml acetone instead right onto the plant and safely hand mixing with safe gloves. Measurements depend on tolerance/amount plant used etc.... so different for everyone.

and yes, the video works fine still. gotta sit through an ad first.

and ps: nice drunk postin meph <3
instead of using an EPA safe bottle just pour the shot glass with ~30ml acetone instead right onto the plant and safely hand mixing with safe gloves. Measurements depend on tolerance/amount plant used etc.... so different for everyone.

and yes, the video works fine still. gotta sit through an ad first.

Worked this time, guess dailymotion was having issues when I last tried. What's the purpose of measuring the acetone volume so accurately, and why'd you choose 4 mL?

Thanks for your help on the forums too :)
because 1 gram of JWH-018 can be dissolved without heat into 4ML of acetone... Just for those out there who wanted to be accurate to the T and dot their "i"s.

Either way, knowing what 4-5ml looks like has proven valuable. I can pretty accurately pour 4ml out of a bottle at this point without need for a syringe.

There are a lot of grammatical errors and typographic errors in that video, I made it ~4AM when I was making my second batch for my buddy on BL who asked. That's why the instructions are so brief/poor. I figured if anyone had questions, they could ask here.

JWH has also really messed up my eating habits. I will go the whole day without eating and not being hungry, but at night I will have a bit of JWH which kicks in my hunger. The only problem is that the hunger doesn't go away after eating, I have to realize that I don't need to eat more. And yes, there is a huge cross tolerance. Normal bud has almost no effect on me unless its a wake and bake. I get a very slight headchange, but besides that nothing really happens. It is interesting though that since the THC isn't felt, I can feel alot of the other actives in the bud working. Even though I don't get a high, I still am able to relax, and bud's anti-nausea properties still work.
JWH Substitutes.. What is this?

I guess this is the right section since its similar to weed but anyways.. As many of you know JWH 018 and 073 is becoming illegal in many states (i believe atleast 7 now) but funny thing is theres already alternatives! They are now calling it LEGAL POTPOURRI instead of incense and they claim it has none of the banned substances (018 and 073 atleast no word of 200 or w/e) but it is almost IDENTICAL in effects, any idea what they could be using now?

Here is a link to some of the products locally..


They sell this stuff (diff names etc) at almost every gas station now, more than they did spice and jwh products..pretty funny but im curious wtf theyve found now.. Im assuming its another variation of JWH
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I have been smoking k2 and other blends for a while, I just got some pure jwh018 for the first time i like it alot more. Has anyone noticed that it seems a little weaker if u smoke it in a bong compared to a pipe? I always just sprinkle a lil on top of some damiana in a bowl.
I guess this is the right section since its similar to weed but anyways.. As many of you know JWH 018 and 073 is becoming illegal in many states (i believe atleast 7 now) but funny thing is theres already alternatives! They are now calling it LEGAL POTPOURRI instead of incense and they claim it has none of the banned substances (018 and 073 atleast no word of 200 or w/e) but it is almost IDENTICAL in effects, any idea what they could be using now?

Here is a link to some of the products locally..


They sell this stuff (diff names etc) at almost every gas station now, more than they did spice and jwh products..pretty funny but im curious wtf theyve found now.. Im assuming its another variation of JWH

There is a mega thread for this. Moving it there.

Also, there is no way to tell for sure as all prepackaged blends flat out lie about what they are putting into their blends. If it is identical in effect, it could be literally any syth such as 250, 81, 83, 18, 73, 200, the WIN series or even another series all together. There is NO WAY to know for sure other than asking them, and even then they will likely just lie about the contents.

Jwh 018 and cannabis (possible warning)

Hey people,
I have been reading this forum a little bit, a lot of interesting informations about jwh, experiences and other things and thought i would come share u my nightmare experience.

I have been a smoker for years of high end products, and recently tested jwh 018.

i never got to enjoy jwh, since it always produce respiratory depression to some extent even at low dose (which the respiratory depression make u obviously not enjoy it and with dosage usually not enough to produce some mind/body buzz but depression is here)

So anyway, I ended up oding 2 times while testing the product seeing how it wouldnt do much to me, and the only time it produced nice feelings, was just before oding.
(high tachycardia for 2 hours, and respiratory depression, having to think of breathing, and breathing deep)
I ended up throwing it away.

Then after few weeks, i got some nice weeds back and started to smoke it and had exactly the same symptoms than jwh but worse.
I dont get why it happens now even if i have some ideas but the fact is that i cant just smoke like i used to, i cant just put whatever in it, smoke it and stop when baked enough, it seems like if I now get overdosing symptoms just the same than jwh did although I am a heavy smoker, and never ever got such symptoms before.

So now i gotta be very carefull at dosing simple weeds, and looks like i cant go past my tolerance and get better effects nowdays, i gotta do it slow, get a slight buzz, and obviously i might stop soon since it gets less enjoyable and scary to "smoke too much" which is low compared to what i used to, without ever getting those horrible jwh 018 like negative symptoms.

what make me feel scared is the respiratory depression that now seems to happen with weeds.

I dont know what to think of it, but i thought i would share u my experience, since whatever happens, it is related to jwh, and i didnt find people talking about that yet, just similar problems.
Hey people,

So anyway, I ended up oding 2 times while testing the product seeing how it wouldnt do much to me, and the only time it produced nice feelings, was just before oding.


hey i was just wonderin by od'ing take it you mean goin white???
no obviously not oding that way..just the negative symptoms happening when u do an overdose on jwh :
eg: tachycardia intense, coldness, shaking at times, respiratory depression, stomach cramp, trying to burp but nothing comes out.

So, when it happens using jwh, its ok, i know it can happens, and know i shouldnt take this ever again.

but this last night after getting some good weeds, it was like the same thing is happening and i just dont get it although i threw jwh long ago.
i got scared since i wasnt taking jwh but remained calm as i could thinking it will go away in 2hour or so if it does like jwh, and its what happened.(although this time was the baddest ever jwh overdose feeling i ever had just that it was with weeds...)
then it went away, i did took 2 little puff of it again and a small respiratory depression apeared for about 20 min.

so the point of my thread is to share the experience i had using weeds again after a while off jwh (and was smoking some low stuff last weeks before without problems)

and explaining that it seems my weed smoking has changed ever since i had bad experience with jwh.

and i just dont understand why iam getting the same symptoms now with weed (especially depression respiratory and stomach cramp, tachycardia high aswell).