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Mega Merged: Ultimate poppy pod/seed tea thread (getting the most out of your pods)

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garuda said:
I'm not even going to point out how foolish you are, just remember that 90% of the pain caused by recreational opiate use is because of government prohibition.

It was just an opinion, and nothing else, you aren't expected to share it. Personally for my own personal gain I beleive I would be better off without opiates.

The rest of the world, maybe not, however I imagine there are lots of people in my shoes with addictive personalities of whom this would benefit. Anyway this is probably going a bit off topic so maybe we should end this debate here.
^if people are prone to addiction and you eliminate opiates, they'll just find something else. It seems apparent that just because a drug's supply is interrupted doesn't mean its demand will disappear.
Good point, however once you've tasted opiates for some you will never forget it. If they didn't exist or you at least never had the chance to try them, it would stop a lot of people getting hooked.

Personally I first found them when I had my tonsils removed (oxycodone). This is the only reason I tried them and the only drug I have ever experienced addiction with. Since then its been on and off with poppy's, codeine and small amounts of oxy.

Whilst I've experienced masses of pleasure I think the 2 weeks of tonsil pain would be worth never experiencing the power of opiates.
I find IMHO that the taste and the proccess of making the tea somewhat deters me from wanting to do it too often. Not to mention the HORRIBLE hang over I get the next day. Headache, nausia, nodding all day. I really don't want to do it that much because of it.

I've never (knocks on wood) had a physical addiction to anything although I have had psychological addiction to both pot and cigarettes. I have kicked the cigarettes and I only do about 1 or 2 hits of the pot each day. I lived with a girl who was an alcoholic. I was amazed at how alcohol could change her from a sweet caring girl into godzilla bitch!

Anyway, I hope you are able to get your addiction under control. It seems as if you want to so that's a step in the right direction.
Larson0 said:
I have been drink pod tea for the past 15 days, almost every day, ranging from 4-8 pods a day once a day. I started out at 4 but obviously my tolerance went up and am around 6-8 now. how long would I have to wait to pass a drug test and piss clean? I've read 2-3 days and 10 days.

anyone have an answer?

2 - 3 days would probably be for just plain ol' morphine.

When you ingest pod tea, you take in the morphine along with cocktail of structurally similar alkaloids. These structurally similiar alkaloids (noscapine, papaverine, etc.) most likely distract the liver enzyme(s) that is/are responsible for metabolizing the morphine. The result is a greatly extended duration.

One simple exposure would probably take about 2 - 3 days to fully metabolize. So consider 15 days of use, it could take quite a while for your body to be rid of all that stuff. So I would assume it's gonna be a while, probably 7 - 10 days.

I did the same thing as you when I first started with the pods, I used (nearly every day) for about 15 days. I abruptly stopped and took a break, and I suffered moderate withdrawals lasting around 5 - 6 days before they were getting better.
Yo i just got done making some pod tea (I used about 5 or 6 LARGE pods). I grind up all the pods and put them in this lil tea infusion pot thingy i got, its used to prepare "loose-leaf" tea. So basically it just works as a giant tea bag except its a metal mesh screen. After i wait for 30mins or however long do i just drink the tea or do you eat/drink the poppy powder sludge? help me out its almost ready to drink.
Save the sludge for a second wash. I've heard of people eating it, but it would most likely make you puke.
ArtVandalay said:
Save the sludge for a second wash. I've heard of people eating it, but it would most likely make you puke.

This is a good Idea. I read somewhere in here that a good way to do it is to let the sludge sit in cold water for X hours until you are ready for your next dose. I believe in the post I am referring to he/she said they let it sit overnight, though I am sure it is not necessary to do it that long to get good effects. Anyway, when you are ready for your next dose, filter out the sludge again. if you are using an infuser as you stated get something to press the juices out from the sludge (I use a spoon). You can then discard the sludge and use the liquid for your next round of pods.

Also I tend to eat the sludge after I make the tea quite a bit. I just make sure it's a bit compressed (Again using a spoon). When I pop it out of the infuser it looks like a compressed mound of sand (like you are about to make a sandcastle). I then wash this down with water. This is the best way to make sure you get all the alkaloids. I have never gotten sick from it. I do have a strong stomach though.
well i just drank two glasses of it and am feeling some of the effects but i think its just the other alkaloids in the poppy that dont act on opiate receptors cuz i took 2mgs of suboxone last night, so its only been maybe 9 or 10 hours sense i took it.. but i still got another 3 or 4 glasses left (swim used 6 of the largest pods i could find out of the 75 swim has) They were label "Arizona Purples LARGE"
PsYcHoAcTiViSt said:
This is a good Idea. I read somewhere in here that a good way to do it is to let the sludge sit in cold water for X hours until you are ready for your next dose. I believe in the post I am referring to he/she said they let it sit overnight, though I am sure it is not necessary to do it that long to get good effects. Anyway, when you are ready for your next dose, filter out the sludge again. if you are using an infuser as you stated get something to press the juices out from the sludge (I use a spoon). You can then discard the sludge and use the liquid for your next round of pods.

Also I tend to eat the sludge after I make the tea quite a bit. I just make sure it's a bit compressed (Again using a spoon). When I pop it out of the infuser it looks like a compressed mound of sand (like you are about to make a sandcastle). I then wash this down with water. This is the best way to make sure you get all the alkaloids. I have never gotten sick from it. I do have a strong stomach though.

Yeah well like right now i just got the poppy sludge sitting in the infuser pot with water up to the top (cuz i drank two glasses) but its not that big so it should be pretty concentrated. You think its ok to just leavve it sit in there overnight and drink it tomorrow sometime after most this suboxone has worn off... cuz its weird i can feel effects from the pod tea but i dont think its any of the opiates, i dunno how does Pod Tea compare to breaking threw the suboxone blockade?
JahRed24x said:
You think its ok to just leavve it sit in there overnight and drink it tomorrow sometime after most this suboxone has worn off...

I think it should be fine. It has worked for me before after letting it sit over night.

JahRed24x said:
i dunno how does Pod Tea compare to breaking threw the suboxone blockade?

This I'm not sure of.... search around.
JahRed- AZ's are the way to go, but beware- there's a lot of vendors that claim they have Arizona's but they're weak. Once you find a reliable vendor, stick with 'em. It may take a few tries.
Well the ones i got look very nice and some of a purplish to them, some more so then others and are a good sized from like 4'-6'. Does Pod tea make u nod like normal opiates or is it more like a methadone kinda high? do u get the itchies off poppy pod tea?

ArtVandalay - Why do you say that the pods labeled Arizona's are the way to go?? is there something different about em? why are some purple and how come the inside of the pods dont have a bunch of dried up opium latex? i always wondered that one...maybe it dries to the walls and soaks in or something?
Nice, I've found that the ones with purple hues are usually strong.Yes, pod tea makes me nod and get itchies. You need a pretty strong dose to nod though.

I've never had methadone so I can't compare but I actually prefer pods to most opiates.

A couple years ago, there were good pods coming out of Arizona. Soon, a bunch of vendors were calling theirs Arizona's. Some of the best I've had were AZ's, but I've also had shitty batches labeled AZ.

Yes, I believe it's in the walls.
Pod tea feels just like methadone to me. it makes me nod when i lay down or relax just like methadone and it lasts for 12-16 hours. i usually make some around 4-5 pm and then i dip until i go to sleep. once i wake up the next morning i go about a half hour feelin normal and then usually lay on the couch and dip out for a couple hours. i dunno what you mean by other opiates or methadone cause they feel the same to me except for the fact that methadone lasts really long and makes me dip harder when i lay down and relax.
Hello all, wanted to tell of an awful experience I had last night.

I've been addicted to pods for about 3 months now, I've occasionally vomited when dosing, but nothing like this. Here is what happened.

Last night I started experimenting with a new batch of Gigantic sized pods I had purchased. I was in moderate withdrawal last night and to gauge potency I made a tea using 1 single pod. My withdrawal was completely gone about an hour later.

Eventually I decided I wanted to try and catch a buzz so I made a tea using 2 more pods and drank it. An hour or so later, I barely felt anything so I took a little more about an hour later. Then all hell broke loose.

I had went out to chill with some of my friends, but all night I knew something wasn't right. Finally I vomited, but still didn't really feel better. I cut things off early from my friends and went home. I felt extremely thirsty and crappy so I tried drinking a glass of water and projectile vomited it a few minutes later.

I started feeling feverish so I lay down in bed. I had goosebumps and felt either too hot or cold, much like a fever. I didn't feel better for about 3 or 4 hours or so. It was very unusual and it has never happened to me before.

I didn't really feel high at any point either. I couldn't tell if I had ingested something nasty, or maybe if they just had crappy alkaloid content. It was a scary experience though.
i had to cut my pod usage back. it seems my body remember opiates (i was a heavy IV H user for years but have been clean for years) but when i was using pods even only 2 x 3 times a week (and i do eat the grounds) and btw i was only using 1 -3 pods - i started getting w/d after 2 days and then after one day and then the next day. so now i'm tapering my pod usage (still drinking the sludge) and i'm down to 1-3 teaspoons of powder a day. i still haven't been able to get past the 1 teaspoon mark - and by the time i do i feel the need to go back to taking one pod again. for my pods 1 pod is approx. 5 teaspoons of powder. i have tried mixing the pod sludge with lime juice - but not grapefruit juice. i really couldn't tell much difference with the lime juice.
anyone tried tapering like this? i notice that my stomach makes all sorts of noises every night after i lay down and this just can't be good for digestion. certainly this slows down your digestion like it slows down the rest of your body processes. well, hopefully, i can taper off finally and just save them for once a month or so partying.
any ideas?
Question. How much water should I be using? I've been doing a cup for every 4-5 pods but i have a feeling thats not enough. anyone have a good amount that they use that seems to work good?
Larson0 said:
Question. How much water should I be using? I've been doing a cup for every 4-5 pods but i have a feeling thats not enough. anyone have a good amount that they use that seems to work good?

I use more water than most people recommend actually. We have these nice 16oz. coffee cups and I usually fill one of those up and pour it in the pot and then pour in my pod mixture (usually 4-8 golf ball sized pods ground up in a coffee grinder). I can see how you could use "NOT ENOUGH" water but I can't really see how you could use "TOO MUCH" water, as long as you drink it all. Using these 16oz. cups I have found that with that much water the tea does not taste bad AT ALL. I'ts not great or anything but two teaspoons of honey - and I can put it down with no problem
PsYcHoAcTiViSt said:
I use more water than most people recommend actually. We have these nice 16oz. coffee cups and I usually fill one of those up and pour it in the pot and then pour in my pod mixture (usually 4-8 golf ball sized pods ground up in a coffee grinder). I can see how you could use "NOT ENOUGH" water but I can't really see how you could use "TOO MUCH" water, as long as you drink it all. Using these 16oz. cups I have found that with that much water the tea does not taste bad AT ALL. I'ts not great or anything but two teaspoons of honey - and I can put it down with no problem

I just hate using too much water cause then I have to drink a shitload. sometimes I can barely drink it and gag every 3 sips or sometimes I can slug it and be done with it quick. I'd just hate to have a lot of liquid that is near impossible to drink ;)
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