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[MEGA]Community Growing advice, tips, tricks, & experiences Part 4

^ done. Sorry about that, you should be able to PM me now. Hope you find the video interesting to watch. It's not too long so shouldn't take up too much time.
^ I found it interesting, but I consider myself way more educated in BHO than other methods so i'm not gonna talk about the others... But extracting in plastic bottles with a towel as a mesh, really? At that point it deceived me, but it was still good refreshing the memory with the polar and non-polar solvents.
^ I agree, I personally wouldn't have done it that way myself for fear of contaminant chemicals leaching in, but for those that are complete beginners it's a good introduction into the different methods I think.

I found a good way to do the BHO was with thick glass bottles. I know for a fact that unlike possibly some containers made from some metals and plastic, there is no way the glass can make the product impure. Theoretically there's a slight chance of explosion but I've not found it to be an issue and protective gear will protect against that.
Ok guys....After much fucking around i have (I hope) managed to upload a pic...Could you tell me how im going by sight please....Ive never grown anything before, even house plant die on me!!! I put this in in about November and it was a twin...Planted one seed and got two plants...

Ok Here goes.....


When i did it in the testing grounds the pic came up!! Ohhh well, back to the drawing board...
OHhhh Ohhhhh Its there!!!!! I did it through photobucket...I see others using NSFW??? Is that a better one to use?...Why are the other peoples hidden and you need to click show?...I feel exposed!!!
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Looks great! Nice sativa looking plants. What strain is it? Was it a feminized seed? If not has it shown its sex yet?
Satvia? Strain???? feminized seed???? Im sorry A.E...I have no idea...Outa all the weed i bought early this year i got 1 seed!!!!! I put it on the top shelf for a few months and then remembered i had it and planted it in November...If id had a handfull of seeds i wouldnt have picked the one i planted....I heard they should be firm and dark (the seeds) when selecting...This one was pale green and small...But i threw it in anyways...When it came up there were two plants!!...It suffered a bit of damage due to a huge xmas day hailstorm we got in Melbourne, but has come back...

I believe its female A.E as it aint showed likewise...I should be on the lookout for balls is that right?
As its extremely bushy, this am ( morning ) i took about 40 big leaves off it...The picture i posted is AFTER i took them off...I wanted the sun to get on all the branches and places in the middle...Is this the right thing to do?...My hubby reckons DONT TAKE ANY AT ALL....photosynthisis or sumpin like that????

Also what the fuck is 12/12? I read about it everywhere on here...In advance, Thank you....
Looks great kirsty.... don't bohter with removing fan leaves. Lookf for little white hairs whre branches/stems meet, that thats you want to see. I would be suprosed if it didin't have pre flowers already.

you can tell its astiva dom by the thinnish levaes.

12/12 is an indoor method of fooling a plant into thinking the season is ending and it must start get ready to reproduce. Cannabis is a short day plant menaing it flowers when the days get shorter.

I can't be sure but from the look of the growth tips your plant may be entering flowering....
Thanks again A.E...Yeah it has very small buds forming already in between the branches and white hairs.... Ohhh I understand 12/12 now....
This picture may be clearer....
Wasnt sure how i put the last pic up and took me a fair while to work it out again!!!...Guess i will have a few weeks to go eh?
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Weed Growing Brown Hairs ?

My weed plant has grown brown little hairs near the main stem of the plant.

Just curious to know what they are???

its 9/02/12 and it has not budded yet.
Got any pictures to show us?

And its probably the female 'hairs.' Their actual name escapes me at the moment, but its showing that your plant is a female.
^in the beginning of flowering female flowers will have white hairs, not brown. As far as I'm aware.

How long have you had them in flowering? (When did you start 12h dark/12h light)

How many true leaves do they have?

Pistils can be brownish. Both male and female have them.

Have you ID'd your plant as male or female?
most likely its the pistils

female pre-flower

out of a tiny pear shaped structure will come out 2 tiny white hairs, almost translucent in color

not 100% sure what those brown hairs you got are, but they aren't female flowers as female flowers will ALWAYS come out of a small pear-like structure

can you take more up close images?
In future don't remove any leaves as minddetergent says. Your hubby is correct. They're there for a purpose and that is to supply the plant with sugars from photosynthesis. The practice is called 'leafing' and the consensus is that it's more detrimental than good. Hopefully it won't have shocked the plant too much. edit; also don't prune it any more by topping it etc. at all because it'll just delay flowering.

Usually the pre-flowers which you should be looking for form first at the nodes towards the top of the plant first, so look there first. Type in pre-flowers into Google images and you should get an idea of what male and female ones look like.

Also I don't think I would bother potting it up.
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I'm pretty sure he's talking about the bracts, not the pistils. You might have to wait until the pre-flowers show but I can tell you both males and females have the bracts. edit: he said brown, not green so I don't know. We need a better photo of one of the nodes to say otherwise it's just pure speculation.
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