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[Mega] "I lost the magic!" megathread

lol if your rolling every 3 weeks or more often than that, you will lose the magic eventually

I've been rolling weekly for 3 months and while the experience has changed and is no longer "novel" it certainly has not lost its "magic" in my opinion. I guess it's just how one subjectively defines things.

On my last roll I preloaded with piracetam and sat down and worked on producing music for about 4 hours, with super clean amphetamine focus, and the mdma made it fun and easy to work on music, and everything sounded beautiful.

About six hours in I redosed half the original mdma dose and did 50mg of mephedrone and danced non stop for 3 hours, then I was sleepy and popped some 5-htp and slept just fine for 3 hours or so, then woke up still rolling, danced some more for like an hour, then ate some breakfast and went about my day. The roll lasted a good 14 hours or so.

Was it a mind-blowing omg life-changing spiritual experience? no, but was it boring and devoid of magic? certainly not, it was a fun and productive and therapeutic roll.

With more frequency and experience it does become a different drug, but not so different that I feel the need to abstain for months at a time to find enjoyment out of it...I prefer to roll when I'm in the mood for it rather than pump it up as some magical mystical spiritual thing, I save that for my quarterly sparkle-flips.
what your describing can happen as a result of binging on many drugs. do your research. and remember, everyone is more sensistive/desensitive to the effects and comeoffs of different drugs.
So I thought I lost the magic but as it turns out double dropping with piracetam bought it back for me. HUGE! I did MDMA last week so I can imagine what it would be like with a proper break 8o

what exactly did you do? double drop the pills and then took piracetam along with it? how much piracetam did you take and when?
ok thanks will give that a try. I was just going to take around 2400 mg a couple hours before, never thought about taking it with the pill.

^= MDMA?

Slang word? Shooting? Bumping? Rushing? High? Tripping? Comedown?

Means the initial feelings MDMA give you.. tolerance will cause these affects to diminish and for some people the magic does not return; lost the magic.

We've been through this..
Recovering from E abuse can take a long time. It took me about 5 months after I quit to start feeling happy and to lose those feelings that alternated between bouts of depression and anxiety and that "flat" feeling where nothing about life really excited me that much. I'm now at 7.5 months and the old feelings of optimism, enthusiasm and excitement about life definitely are back and slowly keep getting stronger as the months go by.
Never experienced it personally but dont worry it will pass. 5-htp is supposed to help your serotonin receptors get less fried. im sure theres other shit you can take but nothings coming to mind right now. definitely exercise and try to eat healthy and DEFINITELY lay off the rolls for as long as humanly possible. and if you do decided to start rolling again (with your track recorded i would be very careful) take at least 3 month breaks unless you want to start your depression over.
wow bro. Stop right now and stay off mdma for a LONG time. mdma releases all of the serotonin in the brain - and once it's gone it's gone. The serotonin is released the first time, and if you take it the next day you're forcing your brain to release serotonin you don't have. You are going to be depressed for a long time because of the continuous stress you put your brain through. I did MDMA 3 times a month and I feel like SHIT; I can't imagine what you're going through.

Stay off all drugs, take vitamin b12, b6, 5HTP, and omega 3, vitamin c, daily for at least 2-3 months. It is reversible, but it will take time, and lots of it.

This is the common mistake with mdma - overuse.
Don't take 5-HTP. It's been a month. It's only supposed to be used the days after you use MDMA. It isn't something you should take regularly for a long time.

Stay off the drugs though.

Take a multivitamin, vitamin B12, and vitamin C daily Get exercise, sleep well, eat healthy. And wait it out. Also try keeping busy and doing things that used to get excited. And put an effort into getting excited about it again. It may just force you to get back to where you were before. Try it out anyway.
3x a week for 4 months is quite an amount of abuse- regardless of all the advice and supplements you take, time is the best aid in recovery and you cannot speed up this process.

To echo others, sleep and time off from all substances are essential during this time. Exercise is a great way to help recovery as well during this time, and making it part of your routine will give you a healthy habit that encourages recovery and will give you endorphins that will allow you to feel a bit healthier.

I find that because recovery can be emotional and a bump frightening road, it's best to have people to talk to about it, and focus on the fact that everything will get better from here on out. Though it may seem silly to you, meditation can help with the feeling of trauma and regret.

You'll also find a lot of info on the subject in our directory (in my signature).
My oh my, what have you done to yourself. I rolled once a week for 4 months about 9 months ago, and I'm still dealing with lots of bullshit it caused.

It's going to take a LONG time for you to get back on track. As in, 1-2 years, without a doubt.

In the meantime, eat like a health freak, seriously. I know you might not want to right now, because I couldn't eat for about 2 months after my bender. But it speeds the rewiring process of the brain gut connection immensely. Eat 3 cooked meals a day, lots of veggies.

Run atleast an hour a day, seriously this is a godsend. It will spike your BDNF plasma levels, which will repair the damage you've caused to an extent.

Curcumin will do the same, lots of vitamins, lots of water and take some St. johns wort, the Kira brand if you want. That also spikes BDNF higher than that of antidepressant, which is why they take 4-6 weeks to work, because of this rewiring. It's effects on your serotonin happen in 2/3 days, the anti depressive effects take 4-6 weeks.

Do this and I'm sure you'll be feeling better in a while, and possibly normal in a few years.

Don't stress about it, the brain take TIME and if you truly want to speed it up, you have to work for it.

Exercising your brain works wonders too, start studying, reading, doing math etc.. These will help the rewiring process.

Your in a battle man, and by the looks of things you enrolled yourself to the front line, be prepared to fight.
I MUST say, I really think the MODs are going WAY to overboard on the rules, regulation and the click button.

How does that thread fall under "Losing the magic"? He never mentioned losing that feeling at all, he's talking about after effects.

Also, yesterday I posted a recovery study, which should be of great help to slot of users/abusers, and now it's in Basic Drug Discussion?

Jeeze, if that study doesn't support harm reduction then I don't know what does.

It seems like ALOT of threads are getting closed lately, and people aren't getting the advice they need from more than ONE perspective, everyone have different pieces to the puzzles guys, I really think you need to relax.

No offense intended of course, it just my opinion.
^ i dont see why you have any issues. All threads can be accessed. This thread was merged here because every single week we cover this topic, this op could find tons of info if they read the directory. Instead of just linking op to the many threads on the subject and closing it ive left it open for posting by moving it here.
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^ true, I don't exactly have issues, I've just noticed the forums changed a bit lately, not saying it's a bad thing. Like I said it's just my opinion :)

And yea the directory has lots of answers, but many n00bs don't know what it is, I never for a month or two.. Also every situation with abuse is different! And new members seem to be adding different perspectives every week, that aren't posted in the Archive (e.g FirstBadComedowns info).

Like I said it could be just me! Do threads get automatically delivered to the directory based on content and key words, or so mods have to slide it over there?
Its all sorted out by key words im pretty sure. Its not a bad thing that you have these questions and concerns, thats why im addressing them with you. Your right that not all noobs know of the directory etc so thats why when i do close a thread i provide information on where to find wjat they are looking for, a reason why its closed and sometimes even direct links. I dont like to make people feel shut out of the forum so i'll usally leave threads open for a day or two and watch them but once it seems like all the information being given is repeating i close it up.
Sounds good to me, I think one of my old threads in under there, what an honor lol. But yeah, that's a good protocol, I was just wondering, keep it up!

Piracetam and clean pure mdma with nothing else in it are the answers to not losing the magic.

5htp maybe for a day or two after a good roll but you don't need more than that.

If you are having trouble recovering I suggest doing 5htp for 3 or 4 days, and then taking like 5g of Piracetam a day, getting plenty of sleep and exercise, and eating healthy. I don't think the body can really be irrevocably screwed just from mdma alone, although if you're getting pills with methamp and/or pipes in them then YMMV.

There seems to be big cross-tolerance with methylone and some people prefer the speedy effects of methylone, if you like speedy then just stick with that. Methylone seems less hard on the body than mdma. MDMA is a serious drug that needs to be treated with respect and its absolutely essential to live a healthy lifestyle, know your source and product quality, and figure out your pre- and post-load regiments if you're going to use with any kind of frequency.

Piracetam really is a wonder drug for regular MDMA users...it's quite inexpensive compared to buying enough MDMA to be concerned with long-term issues, and I can't strongly recommend it enough. 5-HTP is great too, but you don't need to take it with frequency. Piracetam I want to take on a daily basis because it's helped a great deal with many things not just MDMA tolerance.
^ Why does clean MDMA have to do with losing the magic. Take "clean, pure" MDMA everyday for a month I guarantee your magic will be gone. Just because you take pills with speed in them doesn't mean that you are necessarily lose the magic more than the next guy.
this is something that hasn't made sense to me for a while now and I see it all the time in ED.

Why is "clean/pure" mdma associated with not losing the magic and a less severe come down/ recovery? I know meth and pipes will obviously fuck you up, but abusing mdma will too. In fact, I would think the more pure the mdma, the more setotonin you're losing, right? Is there any logic to this or am i just high?

I just don't think getting clean mdma means it's any less harmful than adultered mdma/pills. It's just harmful in a different way.
this is something that hasn't made sense to me for a while now and I see it all the time in ED.

Why is "clean/pure" mdma associated with not losing the magic and a less severe come down/ recovery? I know meth and pipes will obviously fuck you up, but abusing mdma will too. In fact, I would think the more pure the mdma, the more setotonin you're losing, right? Is there any logic to this or am i just high?

I just don't think getting clean mdma means it's any less harmful than adultered mdma/pills. It's just harmful in a different way.

It's a misconception that pure MDMA is the answer to lack of a come down- serotonin depletion (which is caused by MDMA more than any other likely additive) can cause severe negative effects and depression.

To operate as though MDMA is a harmless "clean" drug, and amphetamines and other common additives evil and the likely reason for not feeling too clear is rather naive. Amphetamines, and piperazines can create a horrific comedown (of course), but MDMA is a powerful drug, and as you said, the more pure and strong your MDMA, the more serotonin is released, and therefore depleted.