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MEGA MERGED METHADONE THREAD...All methadone clinic talk in here

It really is doing wonder's for me... If you use it for the right reasons it's a good choice.. :)
Methadone didn't work well for me. It was too strong and i kept nodding throughout the day. They kept dropping my dose (I was never above 80mgs for more than 3 days) down to 40mgs and I had huge cravings and was still nodding. i wish it worked but i know it has helped alot of ppl. when id try to use on top of it, it was a bitch. I would do a bun with little or no effects.
^What did you use before Methadone?

Sounds like you tried to kill an ant with a sledgehammer.
Methadone Maintenance is one of, if not the best thing's I have done for ME!!! Like many others, my Life was so Fucked up from the Downward Spiral of Opiate/Opioid abuse & all the Misery it brought me & my Family/Friends!!! I know M.M.T. isn't for everyone, but for Many (Including Me) it was a Godsend & gave me the ability to get my Life Back In Order!!! I've been on 4 years now @ an awesome clinic in Northern California. I called the clinic when I was ready to start MMT, and I had to wait 1 week and I was in, went through the motions, payed, & was dosed that 1st day: Two hours later I knew that I made the right choice. My stable dose was 140 mgs., I am slowly Tapering right now and am at 75 mgs. Hey, M.M.T. SAVES LIVES!
i am on 90mg of methatdone and there is no waiting list what soever and after 3 months of being clean and taking 2 classes a month u get two take homes (liquid form) u bring a lock box and they give u your bottles there. after 6 mos u get 4 take homes and after 9 mos u get 6 take homes. i think i am allowed to say how much i pay if not i apologize but i pay 13 dollars a day but i have insurance and after it kicks in they will reinberce me every 3 months 80 percent so it rounds out to about 2.70 a day which is awesome. Also there is never a line outside EVER i have heard of people at other clinics having to wait forever in the cold. it literallty takes 5 minutes to go in and dose. I absolutley love love love my counsler she is caring and understanding and actually went to college and got her degree so she could work at the methadone clinic she never wanted to work any where else bc she belives in mmt so much. it a breeze to get your dose uped u do not even have to see the doc other than when u first come in. your counsler ups your dose!! start out at 30 and u can go up 10 mg every other day!! after u hit 60 its every 5 days but yeah u just tell her she tells the dosing nurse and its done!! so simple even if there was a doc that would precribe it to me i would still go to my clinic for sure i like the liquid way better than the pills and i am also gettinng treatment for my addiction. i love my clinic methadone has changed my life and i will prob b on it for the rest of my life and thats just fine with me!!!(opiate addict for 10 long years)
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methadone has made me the most depressed person ive ever been but saved my life

suboxone made me good with a low tolerance it made me sick with a iv addiction. '

Methadone overall, but i wish I gave sub a chance as it had a shine of happiness at the end of the day
Starting Methadone Soon! Hmmm....

I am about to start MMT and I am excited. I tried the suboxone route, and gave it an honest effort, but 6 months after my induction I feel like I straight wasted my precious time and $$$....

I was wondering ya'll opinions about some methadone clinic issues I am concerned with though:

1. National Travel: I am wondering if I will be able to travel within the states. For instance, say a family member (god forbid) gets very ill or hurt and I need to fly several states away to be with them for a while. Has anyone had this experience? I asked on the phone about this, and they said that I would be able to, and that it would all be determined by my councilor's opinions or something like that. Does that sound normal? I would think that in an emergency the clinic would give me like a month of takehomes so I could go see my family.

2. International Travel I love France, Thailand, Mexico, etc... If after a year or so of being on the clinic I have followed the rules perfectly, will I be allowed to travel abroad? Anyone have experience with this? I am also curious about taking methadone on the airplane.... A month's worth of done-juice seems like it might be kind of strange to carry around everywhere lol...

3. Presriptions Perhaps I may find a need for a sleeping medication, or something like that. Is this something I need to go see a private doctor for, or does the clinic councilor write scripts for these sorts of things?

4. I have done in my system already. I have been trying to avoid shooting dope until I get on the clinic (only done about a gram in the past couple weeks) so I have been taking methadone bought off the street. I assume this won't effect my eligibility for MMT, am I correct? That would suck if they tested me and found the done, and then said "we won't treat you."

5. DOSE.... It takes me at least 60mg of methadone to feel no withdrawal. Less than that and I feel ok, but pretty damn sick. Can I tell them this so I can start on a higher dose (they said the normal starting dose is 30mg)? 30mg will not even come close to keeping me off dope...

Basically, I am really excited to start MMT, but am dying of curiosity about these subjects.... I don't think these are totally self serving questions, as anyone considering MMT could benefit from this information...

Btw, I know all clinics are different. I am just looking for general opinions from those with direct/indirect experience with MMT or Methadone Clinics.

Thankyou for your help!
Unfortunately, you're going to be rather chained down in terms of long-term travel with methadone. The number of allowable take homes is actually federally regulated, and the regulations read as follows:

Time in Treatment Requirements

The following are mandatory minimum standards for the allowance of take home doses. You will not be allowed take home doses in excess of the following.

•Days 1-90 – A maximum of 1 scheduled take home dose per week, as well as a take home dose for one day if the clinic closes on Sunday.
•Days 90-180 – A maximum of 2 scheduled take home doses per week as wells as a take home dose for the one day a week the clinic will close.
•Days 180-270 – A maximum of 3 scheduled take home doses per week + 1 for days the clinic is closed.
•Days 270-365 – Up to 6 take home doses per week.
•Year 2 - Twice a month reporting.
•Year 3 – Once a month reporting.

You'll want your clinic doctor to either write or pre-approve all controlled prescriptions just to be on the safe side.

As far as dosing is concerned, you'll work with your doctor to find an amount that works for you. You'll be definitely doing yourself a favor choosing the lowest possible amount that gets you by.
Unfortunately, you're going to be rather chained down in terms of long-term travel with methadone. The number of allowable take homes is actually federally regulated, and the regulations read as follows:

Is this the case even in emergencies like family shit? The clinic employee who I spoke with on the phone made it seem like my councilor could help me out with this sort of thing, even for vacations and what-not. Like as long as I don't walk in and say, "hey I have an emergency can I get two weeks of done today?" It seemed like they could help me as long as I planned my ventures in advance and was very forthcoming about everything with my councilor...
It's true that take homes depend on how long you have been on the program. Yep there are federal regulations that each clinic has to follow, but as far as the travel within the united states, I've had some experience with it while on methadone. First of all the trip is usually discussed with your counselor and whoever else is involved with your treatment. In the early stages they aren't going to be as willing to let you travel if there isn't a good reason and if you are flying you have to deal with airline regulations also, proper container and prescription label, etc.

But if something came up where you had to leave they have what is called ''guest dosing' and that is basically where your clinic coordinates your treatment with another clinic near where you need to go. Obviously you can't just walk in and say 'hi i'm on methadone please dose me for the next week'. You need to get your clinic to sign a release to talk to the other clinic and they usually fax your orders and info to the guest clinic. I haven't had too much trouble with this, but it's not usually something that would happen overnight either. And every clinic is a little bit different so be aware of that.

Also, the one thing I have noticed is that the way they deal with payments can be very different. What one clinic charges for a dose can be totally different from the next. I have insurance that covers the entire cost of my methadone but when I traveled and had to guest dose I had to pay cash for my dose everyday, they didn't take my insurance. Kinda sucked, but those are things you have to check out because they vary from state to state and clinic to clinic.
I was just wondering how many mg/day dose do you take at the clinic? all you fellow bluelighters that are on methadone. lets hear it, im at 170 mgs, lets see what everyone else is at and are you tapering? if so how are you doing. i grab my friends sunday bottle off him some times, and let me say.... methadone is the only opiate that has an effect on me... dope, oxy, all wont work... thank god.


Now that I got all that serious warning shit outta the way, post away kids!:)


I here ya buddy I been on 130mgs for about a month now, I clearly need an increase starting to feel w/d 12 hors later prior to dosing. I also have a very high metabolism, my counselotr want's me to take a peeking troff test to see my metabolic rate. A split dose would be ideal for ppl who have faster metabolisms. Nothing else works for methadone is the only thing I feel, not even dope lol. If your on methadone maintnence don't even waste yur money on goodies it's not gona work and your goin to be highly pissed! Try to score more methadone if you can bc thats the only opiate your gona feel.
So ive been on MMT for about 2 weeks now and im on 40mgs of methadone a day now. I think its to much because for the first few days of taking my dose i feel fine. Then on day 4 i get sick. Like i cant stop throwing up. Theres times where i puke blood. Its the stuff that comes out after the green stomach bile..sorry for being gross here.
im not understanding whats making me sof its theo sick. Im guessing that its the methadone. That once it really gets in my system it starts making me sick. Its a horrible feeling. Im not taking anything ontop of the methadone. Like no other opiates. I hardly eat any food. Dont know its that or what.
the clinic i go to has the methadone in little bottles that has how many mg is on the side. It tastes like a strong cherry. Different. Then the cherry flavor in dxm cough syrup.
The clinic is only open in the mornings and since tomorrow is a holiday the clinic will only be open from 6am-6:30am.. so thats not alot of time to dose. Luckly i live somewhat close to the clinic.
I hope i dont get sick this time.
what are METHADONE CLINICS (MMT) like where You live?


I'm from Europe.
Tallinn, Estonia. It's 50 miles from Helsinki, Finland by ferry and close to St. Petersburg, Russia as well by road. anyway, we have methadone and bupe both as options for methadone addicts.
Most patients are on 30-40ml/day or 60ml/or so but there are a couple on 100 or 120ml (me being on 120ml day). so nothing idiotic like in the U.S. where you might see 300+ doses. disgusts me. not very racist (however from a country with 0.0% blacks so..) but it seems its always the black people who are either the nurses who give those giant doses either to everyone or to tha other sistas and brothas so they can be 350-400mg/day.
not racist just basing my views on interviews ive read that have had black people be a patient with high dose or the one giving them much frequently than a white person.
nothing AT ALL against black people.

Taking your dose daily: You enter the main room of the clinic. this is also the waiting room for the methadone nurse who is situated in a small room thats accessible from the main room. if nobodys waiting you go straight in, and do your stuff. if people are waiting then usually people just stand around the waiting zone and do nothing or if someone knows somebody they speak of course etc.

so, just wondering, Bluelighters and everbody else that are reading this - what kind of bupe/methadone/heroin and other rehab facilities do you have in your county or country?
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mine in central london was mental (in the Camden/Euston area). No one was there for subutex, just there to up their meth dose again because of all the gear they had been tanning that week. If you wanted to get clean it was a nightmare, hanging around with too many people talking about how good the gear was, and then sooner or later you end up back at their hostel tanning the b again. The staff were amazing, my doctor and my key worker were great but she was too hot!!! If you were trying to kick they were very generous with valium and zopiclone (not that they really help when you are withdrawing!!!).

Some users went daily for their supervised script, i was given a bi-monthly script for my local chemist so was usually at the clinic at least once a week for meetings or scripts.

It's weird, the main reason for the place is to get people clean, but the people coming in had no fucking intentions and just wanted their big fat meth script. At one point I was the only one on subutex out of around 50 patients so that gives you some ideas...I had to get out eventually, just went cold on my meth, died and a small death, and to never return hopefully!

I am now so poly addicted that I can keep H use to once a fortnight...but yeah I still think about it every fucking minute
ok, that is one view.

let us hear about YOUR methadone clinics. United States, Netherlands, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany etc etc.

whats the clinic like? what are the usual doses like? do they offer meth/bupe both? if they do, why did You choose what You chose?
and so on. introduce Your clinic to us.
If Ya'll got any more questions about my clinic, ask away.
Seems like they're pretty generous in the UK. There's 2 methadone clinics in my area. (South Broward, Florida) So you have to pay either 14 or 13 dollars per visit. No matter what dosage they give you. They require that you be in withdrawal at your first consult. That's a joke because when you're waiting to be served, you are surrounded by people fucked up as hell. They just have to cover their asses. As long as you can pay, they will give you the methadone. But you cannot get take away privileges right away. They will give you a piss test for other opiates or drugs and if you test positive, you can't get any to take home. They make you come back to the clinic for more methadone. They make money this way. Plus they don't give anything other than methadone at all. If you need bupe or any other meds, then you will have to see a private physician for that.
Honestlly....while im sure somwhere in the us they give doses of 300+mgs i dont think its alot. At my clinic its usually between 80-120 4 a maitence dose. I used to live in fl....the clinics there SUCKED. Mine was $12/day...u didnt have it....no dose! I live in CT my homestate....only $20/week & they have to at least detox u if you dont pay even if its 5mgs every 3 days.
It always amused me that the methadone clinic here is right next to the plasma center, cause it's all about location, location, location...

I never went to the clinic as a patient, not to recieve...
I'm from New England, US....There's probably about 5-6 clinics within a half hour of where I'm from. You just give them an opiate positive urine on the first visit, pay the $85 to $100 bucks and that's it. They used to let you go as high as you wanted on your dose if you kept complaining about your symptoms, and some of them will still let you get way up there. I've seen people go in for 30 mgs a day of hydrocodone and end up on 180mg methadone maintenance! Absurd!

Still, they've been much stricter in the last few years, especially in regards to benzo use. even if you're prescribed benzos, they'll give you a hard time and try to make you lower you benzo dose or refuse to let you go past a certain mg of methadone until you do so. Also, just recently, if you're positive for cocaine, they'll make you go to a "harm reduction appointment", where they weigh you and fuck with you a for a minute, just to make ya think!

It used to be virtually impossible to get kicked of the clinics in my state, but it actually happened to me a 1 1/2 ago! I have no idea what happened, but I went in for my dose blacked out on alprazolam, didn't remember what the fuck happened, but when I went to get my dose the next day, they said I was kicked off! Their policy for kicking people off, I forget if it was 10 mgs a day or what, but it sucked! I tried to get on another clinic, but the doctor "blacklisted" me and no other clinic in the state would take me! Forcing me to shoot dope! I also got kicked off Suboxone a month earlier for too many dirty urines. So, it's not the free for all it once was, dealing at the clinic and all that bullshit. Still, if you're not using benzos or cocaine or showing up at the nurses station reeking of booze, they don't care! Don't even test for weed!