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[Mega] Dosage mega thread

I'd aim for ~130mg, that's what I took last Friday and it seemed about perfect. Moving this to the Dosage MEGA
Ideal dose to 'roll'


So basically after reading a lot of different experiences by users they describe a 'roll' to be the must euphoric feeling filled with love, compassion and energy.
Personally I've only taken MDMA on a few occasion varying on small doses to medium dosages due to shit pills where I live, although it's hard to say the exact doses I've taken. The most I've experienced is having a lot of energy as well a slightly increased appreciation for music and others although nothing compared to what I've read online by other users who have experienced a good 'roll'.
I assume this is just because of the dosages I've taken previously.

In the upcoming months I pan on acquiring some good MDMA powder/rocks from a trusted and reliable sources *SNIPPED - No sourcing!* and will also test the MDMA myself to ensure it's good quality. I then plan on weighing the powder into capsules for a music festival where I will be taking the MDMA.

Although where I need help is on what dosages I should take to achieve a good but not overwhelming 'roll'. Im around 6ft 2inch and weigh around 70kg, I'm quite a slim build and have an incredibly fast metabolism.
The festival will go for around 10 hours so I was wondering what dosages will be ideal as well as re-dosing throughout the day.

I do plan on smoking a lot of weed after the festival to help me sleep as well as the comedown as I've had some pretty shit ones before.

Greatly appreciate all advice <3
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I'm going to go ahead and move this into the Dosage MEGA thread, you ought to give it a look over, it's got a ton of information in it

Generally though, you're NOT going to be able to roll for 10 hours straight. Maybe 6-7, but even that is likely with a few too many redoses. IMO don't drop for a few hours after you get there, then take ~150mg with another 100mg after an hour or two. That should keep you great for a good 6 hours at least
Is my dosage of MDMA too high?

I am wondering if the amount of MDMA i'm taking is too much. i'm a 5'3 average sized female & have tried the powdered MDMA instead of capsules 3 times now, & every time i've done it, its been about 1/5 of a gram to myself or about 200 mg i believe? the high is amazing but about 20-30 minutes after taking it, i don't remember a solid amount of time of the night. my jaw is aching in pain for about 2 days after the night, & my pupils stay quite dilated for at least another day, & my body just feels exhausted & sore. when i have done the capsules a while back, the next day i have felt depressed & negative about everything. but this stuff just makes me feel soo tired the next day. is it normal to have blackout effects from MDMA or is my dosage just too much??
I've never even dosed 200mg of pure MDMA at once to be honest, the highest I've gone is 180mg... even that is overkill IMO, ~150mg is a perfect dose for just about everyone. I'll move this into the dosage thread with the other one though, you should check the responses there
the last time I rolled I remember going home and actually forgetting what I did for half the night, I remember it went like this

T 1:00 was peaking hard
T 2:00 ??????
T 3:00 ??????
T 4:00 ??????
T 5:00 I'm tired

The negative thoughts and emotions is from depletion of serotonin, 200mg is a pretty darn heavy roll! You should definitely wait a minimum of one month before having a time like that again. The powdered md is just what's inside the capsules usually if your not getting rocks :)

So TL;dr it isn't uncommon to blackout but I've done large dosages and tbh don't recommend them as the long term damage is really not worth the short term few hour high.
I've never even dosed 200mg of pure MDMA at once to be honest, the highest I've gone is 180mg... even that is overkill IMO, ~150mg is a perfect dose for just about everyone. I'll move this into the dosage thread with the other one though, you should check the responses there

Thats what I am saying... my highest single dose was probably around 175. That is too much to be honest. I am always shocked at the dosages I hear people taking these days. Those people, must not test their product or very very low purity/cut to shit. With the influx of garbage drugs circling the scene me and my lady took a step back from the rave world years ago. I gotta saym when I read a lot of posts on BL these days the first thing that comes to mind is , untested and not MDMA. Sucks... the rave scene was a magical place when high quality mdma was the norm.
Thats what I am saying... my highest single dose was probably around 175. That is too much to be honest. I am always shocked at the dosages I hear people taking these days. Those people, must not test their product or very very low purity/cut to shit. With the influx of garbage drugs circling the scene me and my lady took a step back from the rave world years ago. I gotta saym when I read a lot of posts on BL these days the first thing that comes to mind is , untested and not MDMA. Sucks... the rave scene was a magical place when high quality mdma was the norm.

Its damn magical for those in the know still. As it was then. Its the same shit.
Its damn magical for those in the know still. As it was then. Its the same shit.

Well obviously high quality MDMA is still around. I still have access to extensive high purity batches of MDMA... I'm sure I always will.. That is not why I don't eat MDMA anymore (rarely*) and don't attend "Raves".
I don't really like edm (clearly use to)..... and I am not a fan of the scene.

But, the reality a lot of people have trouble getting it. They think they are getting "molly" which many end up getting something else. I despise the word "molly" :!
I've had 250mg at a festival..knocked me on my arse couldn't get off the floor of my tent..though it was very enjoyable, grinning from ear to ear,tripping through time and space, was grand after about two hours got up and danced like a mad cunt:), Ideal dose for young lads like yourselves would be about 70mgs mdma+70 mg mda and a bit of speed thrown in..90's special...Stay safe folks. dralexpatterson :) Just about back to normal after about 15 pills last weekend at festival probably a gram and a half quality mdma green ghost..nice and clean
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am I the only person who generally gets through about 750mgs a night? with no 'brain zaps', just a moderate comedown which goes after a day or two? mostly less actually. And I 'roll' about every two weeks.

I think that some people on ED way, way over exaggerate the negative effects of MD, which you claim is harm reduction but I think actually causes more harm, people get so paranoid about it being this dangerous evil neurotoxic drug that will ruin their brains forever that they start to have these negative symptoms.
^ Exaggerating the negative symptoms of over MDMA usage may create paranoia. But, I don't believe most BL'ers are exaggerating anything. Keep up your 750 a night dosage and you will eventually come back preaching the same stuff. Overuse of MDMA causes some serious symptoms. I suffered brain zaps and many other negative side effects and I didn't use the dosages many people here talk about. I spaced out my MDMA usage and ALWAYS tested my products. I used it over a long period of time and even though i used responsibly for the most part (other than the occasional festival when I used two nights in a multi day event) I suffered for a while. Yes, it left no health concerns after I stopped using MDMA, ate healthy, worked out and kept busy for some time. But, it was not fun. I couldn't imagine people who use the dosages your speaking of. Do you test ALL your product?
Aloha people, got something i would like some help with, three weeks ago i dosed 180+160 saturday and 180+100 sunday and felt just as amazing as usual. The two days was just chill with the better half in the apartment with nothing all to spectacular happening. The drug goes under the name 3mc and is a newer version of the old crystal MDMA that I've usualy been taking, don't be fooled I've tried the newer one before. However what I don't get my hands on is the information on the time-stamp for it, is it the regular 1-2months? Would like to get rid of the what's left since I do not really fancy having it in my apartment and no idea when to use it ey!

Appreciate any information regarding this!

Much love <3
200 is a lot stronger than 150, not 'a little'. 20-30 is an annoying amount to have left over not really much you could do with it, maybe try a 170-180mg cap? Will still hit you significantly harder than 150mg.
If you are heart set on 200 get a scale and weigh out a 130 and a 70.

Though keep in mind 200 is 33.3% more than 150, that's not a small step.

Have you taken this amount before with this quality?
MDMA has a pretty steep dose-response curve, especially after 100mg. 130mg is a light, subtle roll but 150 is pretty much full on.

I'd say take like 175mg this time and save the other 150mg for later so you can have a full experience both times
Did you do that 300+mg all at once? I've been slowly increasing how much I have been taking each time since I started doing MDMA again to try and find my perfect zone.

100mg is where I started, nice light roll after about a year off the drug.

120mg was a bit more noticeable and was a nicer high

130mg was just a little more intense than 120mg and was a dandy time

150mg was quite a bit more intense, was a full on roll.

I plan on saturday to dose 150mg plus a 50-75mg booster to extend the roll.

I personally would either dose 150mg and have a booster or dose 150mg+20-30mg cap at once depending on how confident you are that it actually is 20-30mg...

Just my 2 cents.
Are all these dosage amounts based of off 100% pure MDMA? because pure MDMA barely exists. I recently did .4 in a cap and had a good time, but didnt end up running around naked or anything. And the comedown wasn't bad, just couldnt sleep till 5am after taking it at 10:30 pm