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Mega Merged: Ultimate poppy pod/seed tea thread (getting the most out of your pods)

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rolls said:
If anyone else here has tried to quit cold turkey, stagger it and its easier. You don't have to do a taper which can be torture as you want to keep taking more until you get high.

Take 2 days off, then use as you would regularly, then take 3 days off, then 4. and then do a taper with a low grade opiate such as codeine. This will take a while but you won't experience the horrible withdrawals for that long.

cold turkey is the method of choice for most, because when you have stuff lying around...how the hell are you going to be able to resist putting it to use if you're addicted to it? you gotta have like mad buddhist self-control and be prone to delusional ideation..like jogging in the park at 4 am to obtain a 'natural high' while you 'taper down'.

please. this tapering nonsense is for the automaton psychiatrists who treat us to recite in calm mental-ward tones.

i think they key things for successful withdrawal.. are

1. be a man and face the horror. youll go through WD and it will pass...it passes quickly. Keep a positive outlook and preferably, substitute the drug you're tapering from with the euphoriant of choice....preferably, benzodiazepines, which eliminate WD unless you've reached Junkie status...in which case you shouldn't be looking to bluelight for help as you should know exactly what to do.

2. memantine [Namenda] and to a lesser extent, piracetam. Namenda is an anti-alzheimers drug...but since it has close to zero side effects, it does nothing for alzheimers, but make sure grandma gets a script for it anyway.. because the stuff is very good for reducing tolerances of every sort and eliminating cravings. I've used this stuff and it's proven to be VERY effective. Piracetam is not the same, I hear... Downside is, Namenda is made by Forest Labs and is EXTREMELY INEFFECTIVE as an alzheimer's management drug, thus its very expensive and no insurance will pay for it so make sure you live in a gentrified part of town and have crazy wasp insurance. Psychiatrists will actually give you this stuff if you ask them for it...just tell them youre confused sometimes and namenda helps you be alert and remember your grandson's name in the airport....billy or bobby or whatever his or her name was. [ref to donezepil commercial]
^ yes it is very odd isnt it.

i was most surprised to find out opium poppies are 100% legal in the UK.
"A favourite of the Chelsea Flower Show" (most prestigious)

Even more surprised to find THOUSANDS of them growing ALL OVER my town,
including maybe 80 sq ft of just poppies in a churchyard (man i got high out of that MANY times)
and a block of at least a thousand, just outside of town....
A great new recipe!

Ok, so today I tried a new experiment and because it failed it was successful.

the original intent was an idea I had, to create something called "Honey Pod Pellets". The idea was to ground some pods into powder, mix in some honey with the powder, and then compress the powdered honey goop into marble size pellets to be swallowed.

1st I used about 8 golf ball sized pods. They were broken up, seeds discarded, put into a coffee grinder, and ground down to powder. I placed the powder into a pot with a small amount of water (just enough to completely wet the powder to make it more compressable). The water was then strained using a tea strainer. The powder was pressed with a spoon (while still in the strainer) to expel all remaining water. The water/tea was drank. I then dumped out the powder (which was compressed into a cylinder shape from the strainer). I broke it up a little and mixed in 2 teaspoonfuls of honey. this is where it went wrong. It was not as thick and sticky as I had imagined. It was much to thin to mold into anything. So I tasted it like that and it wasn't bad at all! Hardly bitter anymore. It was sweet and the texture was that of apple butter or jam. It even looked exactly like apple butter.So I put 2 slices of bread in the toaster. Then I spread the "honey pod jam" onto each slice of bread. It was actually good! I really enjoyed it! The goop from all 8 pods fit perfectly on 2 slices of toast.

I know it sounds disgusting but I really recommend trying it. If you can get past the fact that its pods and just think of it as a spread, it doesn't taste bad at all. I actually rather enjoyed the taste.

Just thought I would share this with you guys.
xtroublex said:
Following up on my post above, over the weekend I began 2 experiments. The first was a heated water evap. I used 8 table spoons of powder to make tea. I let soak for about 45 min in 4 cups of water at 193 degrees F. The result was a coffee looking liquid. I strained the plant material and squeezed out all the liquid I could. I put the plant material aside and placed the tea in a pot on an electric stove. Turned the burner on it's lowest setting checked temp and was between 190-193 degrees f.

I evaped over a 6 hour period until the liquid was about a half inch from the bottom of an 8inch round pot. I transferred the liquid to a glass pie pan and placed it in the oven at 180 degrees for 4 more hours until all the water was gone. The result was a dark reddish brown material caked on the bottom of the pie pan.

What I Learned:

Use a disposable tin pan or something very non stick. Do not add anything like spray but use teflon or something that would be flexable to flake out the material. I am still "chipping" the material off the bottom of that glass plate.

The second experiment I took 2 tablespoons of powder and 1 cup of Vodka, put them into a small 16oz plastic bottle, shook vigorusly and placed in the fridge for 24 hours. I then strained and squeezed the pland material out and placed the resulting mixture in a small foil bread tin. I will leave it as long as it takes to eveporate.

I had to settle for 00 size capsules as it was all I could get at the moment. This weekend, I will be loading the material from the water evap into capsules and try it. I will report back here with the results.

Here is my 3rd post in my experiment. I got almost 25g of material from 8 tbl spoons of ground poppy powder. After loading the 00 size capsules, I get an average of .5g per capsule.

I have calculated that under the normal tea conditions, I usually consume about 6g so that "should" equate to 12 capsules per dose. I am working on trying to up the weight of each capsule and hopefully get it to about 1g or 1.5g per capsule.

I'll keep you posted.

The alcohol extraction was interesting as it resulted in a sticky substance. This I think could be smokable but since I am not into smoking, I'm not sure.

Stay tuned!:)
PsYcHoAcTiViSt said:
Ok, so today I tried a new experiment and because it failed it was successful.

the original intent was an idea I had, to create something called "Honey Pod Pellets". The idea was to ground some pods into powder, mix in some honey with the powder, and then compress the powdered honey goop into marble size pellets to be swallowed.

1st I used about 8 golf ball sized pods. They were broken up, seeds discarded, put into a coffee grinder, and ground down to powder. I placed the powder into a pot with a small amount of water (just enough to completely wet the powder to make it more compressable). The water was then strained using a tea strainer. The powder was pressed with a spoon (while still in the strainer) to expel all remaining water. The water/tea was drank. I then dumped out the powder (which was compressed into a cylinder shape from the strainer). I broke it up a little and mixed in 2 teaspoonfuls of honey. this is where it went wrong. It was not as thick and sticky as I had imagined. It was much to thin to mold into anything. So I tasted it like that and it wasn't bad at all! Hardly bitter anymore. It was sweet and the texture was that of apple butter or jam. It even looked exactly like apple butter.So I put 2 slices of bread in the toaster. Then I spread the "honey pod jam" onto each slice of bread. It was actually good! I really enjoyed it! The goop from all 8 pods fit perfectly on 2 slices of toast.

I know it sounds disgusting but I really recommend trying it. If you can get past the fact that its pods and just think of it as a spread, it doesn't taste bad at all. I actually rather enjoyed the taste.

Just thought I would share this with you guys.


I like to see people experiment with different things. Especially if it makes it much more pleasurable of an experience.
I ordered up a bunch of pods recently and have made tea on several occasions, always about a week between uses. I've seen figures of needing about 20-40g of pod material to get off for someone who doesn't use opiates frequently. I haven't touched an opiate in a few months (I just moved so my connections are nil) and I still need 60g of pods to feel anything.

I originally bought these because I thought it would be relatively cheap per dose, but it's starting to not seem that way. It would almost be better to find a hook and pick up a point or two of dope..

Any input? Do you think I just got pods with low potency?
It is hard to get the right dose... Thats the only time having some opiate experience is good.. I just got some giant pods like 3x the size of my fresh picked ones and im gonna make a tea out of 4 of them and sip and wait a few minutes....

Pod potency varies greatly on many factors...

Usually the bitter it tastes the stronger it is......

But i sip and wait 30 minutes
Atheist. said:
I ordered up a bunch of pods recently and have made tea on several occasions, always about a week between uses. I've seen figures of needing about 20-40g of pod material to get off for someone who doesn't use opiates frequently. I haven't touched an opiate in a few months (I just moved so my connections are nil) and I still need 60g of pods to feel anything.

I originally bought these because I thought it would be relatively cheap per dose, but it's starting to not seem that way. It would almost be better to find a hook and pick up a point or two of dope..

Any input? Do you think I just got pods with low potency?

yea, you got pods with low potency. high potency pods cost more.

just come around to my area...there's a field of them in the summer. like that scene in the wizard of oz where they go a frolicking through the poppy field and fall asleep in a narcotic haze.....thats how we do..
well i detoxed myself from pods and am clean now. tbh it was the easiest withdrawal i've ever gone through, but it was also the shortest habit i had. only used for maybe 40 days and usually there would be a break in between some days during the week. not always though.

only really had 2 days of feeling shitty. about 3 nights of the shooting restless leg pain. i should also add that i have a pretty low tolerance for pain when it comes to withdrawal. usually i'm useless and in a ton of pain, but this wasn't that bad since i could actually walk around at times. i should also note that i've gone through withdrawal from heroin, oxycontin, and methadone about 6 times completely.
It always seems to take me about a year of heavy daily use before I start to develop WD symptoms when I abstain. I must just be unusually lucky.
JahRed24x said:
Yeah well like right now i just got the poppy sludge sitting in the infuser pot with water up to the top (cuz i drank two glasses) but its not that big so it should be pretty concentrated. You think its ok to just leavve it sit in there overnight and drink it tomorrow sometime after most this suboxone has worn off... cuz its weird i can feel effects from the pod tea but i dont think its any of the opiates, i dunno how does Pod Tea compare to breaking threw the suboxone blockade?

Hi I'm new here, have been reading the ENTIRE POD TEA THREAD and I came across this question on suboxone, something I am VERY familiar with. When I first started Suboxone, (I was on it for about 8 weeks before kicking Opiates completely), I had been taking it with great success for about a week, and I came across a stash of 10/325 Percocets that I had misplaced. I was taking, at my peak, about 10-15 of these a day. In any event, when I came across 20 of these as I was doing some cleaning, I was extremely excited, however, about 5 hours before I found these percs, I had taken suboxone. I started by taking a few...3-4 Oxys as I was so excited I found them I couldn't contain myself. Nothing happened. Not a thing. An hour later, I crushd up 3 of them and snorted them (A ritual that I thoroughly enjoy more than anything on this earth) and after that decided to go ahead and eat 3 more. I just assumed my tolerance was still high and that I needed 8 or 10 to get high. Well I ended up going into withdrawals and getting sicker than fuck. I recomend not taking ANY opiate or opiate like substance within 18-32 hours of taking suboxone. I say 18-32 depending on your dose.

To end my little story, after being sick for about 5-6 hours I felt like everything had exited my system. I was then able to take my remaining percs and have sccess, althouh the effects were milder than usual.
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Getting off the junk...

Valium said:
cold turkey is the method of choice for most, because when you have stuff lying around...how the hell are you going to be able to resist putting it to use if you're addicted to it? you gotta have like mad buddhist self-control and be prone to delusional ideation..like jogging in the park at 4 am to obtain a 'natural high' while you 'taper down'.

please. this tapering nonsense is for the automaton psychiatrists who treat us to recite in calm mental-ward tones.

i think they key things for successful withdrawal.. are

1. be a man and face the horror. youll go through WD and it will pass...it passes quickly. Keep a positive outlook and preferably, substitute the drug you're tapering from with the euphoriant of choice....preferably, benzodiazepines, which eliminate WD unless you've reached Junkie status...in which case you shouldn't be looking to bluelight for help as you should know exactly what to do.

These are very good points. I'll tell you, I had an opiate pill addiction for a couple years that I kept hidden from everyone. I maintained a 2-4 10/650 hydrocodone addiction at just that, 2-4 a day for about a year and a half. Then I ran into some money. So instead of getting my 2 a day from my dr, and then 2 more a day from my hook up, I stopped going to the dr all together, found the percocet hook up 10/325s (they look just like the yellow norcos but are percs....I as als getting the norcos as well) I went through 75 percs and 75 norcos every two weeks once this money came in. Well that level lasted a month and then I'd be going thru that amount in about 10 days, then got desperate and started snorting heroin. I preferred the clean high of pill form opiates compared to the H, Pills would ALWAYS make me energetic and talkative, where as the H I got would make me rush, and energetic for a bit, but then tired and it would wear off quickly. So I foun the H was cheaper.....3-5 buttons a day cost me 30-40 bucks and that would keep me high all day, but when that pill script came in it was F the H, and get with the pills again. That oxy/hydro mix is amazing. AHEM anyway

I say all of that to say this. I went from this ridiculous cycle to running out of money....30k pretty quickly and having to go on suboxone. After a week on the suboxone, minus one slip up with oxycodone (percocet), I was able to effectively dose myself down in a very short 2 month time frame (ballpark). I was given the maximum dose of Suboxone, whatever that is, I don't remember, think 8 mg twice a day....but not positive. I took it twice a day for 2-3 days, then after 10 days had tapered down to a half of one per day. I had limited funds and no insurance to buy this stuff, and the dr apt is 200 bucks and the scrip is another 100.

The point is, you can ween yourself off of opiates no matter how bad the addiction. No matter how fast and furious it comes on and stays, I am a firm believer that tapering is the way to go. I set a date on the calender. Counted out my suboxone, made a schedule and forced myself to stick to it. If you are trying to quit the tea, or any other opiate, i suggest dipping in and out of the sickness and using a less amount each time you allow yourself to dip into sickness. Anybody can put up with dope sickness for 4-8 hours. I know its severe, but thats really how long it takes. Once you are full all out sick for a half a day, and you get that dose, even if its smaller than usual, you will feel like a million bucks. Basically I stretched out a 1 month dose of suboxone to a bit over 2 months, and when I get off it was much easier than the cold turkey I tried about 50 times over the course of my pill addiction.

I hope this non sensical rambling helps at least one person. You can do it!
Now, onto why I'm here. I have read this entire thread, top to bottom because I am getting ready, literally here in the next few minutes to order my first dried poppy pods. My plan is to order about 20 -40 large pods at a time, and when those are gone, go ahead and place the order for more. (that shoud give me about 4-5 days off if I do this right, as I also plan on placing my order on a thursday, and hopefully not recieve it till a monday). Anyway, that is the hope and the plan. I love opiates, and the biggest reason why I quit was the fact that it spun out of control and ended up costing me a shit ton of money. 750 bucks every two weeks on pills and another 250 bucks on H every two weeks goes pretty fast, not to mention the few times I got ripped off on the H and ended up with fake shit. Not sure why that alwas happened to me, but my hook up assumed I ran into a bunch of money and assumed I could afford it, as he would say something like (Yea man, my stash was fucked up too, but ill make it right and discount your next order). When your hooked though, you'll give that motherfucker money 4,5,6 times in a row until he gets your shit right.

Anyway, I'm so glad to be off of all that, and I cannot WAIT to feel that opiate rush again. While recreationally using opiates, my all time favorite was these 100 mg morphine pills I used to get. I think they were time release, and the funny thing is, I used to make a bit of a tea with them. I'd take 150 mg of morphine sulfate from these pills, eat 75 mg and crush up the other 75, mix it in warm water, a small amount of water, and slam it after soaking it for 10-15 minutes. Wow! That was the ultimate rush. Better than snorting H. Better than snorting 3 buttons at once. (4 buttons and I'd throw up and almost die).

So I'm venturing into Poppy Pod tea. Somebody a long time ago in terms of time on this thread, but not time in my mind said to add a form of calcium to the tea mix to get more morphine. Then somebody else debunked it. Then somebody else said it worked, and it kind of died off. I am highly interested in gettng the most morphine content from this as possible. So, does the calcium trick work? Are there any other things I can do to up the Morphine content. I know others have asked that same question, but I did not find (at least in this particular thread) a suitable answer that convince me. So let me know whats up, if I order my pods before noon tomorrow they should arrive by Saturday (at least I hope to God they do). Hopefully I have an answer by Friday.

Oh, (and i hope this is ok to say) on that large auction web site, I have found a couple things that I am considering ordering. I doubt I get an answer in time, since i am ordering before noon tomorrow, but a few questions. I assume when looking up a distributer, bigger is usually the best bet when it comes to the big online auction site. I assume that the biggest seller is the best. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Next question, Purplish Arizonas? Those any good, any experience with them? They are supposedly 3-4 inches with a purplish hue to them, which I read is a good thing on here. These are "thick walled", is that a good thing? Any help on finding a variety would be appreciated! Thanx, and if this is out of line, I will be on this board for another couple hours, let me know and I'll immediately edit. Thanx!
No the biggest are not the best. Papaver Somnifrem (sp?) is what you need. I'd advise to buy from a website and not on an auction site.

All pods big or small can be weak or strong.
kratom luver said:
It always seems to take me about a year of heavy daily use before I start to develop WD symptoms when I abstain. I must just be unusually lucky.

It's funny that you should say that in this thread, and then in another thread on bluelight make this statement:

kratom luver said:
I have been using 230g pod straw to make PPT every day and have been doing this for four months. I cannot function without it, as I become so lethargic that I cannot get out of bed for literally the whole day. I also get a runny nose, yawn more frequently and generally feel quite dysphoric.

I am currently being prescribed 900mg gabapentin and 1.2mg buprenorphine per day for acute pain and have been saving the medication up for a home detox. Given that I have been using for four months, what sort of taper should I use to kick this dependency?

Great contradiction! So you don't get withdrawals until a year of heavy use (yeah right) but after 4 months of heavy use you have all the common symptoms of withdrawal. Edit: Oh heres another

kratom luver said:
Whenever I don't take opiates, I simply cannot function. I'm not really physically dependent if I'm honest, but when I'm sober all I do is literally lay in bed all day, until about 5PM! I have been on opiates for about a year (there was a four month break when I was in hospital). Do you think I should look into going onto MMT? Would they put me on methadone with my only being on opiates for a year?

I don't want to have to come off opiates, even if things get better. I'd rather stay hooked for the rest of my life (at least I'm honest). It's just easier.

Now in this thread you've been using for a year and now you're not physically dependent. 3 completely different statements all within a month or two of each other. WTF?
DJ25 said:
No the biggest are not the best. Papaver Somnifrem (sp?) is what you need. I'd advise to buy from a website and not on an auction site.

All pods big or small can be weak or strong.

Good deal, I think I have found a good web site source. I will be able to make a nice comparison when I test this out for the first time.

This site is a really good source of information! Thank God there is no censorship when it comes to this sort of thing!
Just make sure you dose correctly and safely. Read through the thread. We are here to help each other reduce the harm that they do to themselves i.e. harm reduction WS, we don't want you eating a poppy that no-one knows anything about and poisoning urself do we?;)
DJ25 said:
Just make sure you dose correctly and safely. Read through the thread. We are here to help each other reduce the harm that they do to themselves i.e. harm reduction WS, we don't want you eating a poppy that no-one knows anything about and poisoning urself do we?;)

Yep, that would be insanely bad. When my stuff finally comes in, I'll give yall a report.

*edit* by the way, I plan on doing a smaller dose with chugging action. HOpefully to feel a bit of a rush.....but again, don't want to do an insane amount.
I'd just like to warn anyone making the transition from pure poppy tea "liquid" to "liquid with pod grounds" or "just grounds". I ran out of coffee filters and started using a new method that allows some grounds to get through, resulting in a cloudy liquid. Well, since using this new method, the tea has become SIGNIFICANTLY harder to take a break from, even just for 2 days.

I understand that this is common sense, but the degree of difference it has made in the addictive potential is more than I'd have thought. In fact, I only recently put together that I hadn't stopped drinking the tea daily since switching over, when before I was able to go 4-5 days without even thinking about it.

I get not wanting to be wasteful and all that, but if you haven't started consuming the pod material whole yet, don't. Just an opinion though.
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