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[MEGA] God v.2


Bluelight Crew
Mar 4, 2003
Now I'm wondering what amazing and spectacular fairy-unicorn-mermaid-dragon checking technology has been developed and tested recently. I must start watching the news!!! :D
Ryka, I can tell you there are some things I experienced that I or nobody else can explain, but even after all this I am still hesitant to believe in god. I think there is a great power within us that science has not discovered yet, we are just far more complex than science can explain. Again one of my many hypothesis.

Opy I wasn't directing my thought at you sorry for the confusion...OP is orginal poster...I'm new here too and having a slow time translating the new terms

Like MNIND what does QTF stand for.

opy I actually agree with your hypothesis, It's one of the ones I think about quite often...I believe in "energy" being a part of it as well.
lol@ science & tech remark.

hey, let's measure radiation levels with a spatula! wow, no result. therefore radiation must not exist.

Except that all it would take is a video or any number of instruments to measure an object. They must be invisible to cameras huh? And resistent to thermal devices? The only thing they can be measured by are a handful of people who are keen on making such claims. Reminds me of the story of the dragon in the garage.
And the fairy thing is akin to alchemy. It was purported to be true, and no one can prove 100% it wasn't, but there is very very unlikely that it was true.
Opy I wasn't directing my thought at you sorry for the confusion...OP is orginal poster...I'm new here too and having a slow time translating the new terms

Like MNIND what does QTF stand for.

opy I actually agree with your hypothesis, It's one of the ones I think about quite often...I believe in "energy" being a part of it as well.

No problem I am kind of new here myself, :)
Except that all it would take is a video or any number of instruments to measure an object. They must be invisible to cameras huh? And resistent to thermal devices? The only thing they can be measured by are a handful of people who are keen on making such claims. Reminds me of the story of the dragon in the garage.

You couldn't have made that argument 300 years ago when there was no cameras or thermal devices. And what if a dragon is a cold blooded animal, I guess it won't show on your thermal device, one might say it is resistant to it.

And the fairy thing is akin to alchemy. It was purported to be true, and no one can prove 100% it wasn't, but there is very very unlikely that it was true.

One of the beliefs of ancient alchemy was that you can turn different substances into gold, it was kind of a "magical" and "fairy" stuff at that time. Not so nowadays, you can synthesize gold easily with a help of nuclear physics.

All I am saying is that there is a whole lot more things to discover for a human kind in a not so distant future.... give it another 500 years more or less :)
You couldn't have made that argument 300 years ago when there was no cameras or thermal devices. And what if a dragon is a cold blooded animal, I guess it won't show on your thermal device, one might say it is resistant to it.

The point was that since absolutely nothing in this world can verify its existence, it probably is just someone's imagination. At least that is how these kinds of claims have worked so far in our history.

One of the beliefs of ancient alchemy was that you can turn different substances into gold, it was kind of a "magical" and "fairy" stuff at that time. Not so nowadays, you can synthesize gold easily with a help of nuclear physics.

All I am saying is that there is a whole lot more things to discover for a human kind in a not so distant future.... give it another 500 years more or less :)

Synthesize gold easily? No. I am not aware of any nuclear reactions that wind up with gold. If there are, it would be such a tiny amount that it would not resemble anything close to alchemy.

My point being that with what we know about living organisms right now, the idea of a fairy or dragon just doesen't jive. Our current understanding of biology and history suggests that they were just stories, like so many things at that time.
Except that all it would take is a video or any number of instruments to measure an object. They must be invisible to cameras huh? And resistent to thermal devices? The only thing they can be measured by are a handful of people who are keen on making such claims. Reminds me of the story of the dragon in the garage.

If it were only so easy.

How can one film a premonition or a dream? The great majority of these kinds of things are like this. I'm confident that "Inexplicable" healing has been looked at very thoroughly, and if you look you'd find some unanswerable questions. If you are referring to telekinesis, i don't know how this is done and whether it can work as easily as winking an eye or twiddling a nose (i strongly doubt it).

The only incident of such a kind i have witnessed was not an intentional one. My brother many years ago had severe temper problems and on one particular bad turn, he was walking (just walking) past my door, and a picture frame flew from my desk onto the floor as he passed. No, the picture was nowhere near the door and he wasn't causing any shaking in the solid brick home.

Anyway, even if one could do this intentionally, have you considered that incredulous attention may adversely effect the ability to do such things? I'm sure you'll dismiss this as a "convenient cop out" excuse, but when you consider the possible mechanisms at play, which are (roughly speaking) physical manifestations on thoughts, the presence of a skeptic (and their thoughts) may easily counteract the manifestations themselves.

Considering your approach to this subject throughout this thread, i highly doubt that should you ever witness blatant obvious evidence of such an occurrence, you would refuse to believe it anyway, rationalising that it is as a result of something completely "logical".

And i thought you said that you would drop the subject.
Stuff has moved on it's own around me before as well, a couple times during a moment of extreme emotion, but more often when I was doing some intense energy work. I can't say if I'm doing it or if some other sort of entity did it, but it's always freaky!

Things used to move on their own a lot in the house I lived with my ex. It was unpleasant.
Strange as it may sound, I rather enjoy this kind of experience whenever it has happened around me.
Yeah, its interesting. I don't mind it when it happens now because I'm pretty sure it's me doing it somehow. But there have been times before....

edit- haha I just remembered a funny one. Once me and my ex were in the kitchen making dinner and he opened the freezer. A light bulb just randomly came flying out of the freezer, flew across the room and crashed on the floor, busting everywhere. We both just sort of stood there, stunned, and looked at each other like, "Wait.. what?"

How the light bulb flew on its own wasn't as weird as the question of why a lightbulb was in the freezer in the first place. lol
When the "well" within the human being dries due to lack of awareness of its existance and hence use, the person becomes barren and spititually dead.

If we have covered over and cease to draw up into our consciousness what is contained in our inner depths, we become rational robots. "God" reality, is a metaphor and "Jesus" was trying to teach how to look within. Now I am not religious in a sense of man made religion, but this is how I translate it, and so did Jung and others, the bible for the most part is a metaphoric language of this kind.

Today, even more so needed in our society, for a way through life that will lead to a conscious awareness and of such intentions, in contrast to the merging of our individual identity with a collective organization, like the Church or some malignant state of a perhaps political formation, which finds that the outer shells of the personalities of many people conceal a hollowness, an emtiness long to be filled, and of a present agony that many experience. Churches unfortunately are concentrating exclusively on extraverted attitudes and ignoring the needs of the inner person. It is bereft of a living of an inward directed religion, where people in their desperation, turn to means of escaping fron their inner isolation, perhaps to drugs, alcohol, addictions, as a compulsive expression of an absence/sickness within! The less structure we have within ourselves the more we will desperately seek to find it ouside of ouselves!

There is a more personal and creative side of Christianity because of the discovery of the unconscious, of the reality of the inner world, which we are ordinarily unaware, but which greatly affects our conscious life, and which is the most important religious fact today. The realization that conscious life is grounded upon our inner secret life which reveals its knowledge of the unconscious. The reality of the inner world and that conscious life is immersed in a sea of spititual reality.

There is a realm of non physical reality that is experienced in nonsensory ways . Reality is not exclusively in terms of what is known through the senses, or where human nature is defined in terms of will or behavior. We experience both outer physical reality and inner spiritual reality, and thinking of this as if mythology is very outdated way of thinking that is irrelevant in a scientific and enlightened era, and as if not anything ovjectively real.

This is a materialistic view of human beings, which has been chanllenged by the discovery of the unconscious. This inner reality is archetypal in nature and it has a structure common to all human beings. The unconscious is not only the basement of our minds into which we place the discarded material of our own lives, it is also the ocean out of which our conscious lives have sprung.

The extovert's center of interest and sense of personal identiy are found in the world outside of themselves.
The introvert's ultimately value what is taking place within and find that their chief interests and sense of identity lie in their inner world. Most people have one are more developed in the expense of the other.

****Without some dvelopment within, the life of the extravert, may be shallow.

I was talking with an 96 year old scientist who was in a wheel chair for the last twenty years. He told me, of his inventions, of his articles and books he has written, and how refreshing it was to be able to talk to someone who understood, since where he is at the moment he has a lot of people with dementia around him, and unfortunately he has some form as well.
He told me with anger, how his mother forced him all his childhood to go to church every weekend, and how he came to hate it. It made no sense to him as a scientist. No rationality behind it he said. No inner reality he insisted when I inquired if at least he could see it as a tool to go within. Non existant he argued....though with a smile.

When I asked him where he derives his inventions and his writings, he looked at me perplexed. He had no answer! I asked him if his fantasy had any play in it, and if his inner life he insisted does not exist, layed a hand in it.

He stood there looking at me. He came to reflect for a while, and though he tried to deny it over and over there was none, he came to agree, that what I was saying had reasoning in it albeit he had to go into depth for this, and yes, he agreed, there is an inner reality, where he draws from his fantasy especially more so at the moment write about the green creatures from out of space-though his inventions also had come from this.

He came to agree after my persistence to think, could the weekend persistence of being guided to religion, have perhaps given him the tool, with which to go within, where he exercised the use of his creativity and fantasy?

He had to think again and again, to come to say, I think that what you say, may after all have a validity. I had not being able to see any value at all of the religious irrational thinking before. So perhaps, I should stop being so angry at my mother for that.

Could some more of the scientists have also being missing the point of an inner life?

But religion is also passing these subliminal messages to the unconscious, and provide more then simply belonging to a group. Something which is as large as is life, connects us with that all human need of belonging and oneness-and a place to surrender!
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If it were only so easy.

How can one film a premonition or a dream? The great majority of these kinds of things are like this. I'm confident that "Inexplicable" healing has been looked at very thoroughly, and if you look you'd find some unanswerable questions. If you are referring to telekinesis, i don't know how this is done and whether it can work as easily as winking an eye or twiddling a nose (i strongly doubt it).

I wasn't talking about premonitions or dreams. You are confident that inexplicable healing has been explained thoroughly? What are your credentials? Because from where I am sitting, there is so much unknown about the cell that inexplicable healing can not possibly be explained thoroughly. New proteins and their functions are being annotated all the time. I am guessing you don't know how telekinesis is performed because no one knows, it doesen't happen.

The only incident of such a kind i have witnessed was not an intentional one. My brother many years ago had severe temper problems and on one particular bad turn, he was walking (just walking) past my door, and a picture frame flew from my desk onto the floor as he passed. No, the picture was nowhere near the door and he wasn't causing any shaking in the solid brick home.

Just like people swore they saw bigfoot, people swore they saw aliens over area 51, and people will swear things like this happen. anecdotal evidence is the worst kind. If it is happening as often as people on this board suggest, it should be pretty easy to confirm it somehow. I'm afraid we are going to have to chalk it up to wishful thinking.

Anyway, even if one could do this intentionally, have you considered that incredulous attention may adversely effect the ability to do such things? I'm sure you'll dismiss this as a "convenient cop out" excuse, but when you consider the possible mechanisms at play, which are (roughly speaking) physical manifestations on thoughts, the presence of a skeptic (and their thoughts) may easily counteract the manifestations themselves.

I haven't considered this because the mechanism for telekinesis doesen't exist.. How could you possibly say that something might counteract it if you don't have a clue how it works in the first place? That is like me saying that my happy energy is going to counterat the sad force in Tokyo today, a completely meaningless and arbitrary statement.

Considering your approach to this subject throughout this thread, i highly doubt that should you ever witness blatant obvious evidence of such an occurrence, you would refuse to believe it anyway, rationalising that it is as a result of something completely "logical".

Yes, educated people tend to find better explanations than superstition.

And i thought you said that you would drop the subject.

I did drop the past discussion.
Just like people swore they saw bigfoot, people swore they saw aliens over area 51, and people will swear things like this happen. anecdotal evidence is the worst kind.

Why? Because it doesn't happen to you?

Sure there are liars out there, and people who make things up for attention, and there are also people who can be easily convinced they saw something when they really didn't, just to run with the crowd or for a variety of other reasons.

And then there are the people who swear they saw something because they actually saw something.

I'm afraid we are going to have to chalk it up to wishful thinking.

You feel free to do that. "We" don't have to do anything.

Yes, educated people tend to find better explanations than superstition.

It's these smug, passive aggressive comments from you that make me have a problem with you.
Why? Because it doesn't happen to you?

No, because it is a lot more likely that a person is crazy or experienced a random event rather than aoutlandish claims being true. For example, a person once fell from a plain and lived because there was a current of air that negated his weight at the last second. Now this person could say that falling with a cross of jesus invoked the powers of god to save him, but what happens when the next poor guy ges smashed to bits? One subjective story hardly counts for anything. I understand why you so desperately cling to the idea that a personal story is good evidence, but it just doesen't make it so.

Sure there are liars out there, and people who make things up for attention, and there are also people who can be easily convinced they saw something when they really didn't, just to run with the crowd or for a variety of other reasons.

And how are we supposed to know you don't fall under any of these categories. Again, back to the anecdotal evidence thing...

And then there are the people who swear they saw something because they actually saw something.

They might believe they actually saw something, but that doesen't mean they did.

You feel free to do that. "We" don't have to do anything.


It's these smug, passive aggressive comments from you that make me have a problem with you.

You haven't exactly been the picture of politeness. it is funny watching your snide little remarks, all of you guys jumping on my back together (with all of the sarcastic comments), but then crying foul when you feelings are insulted in the least. Please.
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