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[MEGA] Indica vs. Sativa

It really depends on when and where I'm smoking but Sativa takes the cake for me.
i like both because they both get me high. BUT indicas are much more sedating and common where i come from.
I like energetic highs. Sure smoking and just laying there is great but I like being productive while high because all the trivial tasks I dont want to do later are very fun.
heavy indica, i love the high all chilled out lazy, sleepy, laggy its awsome. i have friends that like sativa cause the clean high and i like it too from time to time but i prefer indica. plus i have axiety and sativa strains bring that out more. hybreds where its at sweet tooth is one of my favorites it just gets you so messed up its crazy
I love both...depends what I'm doing and where I am

indica-heavy hybrid at night with some music getting body rushes and complete relaxation is one of my fav things to do...
heavy indica, i love the high all chilled out lazy, sleepy, laggy its awsome. i have friends that like sativa cause the clean high and i like it too from time to time but i prefer indica. plus i have axiety and sativa strains bring that out more. hybreds where its at sweet tooth is one of my favorites it just gets you so messed up its crazy

Yea the other day me and my buddy were just discussing how sativa makes you think and over think most things, not so good if you have anxiety or paranoia.

Also if im running around i hate being all burnt down from an indica high, i just want to go home and sleep.
Northern lights... grandaddy purp... Gotta go with indica first and any sativa later at night.
Yea the other day me and my buddy were just discussing how sativa makes you think and over think most things, not so good if you have anxiety or paranoia.

I get anxiety and paranoia off both sativa and indica strains (I have panic disorder and cannot handle cannabis, but smoke it anyway at times).... but if its going to be a trip, it had better be a psychedelic one and not just an overall uncomfortable one. Sativa all the way. Humboldt Trainwreck is #1.
Do Sativa- Indica hybrids give the best of both worlds?

Not necessarily. I find that pure sativas give a better "high" than a sativa/indica hybrid even it it's 60% sativa and 40% indica. This is because the indica adds a "lazy/hazy" effect to an otherwise clear, focused feeling, joyful high. I guess if it was a higher % u would notice the sativa more, but 100% sativas can sometimes shop the most veteran smokers by its psychedelic effects.

I know what pure sativas feel like because down in Texas we get tons of sativa schwag. I find lots of our schwag-mids that are mexican sativas smoked better than lots of the dank.

Here's some sativa mids that were sold to me at a very cheap price, this stuff came in a brick and broke down to this:

That's mexican sativa right there, good stuff to come around. That a half of that for like 35$ i believe.

Of course I also have gotten 100% sativa dank from houston, shoreline. It's amazing too, better and more potent than shcwag sativa of course.
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Gotta go with indica first and any sativa later at night.

I'd go just the opposite [which makes the world go-round]...a 'sativa' in the morning, as it's more energetic & gives me motivation to get shit done.
Then an 'indica' in the evenings to relax & vegetate on the couch staring at the TV...or listening to music.
I like them both. I notice that a lot of n00bs aren't too crazy about sativas, as they can make 1 feel paranoid, if not a seasoned toker. Indicas will also make a person kinda quiet, as talking can be such an effort if too ripped. =D
Sativas in the a.m. & indicas in the p.m. work well for me. :\
sativas are nice but rare

What's funny is sativas are the bud I smoked first.

It's the indicas that make me paranoid cause I'm not used to feeling hazy/stoned and worthless with no euphoric/metallic headbuzz.

I fondly remember days of getting high to be ridden with laughter, that's what high % sativas still do for me.

They are more rare cause they yield less but good thing about Texas is sativas are in abundance.
when i say that i HATE smoking pot, im not saying i hate pot, and it's effects, and it's potential. not true. in that sense, i actually love pot.

it's the fucking indicas! i FUCKING HATE them! i can't stand feeling like im stuck to my seat, bored, silent, nothing interesting going on in my head. indicas are the reason i cut all contact with my clinic card friends. i'd take them to pick up, and they'd always come out with an indica. you know, to bore the shit out of me. what fun. fuckin tweaker guy would come back in the car going "this is the strongest indica strain on record!" GREAT! THANKS A LOT!! I've even told the guy i despise indica. and the hilarious part is, he's said that twice, on two separate occasions.

it didn't take me long to finally come to the conclusion that if i keep smoking out with my local stoners, im gonna be smoking indica, and im gonna be fucking bored. why waste my fuckin time?

with that said.... i can't even remember what sativa feels like. i cant even remember the last time i smoked pot and felt good! when 4/20 comes ill have my first bowl in forever, but i refuse to smoke anyone's pot if i don't know for sure that it's sativa. i think i've quit long enough to finally feel a satisfying high again, but im waiting till April, no exceptions.
my belief is that sativa strains tend to give a lighter cough and promote an "upper" state of mind like effects of THC. then the indica strains tend to give a "harsher" cough, promotes a downer-like effects and "intoxicating" like effects of THC
it didn't take me long to finally come to the conclusion that if i keep smoking out with my local stoners, im gonna be smoking indica, and im gonna be fucking bored. why waste my fuckin time?

That's to bad. Indica is great in it's own right, and the only thing that is inducing boredom is your environment and activities. Don't blame the plant <3 I certainly favor sativa's head high, but a little couch lock can make even the dumbest movie interesting.
It really depends on the situation and day.
Like, I get Sundays and Mondays off. On Sundays, I don't mind being stoned and lazy. On Mondays I wanna be productive and get stuff done.
edited to add:
I think my dad gets the indicas and I get sativas. I don't know. I can smoke mine all day and do tons of stuff, but I smoke his stuff and I'm on the couch watching movies all day.