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Meet the Zodiac Personalities


Jan 4, 2004
Most people are aware of the astrological sign of their birthday and how it affects them. You may not know that we are influenced many of the zodiac personalities to form you as a whole. For more information on this and how it affects you personally, search for a natal chart reading on google. I used www.cafeastrology.com to make them free for myself and loved ones. It has led me to do research to clarify what different things in the chart mean.

I have re-worded most of this to explain the zodiacs as an energy embodied by a symbol that can effect our choices and lifestyle.
My understanding so far is that I am a Libra (how i know myself),
my moon (emotions) are represented by Capricorn,
and sun (image i project) is represented by Virgo, modified to appear Leo. This goes much farther in depth and Its crazy how accurate it can be.

Zodiac Elements

Found at https://astrostyle.com/learn-astrology/the-elements-fire-earth-air-and-water-signs/

The Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Like fire itself, fire signs tend to be passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. Fire can keep you warm, or it can do great destruction. While fire burns out quickly without fuel to keep it going, it can also regenerate its power from the ashes. A single spark can set off a forest fire. As a result, fire signs need to be nurtured and managed carefully.

The Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air signs are all about action, ideas, and motion—they are the “winds of change.” When a strong gust hits you, you can’t help but move. While some within their ranks may be true-life “airheads,” others are as powerful as a gravity-defying G-force. Air signs bring everyone a breath of fresh air when things start to get stale. Like the breeze, you can’t quite catch them, and you never know where they’ll drop you once they sweep you up. It will almost always been an adventure, though.

The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth signs keep it real. They are the “grounded” people on the planet, the ones who bring us down to earth and remind us to start with a solid foundation. Slow and steady, these “builders” are loyal and stable, and stick by their people through hard times. On good days, they’re practical; at worst, they can be materialistic or too focused on the surface of things to dig into the depths.

The Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio Pisces

Intuitive, emotional and ultra-sensitive, water signs can be as mysterious as the ocean itself. Like water, they can be refreshing, or they can drown you in their depths. These signs often have intense dreams and borderline-psychic intuition. Security is important to them—after all, water needs a container, or it dries up and disappears.


Symbol: The RamNo filter
Element: FireGets angry, then forgets why they were angry
Modality: CardinalThinks everything is a game they can win
Ruling planet: MarsWill do anything on a dare
Easily bored


At their core, Aries do what they want and do things their way. As the youngest of the zodiacs, they are unafraid of conflict, highly competitive, honest and direct. Aries is not weighed down by the freedom of choice, and is perhaps the sign that is least conflicted about what they want. They throw themselves at the world eagerly and without fear. It is one of their most commendable qualities, but also what can cause them a great deal of pain and grief.

Aries are driven by a desire to prove themselves and their strength. They naturally take charge and are competitive and ambitious. Aries are spontaneous and courageous. They have a sense of adventure and love to explore. They’re determined and bold, and are good at initiating new projects. They have high energy and can initiate quick actions. They can also be impatient, but are naturally active and don’t like to waste time.

While Aries like competition, they don’t like to play games. They are highly self-aware, have strong opinions and are always ready to defend them.
This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/aries-sign.


Symbol: The BullJust wants to cuddle
Element: EarthHomebody
Modality: FixedAll or nothing, no in between
Ruling planet: VenusWears the same outfit everyday
Hates big changes


Taurus is the human equivalent of moss. A handmade wooden chair. They are normally satisfied with the way things are. They embody stability. Sitting in a patch of grass admiring the breeze. When everything else seems to be falling apart, Taurus is an oasis of calm, a rock of dependability. Practical knowledge and experience is their modus operandi.

Taurus is oriented around the physical world. It tends to be grounded and logical, loves routine and is committed to its own comfort. It likes to be in control. It is patient and steady, and its materialism is an extension of its pursuit of stability.

Once it gets into a groove, it’s difficult to get out of it. Object in motion stays in motion. Object at rest stays at rest. Appreciative of beauty. Attuned to physical pleasure. Likes things to be predictable. Perfectly happy eating the same meal over and over, or wearing the same outfit for a week straight. It would prefer things be consistent than chaotically good. Taurus likes to discover what they have the most fun doing, and then do it to the extreme.

Taurus has a regal quality about it. Graceful and diligent laborers but can be stubborn, bull-headed, and set in its ways, but also a great listener and very dependable.

Taurus can absolutely go on forever. Like a machine, it never feels fatigued. And no matter what is thrown at it, it will inevitably overcome any obstacles because it has already prepared for every contingency. The hand-built truck that will never break down it is the bulletproof vest that never rips.
This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/taurus-sign.


Symbol: The TwinsCharismatic
Element: AirUses humor as a crutch
Modality: MutableCould talk to a brick wall
Ruling planet: MercuryArguments as flirting
Knows a little about everything


Gemini is very intelligent and quick to pick up knowledge. It is perceptive, analytical, and often very funny. It has an unreserved and childlike curiosity, always asking new questions.

Gemini has an uncanny ability to size up a person’s character in a matter of seconds, even if they only just met them. If someone’s bluffing, it will be the first to notice. It is a great communicator, very responsive and a sensitive listener.

Gemini is versatile, comfortable being both an introvert and extrovert. It is quick to adapt to the energy of a room. It can be the life of the party or a complete wallflower. It knows how to bring dissimilar people together and make them get along.

This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/gemini-sign.


Symbol: The crabVery sensitive
Element: WaterSeeks comfort
Modality: CardinalForgives but never forgets
Ruling planet: The MoonOnly has one boundary, but it is very firm
Takes on other people’s problems


A Cancer personality is like wading chest deep in a lake of warm water. It feels sparkling and cool while it’s touching the body, but you know that if you were to dive in, it would feel warm.

Cancer self-awareness is like the tides. Constantly moving in and out of focus, its personality is layered. It has many moods, some of which are contradictory, but it also has a deep, core self that persists.

Cancer is weighed down by its own sorrows and the sorrows of those around them. It is frequently haunted by grief. It’s hard for Cancer to share its pain with others, and it is often afraid to be vulnerable because it carries a fear that people will use its weaknesses against it. Cancer has learned to hide its pain to avoid burdening anyone else. It pretends it's okay when it's not.

Its emotions are like an exposed nerve. It can feel everything. It's like a tuning fork that vibrates at the slightest provocation. It tends to carry deep grudges because it can’t forget the emotional sting of a slight. This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/cancer-sign.



Symbol: The LionExudes warmth and creativity
Element: FireA little bit vain
Modality: FixedReally big personality
Ruling planet: The SunWants to stand out
Interested in luxury


Leo is bold, warm, and loving. It is also the ultimate showman. It can dazzle with the theatrical flair of a Broadway star and the charisma of a politician. With a captivating personality it has a way with words, and can speak eloquently on just about any topic, no matter how quickly it has been introduced to it.

Leo injects ambition into everything it does. It is ruled by the heart. It is brash and confident and trusts in its instincts. Its actions are natural and effortless.

Leo has an unrelenting appetite for growth that is easily satiated by the praise from others. When it is hurting, it shows. It will use its anger as a protective wall to shield its vulnerabilities. It wants to be perceived as unbreakable because it is scared of admitting vulnerability, needing things from other people, and being incomplete. This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/leo-sign.



Symbol: The VirginNeeds to feel useful
Element: EarthHas a quick fix for everything
Modality: MutableJudgmental, but with good intentions
Ruling planet: MercuryExceptional spatial awareness
A million ideas per second


Virgo is known for being a perfectionist. A clean freak. Known for their attention to detail, it can find patterns where there are none. It can be finicky and critical to a fault.

It’s true that Virgo is very particular, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it keep neat spaces. Its particularities and habits don’t necessarily line up with traditional views of cleanliness. It could live in what looks like a Tasmanian devil-style dust storm ruin, but still impose a “no shoes in the house” or “no outside clothes on the bed” rule. Maybe its house looks cluttered, but it still knows where everything is. Everything has its place. Virgo prefers to exist in organized spaces, but put their service orientation over its own comfort. This can mean that Virgo is too busy fixing the lives of those around them to put much work into providing for its own needs. It is rarely motivated by its own self-interest.

Virgo is also known for being intelligent, but because of its introverted nature it can sometimes have trouble expressing itself. Talking to Virgo may feel like floating on the surface of existence, and like you never know what it's thinking and feeling deep inside. Its emphasis on thoughts and ideas can seem like a cover-up for its lack of emotional depth. In reality, it is a fortress unto itself—the definition of self-containment. Virgo will be endlessly accepting of whatever you have to share, but may not see the value in spontaneously performing a similar excavation of itself from anyone else. More at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/virgo-sign.



Symbol: The ScalesHates being alone
Element: AirReally good aesthetics
Modality: CardinalConflict avoidant
Ruling planet: VenusSees every side
Prone to fantasy
Can’t make decisions


Libra is difficult to really understand because it seems very contradictory on the surface. It is simultaneously extroverted and introverted, strategic and spontaneous, focused and intuitive. This variability makes it difficult to pin down its true character. It is an entire constellation of personalities. Libra is different depending on who it's around.

This is because Libra values empathy. It is receptive and can be other people’s mirrors. Because of this, it has strong opinions about others, but takes a long time to understand itself.

It wants to be admired, not for its talents but for its charm. It wants to be seen as the responsible figure who can balance out the turbulent elements around it. Libra feels an intense amount of guilt and shame when it is unhappy because it knows that its unhappiness affects everyone around it.
This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/libra-sign.



Symbol: The scorpionPrimary emotion is betrayal
Element: WaterLooks cool in a leather jacket
Modality: FixedOK with uncomfortable silence
Ruling planet: PlutoCan’t be sure if they’re serious or joking
Eyes that look into your soul


The Scorpio personality is a profound chasm of infinite complexity (or at least how it projects itself). It is a difficult personality for others to get to know. It is a psychological trap door. Scorpio socializes from behind a double-sided mirror, always scanning, reading others while they can only see their own reflection. It prefers to be the one asking the questions. It removes others skin with its perceptive scalpel and takes inventory of their pulsing viscera. It probes and pushes. It knows the little things that make others tick. Their pressure points. The subtle ways to procure the answer it is seeking. It is keenly aware of its power, flows, and position within its matrix.

Despite its ability to be generally popular, there’s something very lonely about Scorpio. It has a ruthless view of the world. Eat or be eaten. Every interaction is a meeting of opposing powerful forces. A clashing of wants and needs where somebody wins and somebody loses. Its knowledge of other’s internal structures gives them an edge over competition. It knows how to play others against each other. It is forthcoming and evasive at the same time, depending on what is situationally beneficial. It is blunt, but not tactlessly so. It is intentional about the information they reveal. It is not a liar, it does not espouse falsehoods, but it is a master of opening windows on certain truths while concealing others behind heavy curtains.
This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/scorpio-sign.



Symbol: The ArcherNo indoor voice
Element: FireForms opinions off of pure emotion
Modality: MutableObsessed with self-improvement
Ruling planet: JupiterWields their truth like a blunt weapon
Friendliest person at the party


Sagittarius is the ultimate empiricist. It will always choose principles over feelings and will often question who it is. It moves from job to job, philosophy to philosophy, belief to belief. Explorers of the human condition and unafraid of change, Sagittarius feels like the world is its playground. It loves to explore the unknown and wants to understand how the world works.

On an unbounded quest to discover the whole of the universe inside of itself, Sagittarius is unshackled from any particular worldly attachment. It is reckless in its pursuit of what it wants, and often ends up doing and experiencing things that defy conceptions of the possible.

Sagittarius is an explorer. Both the fearless adventurer and the jaded critic, it understands that knowledge comes in two forms: the shallow, disposable kind that comes from external sources, and the kind that comes from within. Sagittarius knows that external knowledge can be easily gained while internal knowledge is exponentially deeper and more powerful. Its on a quest to delve into the depths of the universe inside the human mind. It doesn't do this to prove that it has all the answers, but instead because it knows that the journey is the destination.

This and more found at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/sagittarius-sign.



Symbol: The sea goatFull grown adult since age six
Element: EarthThe responsible friend
Modality: CardinalMotivated by duty
Ruling planet: SaturnTakes a while to warm up to people
Represses any emotion that gets in the way of success


Capricorn is a master of discipline. The wringing of the hands, the constant reminders, the exacting structure, the ever-increasing goals, the tidal wave of self-criticism that lasts forever. It is the ultimate perfectionist. It can be so absorbed in its own internal monologue that it becomes impossible to get it to look away from itself. Capricorn is often called a “workaholic.”

It is an incredibly pragmatic rule follower with a highly developed moral compass. From a young age it is impressed upon it that its whole sense of worth and meaning is based on its ability to hunker down and force its way to the finish. This turns it into an achievement junkie. Its drive to succeed is a reflection of its fear of failure. The most stressful time in a Capricorn’s life is when it questions its own authority. When Capricorn is in a position of power, it is most stable. When it's put in a position where they have to cater to someone else’s agenda, it can become a little unhinged.

Capricorn collects responsibility. And it always seems to take it all on. Capricorn needs to be the one to fix everything. Responsibility is its natural state. It has a “can do” attitude. It is the martyr and the champion, the guardian and the judge, the team captain, the chief of chiefs, the general, the leader. But even as it leads the charge, Capricorn can feel like the loneliest zodiac in the world. It wishes to be completely self-sufficient, and is scared of depending on others.
More at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/capricorn-sign.



Symbol: The Water BearerPurposefully esoteric
Element: AirDoesn’t ‘do’ feelings, just concepts
Modality: FixedActually believes in conspiracy theories
Ruling planet: UranusMore in love with humanity as a whole than individuals
Always feels like an outcast
Fetishizes personal freedom


Aquarius is the archetypical outcast. This doesn’t mean it is a loner. In fact, it thrives in large groups—charming you with its peculiar senses of humor, intriguing you with fun facts about the history of disposable straws, or convincing you to join its reading group. The alienation it feels is often self-imposed—a result of its knee-jerk contrarianism, rather than a lack of social intelligence. It tries to be weird. It hangs grapefruit rinds from the wall and calls it art, it pretends to actually like noise music, it saturates its internal monologues with SAT words.

“Intelligence,” to Aquarius, means the ability to formulate the most unpopular opinion possible. If it were a white sheep, it’d dye its wool black just to prove a point. It is destined to live its life in direct opposition to the current world. In fact, it is a world-builder. An entire universe exists in its head, and this universe adheres to its own set of logic that doesn’t map onto reality. It is not a liar. It is a utopian. It is not cold. It is rational. To it, emotions are just holes in their idealistic vessels. Why succumb to sensitivity when there is so much knowledge to acquire, so many problems to be solved and worlds to invent?

It sometimes asks itself, “Why can’t I be normal?” but in reality, it finds normalcy boring, and it stakes its self worth on its ability to be interesting. It wants to be unknowable, to evade definition. Definitions are binding little rules that others use to restrict its movement, and it must resist anything that infringes on its freedom to drift. Between definitions, between the individual and the common, between itself and humanity. The ultimate Aquarian struggle is resolving the tension between its need for community, and its need for complete detachment.

Aquarius is always running little tests. It lives its life as one big science experiment, using the element of surprise to collect reactions and construct theories about the intricacies of human nature. It is a walking abstract art piece, shattering traditional perspectives with its complete disregard for convention. It is a martyr to the cause of “humanity”, and “freedom” is its only demand. More at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/aquarius-sign.



Symbol: The fishesSomehow both 5 and 50 years old at once
Element: WaterThinks everything is a sign
Modality: MutableCan’t remember if they dreamt it or it actually happened
Ruling planet: NeptuneExcessively romantic

Prone to fantasy
No boundaries


Describing a Pisces personality can be difficult because Pisces tends to evade distinction. Its behavior changes significantly based on who they’re around. Pisces is just a permeable membrane that pensively let things flow through it. It is a cerebral sea sponge that is boundless. It tends to dilute itself with larger personalities to avoid having to form a coherent identity.

Most of the qualities usually associated with Pisces (dreaminess, emotionality, imagination) are internal processes that are difficult to observe from the outside. This is because Pisces is primarily inward-facing. It is not self-absorbed, but it is absorbed in itself.

Ultimately, Pisces wants to dissolve. To wrest itself a physical form and diffuse into everything it touches as love. To exist in the gossamer liminal layer that hangs just barely above the material. To live its life like a romantic poem. To understand that reality and fantasy are neighbors on the same infinite plane.
More at www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/pisces-sign.
My house is all death. Gypsy-witchraft, no bullshit.
If any of this is true, though, this is my last merry-go-around;
I've done my fucking time.

I've reached nirvana, while you bitches gets to be re-incarnated.

You'd think I'd be humble?

Fuck that.
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My house is all death. Gypsy-witchraft, no bullshit.
If any of this is true, though, this is my last merry-go-around;
I've done my fucking time.

I've reached nirvana, while you bitches gets to be re-incarnated.

You'd think I'd be humble?

Fuck that.
Everyone is free to make their own choices in my eyes. Think / believe what you want or makes sense to YOU.

I explained them as energies because they seem to have an effect on people when they don't take time to think for themselves.
Like an auto response. You are none of the zodiacs, you are you.
These are mostly just to help clarify what each zodiac represents and to help understand different personality types
You know I still don't know what to think about this stuff but it never ceases to amaze me how accurate these can be. I'd say 75% of it is on the nose and the rest only partly applies to me.

I still don't know what to do with this information. I'm a scorpio 🦂. How do I interpret this info to be beneficial in my life?
You know I still don't know what to think about this stuff but it never ceases to amaze me how accurate these can be. I'd say 75% of it is on the nose and the rest only partly applies to me.

I still don't know what to do with this information. I'm a scorpio 🦂. How do I interpret this info to be beneficial in my life?
It depends on many factors, mostly based around where it is found in your natal chart.

Your natal chart is a map of the location of the planets at the exact time of your birth and the effect their energies had/ have on you.
It includes representations of zodiacs, planets and "houses".
What is a Natal Chart?
A birth chart, or natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. Most people are aware of their Sun sign; however, there are multiple aspects of astrology governing our lives. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. We can look to these placements in order to further understand our strengths, weaknesses, and purpose in life.
What are Zodiacs?
Astrological signs, or zodiacs, are the twelve 30° sectors of the ecliptic, starting at the vernal equinox (one of the intersections of the ecliptic with the celestial equator), also known as the First Point of Aries. The order of the astrological signs is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each sector was named for a constellation within it in the time of naming.
The 3 Most Important Parts of Your Chart

Your sun sign is your overall “self,” ego, and who you grew up to be.
Moon: Your moon sign is your emotions, your hidden self, and who you were as a child.
Rising/Ascendant: Your rising sign is how you relate to other people and the personality you project.

Inner Planets and Your Personality

There are plenty of other factors influencing who you are. Every planet in the solar system landed in a sign when you were born, and each one represents something within you. (Note: Sun and moon are considered “luminaries" and astrologers don’t count Earth.)

"The inner planets move faster and are closer to Earth, therefore closer to you, so their effect is on your emotions, habits and thought patterns. These are the planets that you'll notice have the most influence on your day-to-day life."

Mercury: Your natal Mercury represents how you communicate, your mind, and how you learn and process information.
Venus: Where Venus was placed when you were born is how you express femininity; it's the love language you speak and how you act in partnerships
Mars: The placement of Mars is how you express masculinity, anger, aggression, and passion.
Jupiter: Jupiter's place on your chart dictates your luck, your personal belief system, and how you broaden your horizons.
Saturn: Where Saturn was when you were born translate to the restrictions and challenges you may face, how you handle responsibility, and your career(s).

Outer Planets and Your Personality
The outer planets are considered generational, because they move around the sun much slower than inner planets. They stay in each sign for years and have a slower effect on your daily life due to their distance.

Uranus: The placement of Uranus on your chart shows your visionary side, how you rebel, and represents flashes of genius and inspiration.
Neptune: Neptune on your chart affects your dreams and fantasies, and represents how you escape this reality.
Pluto: Pluto's placement shows how you will experience rebirth, transformations, and your karma/fate.
What are Houses?

"Each house is associated with a set of traits beginning from the self and expanding outward into society and beyond. At the moment you were born, the planets were all in specific signs and houses. When an astrologer interprets your chart, they blend the meaning of each planet, the house it’s in, and the sign it’s in, to map the obstacles or gifts you’ll face in this lifetime."
I do not remember where I found this information at this time. Most likely www.cafeastrology.com

This chart shows what each of the 12 houses represents


I am not a professional in this field, and so I can only explain so much at this time.
I don't want to tell you a bunch of crap that ends up way off what others (actual professionals) say and so I can only reiterate the things that make sense to me.
I mainly wish to give you information, and allow you to draw your own conclusions. Call it all bullshit if you see it as such.
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If all you get from this is that not everyone is the same, and helps you to understand where different people are coming from, what energy they may experience, and why their perspective may be as it is you have gotten plenty.

This is also a gateway down a rabbit hole to research towards the idea of "finding or meeting your own soul".
To help you understand yourself and others and to grow in any area you yourself deem necessary.

Edit: Natal chart explains the effects of the celestial bodies on your mind and body
If you want to "find or meet your own soul"/ spirit.. look into numerology (created/ creation inspired by the same guy that found pythagorean theorum)
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How do I interpret this info to be beneficial in my life?
Upon further meditation/ contemplation / consideration (whatever you want to call it..)

I have Scorpio in 2 of my houses and I understand the energy of it well.. The biggest lesson I have learned from it..

To ensure that you take enough time to understand the "prey" into your Scorpio "traps" as to not hurt anyone you care about.

Because revenge is its main emotion, sometimes I have found myself reacting before I fully thought about the situation or took the time to understand the other person's point of view/perspective.. I hurt them for hurting me without understanding that it was not their motive. The "trap"s can be used as good teaching moments to get people to pay attention to "where they walk". But there is a different lesson in "watch your step" as opposed to "overkill". Some things may require "overkill" because it is a firm boundary for you, but choose wisely. You could be hurting someone that doesn't deserve it, or doesn't even understand what happened. If there is no message to improve from, how do they know in what way they need to improve or how to avoid your "traps".

Does this make sense?

Also if you have already read it, I edited the response above
My house is all death. Gypsy-witchraft, no bullshit.
If any of this is true, though, this is my last merry-go-around;
I've done my fucking time.

I've reached nirvana, while you bitches gets to be re-incarnated.

You'd think I'd be humble?

Fuck that.
What’s each of our drugs lol
What’s each of our drugs lol
if you want to experience your soul Lsd, mushrooms
for empathy or self love id say mdma
what else do you need? illl try to guess another.. these are also my preferences and may not represent you
So is it the honest reflection of these zodiac entities that channels energy in your life?

Or is their position in space-time somehow magnanimous? The etched historicity being described symbolically in a constellation..

Stars as coordinates.. like a map you read at twilight.. looking for the way to go.
So is it the honest reflection of these zodiac entities that channels energy in your life?
It seems like it to me. There are times that mulltiple zodiacs may effect a single part of you.
Ie : if you had Virgo, and Libra in a single house. Both of their energies would effect you in that house. Some zodiacs work better together than others.

Or is their position in space-time somehow magnanimous?

I think it is the closer the position the higher the effect it has.
The farther away something is, the longer it takes to move from our perspective.

It takes about a month to move between zodiacs.. approx the 22nd-22nd of any 2 months. The closer to the middle of the the cycle you are, the more that cycle can represent you.

I was born in the middle of Libra season, and am very Libra. (No matter my personality in whatever area is, Libra is still in charge.. this can create problems for me on occasion if the other zodiac does not get along well with Libra)

If you are born on the verge of zodiacs changing (say from virgo to libra, say september 18 ) you could experience more of a mix of those two zodiacs.

Ie: if you change your natal chirt birth time by an hour, the inner planets may move but the outer planets would likely still appear in the same place because they have farther distance to move around the sun.

Did I understand your question correctly?
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The Sun sign is only one part of the natal chart. Others are of equal importance. The angles are also important, like the ascendant and midheaven. The planets all aspect each other in a dance that is constantly changing and the complexity of a natal chart is built upon this.

Modern astrology concerns itself almost exclusively with the psychology of the native, using the whole chart to describe disposition, personality strengths and weaknesses, etc. However, modern astrology is new.

Traditional astrology only views the first house as the seat of personality. All the other houses describe the activities and fate of the native. Each house describes how the native will receive their fate, and how the outside world interacts with them.

About cusps... that's also a modern invention. You're either one or the other, not both. Planets in the 27th degree of a sign or later are said to be in the shadow of the next sign, so they tend to function that way. The final degrees of a sign are seen as unfortunate for this reason because although a planet is in that sign still, it doesn't get the full benefit of it. It's "on its way out the door" so to speak. This may be a good thing if the planet is in debility and the next sign is better. The shadow of the next sign may aid it.

Cusps planets are generally seen as a weakness because they are trying to be in one sign while having their energy pulled into another. It doesn't create a blend so much as it creates vagueness.

A planet that is already in the next sign, even if it's zero degrees, is not cusp. It's in that sign 100%.
The Sun sign is only one part of the natal chart. Others are of equal importance. The angles are also important, like the ascendant and midheaven. The planets all aspect each other in a dance that is constantly changing and the complexity of a natal chart is built upon this.

Modern astrology concerns itself almost exclusively with the psychology of the native, using the whole chart to describe disposition, personality strengths and weaknesses, etc. However, modern astrology is new.

Traditional astrology only views the first house as the seat of personality. All the other houses describe the activities and fate of the native. Each house describes how the native will receive their fate, and how the outside world interacts with them.

About cusps... that's also a modern invention. You're either one or the other, not both. Planets in the 27th degree of a sign or later are said to be in the shadow of the next sign, so they tend to function that way. The final degrees of a sign are seen as unfortunate for this reason because although a planet is in that sign still, it doesn't get the full benefit of it. It's "on its way out the door" so to speak. This may be a good thing if the planet is in debility and the next sign is better. The shadow of the next sign may aid it.

Cusps planets are generally seen as a weakness because they are trying to be in one sign while having their energy pulled into another. It doesn't create a blend so much as it creates vagueness.

A planet that is already in the next sign, even if it's zero degrees, is not cusp. It's in that sign 100%.
Thank you for adding to my research and explaining it further. And for clarifying or correcting any mistakes I may have made.
I'm curious if anyone else has researched any of this stuff ?
When looking for someone to make a natal chart, it is important to find someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in astrology. After reading about I wanted to find someone to read my natal chart. There are a lot of charlatans out there who will just take your money and give you an inaccurate reading. Do your research and find someone who comes highly recommended by other astrologers. Once you find a good astrologer, be prepared to share your birth date, time, and place with them. This information is necessary for them to create an accurate chart.
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astrology is the big scammest there is. im all down for mysticism, be it the tarot or the i-ching but astrology just falls on its face everytime. the only power it has is placebo (and is just a pretty weak form of ceremonial magick)
astrology is the big scammest there is. im all down for mysticism, be it the tarot or the i-ching but astrology just falls on its face everytime. the only power it has is placebo (and is just a pretty weak form of ceremonial magick)
bad experience with it? natal astrology is more of a form of understanding yourself..
I find that if I take it too literally then it is often highly inaccurate.
I will not allow something or someone to dictate who I am, but I have used it to learn to better myself ...
tarot can be used for many other purposes...

i am no expert, but i like to research and take things in,
that doesn't mean it makes them necessarily true. or false.
i like to consider for myself.
bad experience with it? natal astrology is more of a form of understanding yourself..
I find that if I take it too literally then it is often highly inaccurate.
I will not allow something or someone to dictate who I am, but I have used it to learn to better myself ...
tarot can be used for many other purposes...

i am no expert, but i like to research and take things in,
that doesn't mean it makes them necessarily true. or false.
i like to consider for myself.
i haven't had bad experiences with it - it's pretty hard to have a bad experience when the only thing it says is "this is a time for healing and calmness" or "this is a time for falling in love, big wins and life-changing moments". it's just boringly banal and never right anyways.
i haven't had bad experiences with it - it's pretty hard to have a bad experience when the only thing it says is "this is a time for healing and calmness" or "this is a time for falling in love, big wins and life-changing moments". it's just boringly banal and never right anyways.

I agree that most basic astrology is waaaaay off. (for me at least.)

natal astrology is more personalized to you. it is calculated from the exact time (if you know it) and date of your birth.

it still has it's flaws. but is considerably more accurate than astrology that lumps everyone born of a month together.

it is more likely to tell you the type of person you are (or can be) than to tell you what you are going to do tomorrow.

www.cafeastrology.com has a free one. if you care to see the difference.
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astrology is the big scammest there is. im all down for mysticism, be it the tarot or the i-ching but astrology just falls on its face everytime.
Kinda like saying Allah is bullshit but God is for real.