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[Mega] Dosage mega thread

Higher dose = more psychedelic roll, imho yes (if I remember right MDMA is metabolized to MDA partially, which could explain that).
100-250mgs = erm, 250 as an inital dose? either you're a hardhead or wtfdunnocutwhatever, usually a higher dose shouldn't be better for raving since most people feel pretty much floored the higher the dose goes, but everyone reacts differently to a certain drug.

Regarding your comedownquestion: if you got MDMA that is either pure or cut with inactive ingredients the comedown shouldn't be a problem. Active ingredients like amphetamines might make your comedown harsher + it is a question how often you have done it + how you space out your rolls. My first 6-7 times I never had something you could call a comedown. Thats a thing that occured after some binges and pretty short time spans between the rolls.
Hey, I recently acquired a gram of molly. I snorted around 150mg, but I never felt like I was really rolling. Just alert and in a good mood. The stuff is MDMA, but I was just wondering if I didn't take enough or something. I also spread it out into about two and half lines. Was this my problem? Should I have just snorted it all at once? That seems like a really big line.
Snorting it is nowhere near as euphoric or fun as oral ingestion try doing 1.5 orally it will be much better I can guarantee it.
Snorting it is nowhere near as euphoric or fun as oral ingestion try doing 1.5 orally it will be much better I can guarantee it.

I shall try this next time. :) I have been weird about orally taking molly lately. Weird night where I felt absolutely no effect whatsoever for taking a cap and now I'm all paranoid. This stuff is different from that time, so I'm sure there's no need to worry.
first time with molly questions about dose

So I have the oppurtunity tomorrow to try what according to my friend is pure molly caps, or as pure as it can be lol Hes tried it before and didnt have problems so im assuming its good.

My question is whats a good dose? I dont plan on redosing and it doesnt take much for me to roll.

I know its hard for you guys to answer without me testing it, but I was wondering from your guys' experiance how much would it take to get a good roll for someone with no tolerance.

Thanks :)
A normal dose from as far as I can tell is around 150mg. And if it doesn't take you that much, then it seems that would be good.
Since you said it doesn't take much for you to roll, I'm going to assume you have rolled off of 'ecstasy' pills before, and I'm going to give you this advice:

First, I have to point out, that other than the fact that it's powder and not pressed, there's really not much of a difference between 'molly' and 'ecstasy' pills. It's all MDMA/MDA/MDE, or at least it should be. So, if you need say, two pills of 'ecstasy' to roll, don't go around thinking "molly is pure, so I should only take one" Sadly, unless your plugging it, that's usually not how it works.

So, take as much 'molly' as you would 'ecstasy' and you should be5mg if it's actually good :)

Also, in my experience, most people don't need 150-175mg if it's their first time using MDMA. If they've never rolled before, 100mg (or sometimes even less) seems to be enough for most people. However, since it sounds as if this person has in fact rolled off pills before, I'd say take 100mg/0.1g/1capsule for every one pill you usually take. If you want to increase the amount you take, go for it, but don't take any less just because "it's pure molly," cuz it probably isn't.

molly =/= pure

powder =/= better than pills

It all depends on the specific pill, and the specific powder.
OP: what's your height/weight/gender, when is the last time you rolled, how much did you take then, how often do you typically roll?

All of these factors will play a part in what will potentially be a good dose for you. And even then: a theoretically correct dosage for you may still be off the mark, everyone's body works differently.

That being said....
Your molly is probably not pure... There is a difference in pure and clean.

clean = few to no active cuts
pure = no cuts whatsoever. nothing but active MDMA

The textbook "hit" of MDMA is typically stated as being around 100 mg (0.1 g). So you could use that as a sort of guideline to guage how much you should take (depending on the previously mentioned variables about your body/usage).

LSDMDMA&AMP's estimate is pretty good. If you don't want to have to redose: 175 mg of your product should do you just fine without kicking your ass too badly on the comeup.
OP: what's your height/weight/gender, when is the last time you rolled, how much did you take then, how often do you typically roll?

All of these factors will play a part in what will potentially be a good dose for you. And even then: a theoretically correct dosage for you may still be off the mark, everyone's body works differently.

That being said....
Your molly is probably not pure... There is a difference in pure and clean.

clean = few to no active cuts
pure = no cuts whatsoever. nothing but active MDMA

The textbook "hit" of MDMA is typically stated as being around 100 mg (0.1 g). So you could use that as a sort of guideline to guage how much you should take (depending on the previously mentioned variables about your body/usage).

LSDMDMA&AMP's estimate is pretty good. If you don't want to have to redose: 175 mg of your product should do you just fine without kicking your ass too badly on the comeup.

im 5'5'' about 115 punds and im a male. The last time I rolled was in february and I only took one pill. I usually roll once every month or take longer breaks and ive never taken more than one pill.

and yeah i get what you mean by clean and pure I just wasnt sure how to word it haha

I ended up not getting any and im stuck with pills, but thanks for all the replies I appreciate it, and these answers can come in handy later on :) tonight should still be good either way :D

Correct dose for a show?

So, im going to a huge name in Dubstep on the 21st of April in San Fransisco (IM STOKED!) and I am going to be taking either 3 slaps or 3 molly through out the six hour show. Im wondering, when I should take the first second and third, so that ill roll hard, for a god 4-5 hours. After the show (1pm), im going out with a couple of friends to mob around and take a stroll through SF.

So, when in the show should I take my stuff? IM trying to have a good, clean, long lasting roll going on for this show.


- Soda-pop :)
Nahh, its actually from 8pm - 1am. But it could go till about 2am or 3am though.
Im thinking, ill pour the powder outta one capsule, and parachute it. Then right when i feel the first signs of the comeup, ill pop another, and then an hour after, pop the third, and roll for like most of the show? Is that plausible?
Im thinking, ill pour the powder outta one capsule, and parachute it. Then right when i feel the first signs of the comeup, ill pop another, and then an hour after, pop the third, and roll for like most of the show? Is that plausible?

IME, the best way to 'boost' is to do it with a 2:1 ratio (i.e. take 2 pills first, one pill later) if you do this, it should last throughout the show, and it will be stronger than what you described. In my experience, boosting makes you roll longer, but it doesn't make you roll and harder. In other words, whatever you start out with is what you stay with. So, if you start out with one pill, you'll only roll as hard as one pill will make you roll, even if you take more later.

Start out with 2 pills, and take the third before you peak :)
Will it hit me?

Hey, so the last show I went to was a local dubstep show where i took 2 MDMA caps, and it didnt hit me very hard, i had a small body high and had a lot of euphoria, but i was definitely not giggen balls like i wanted to. Before that, about a month and half, i went to Bassnectar and took 2 slaps and was straight up ROLLING.

So the last show I went to was aout 3 or 4 weeks ago and i popped 2 molly. And it didnt hit me hard at all. Im going to Zeds Dead in about 2 weeks, and I want to be rolling on my ass. Im planning on getting 3 MDMA caps for the 5 hour show, and I want to roll as hard as possible using those three. Do you think I should take two initially, wait till i hit my peak and boost the third one? Or take one, wait 15 mins, take two, wait 30 mins, and take the third? Or bomb them all at once? Or parachute 2 and pop the third a bit later? IM really confused.

I've also heard that vitamin c increases and make the roll duration longer, is this true? Cause I have some Vitamin C tablets in my kitchen i can bring. What do you BL'ers think? :)

Help is MUCH appreciated!

- Soda-Pop
If this is confirmed MDMA, then i would take two and take the 3rd an hour to an hour and a half later. This should get you where you want to be.
Vitamin c is a great antioxidant, and that's all it's really worth.
1) Vitamin C is good for a POST-load only (take it after you're done rolling). It will NOT make you roll longer/harder.

2) Depends how much MDMA is in each capsule... But my usually dosing schedule would be to double drop (take 2 caps)... Wait until just before your peak hits, then take the 3rd.