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Medical Marijuana Folks Boo Obama for Drug Busts

fucking pigs.

phelps is now saying that he "may not compete in the 2012 Olympics" because of this marijuana "scandal". thats such bullshit. he hit a fucking bong, its not like they busted him with a bag of coke or dope or something. the only mistake he made was toking around people who he shouldn't have trusted who snapped a picture of him to sell to scuzzball tabloid "newspapers"

May not compete in the olympics?! All he did was smoke a bong, if thats the case then the world is fucking stupid place.
fucking pigs.

phelps is now saying that he "may not compete in the 2012 Olympics" because of this marijuana "scandal". thats such bullshit. he hit a fucking bong, its not like they busted him with a bag of coke or dope or something. the only mistake he made was toking around people who he shouldn't have trusted who snapped a picture of him to sell to scuzzball tabloid "newspapers"

I'm glad someone else finally said something.

What a bunch of pricks, his supposed friend(s) taking a picture of him. I heard that picture sold for either 10,000 or 100,000 on the daily show (john stewart), so I don't know which one or how accurate that is.
And this will be the first time in history that a politician said stuff before election and then did something else once won. Why do people think Obama is so different than other politicians. He got where he is by playing the game not by being different. When will people stop dreaming that Obama will solve all their problems?
I hate Obama and totally agree with this post. Couldn't have said it better myself. You Obama folks are living in a dream world if you really think this guy (or the Democratic Party) is going to change anything with drug laws. This joker fooled all these stupid voters into thinking he was the second coming of Christ.8)
And this will be the first time in history that a politician said stuff before election and then did something else once won. Why do people think Obama is so different than other politicians. He got where he is by playing the game not by being different. When will people stop dreaming that Obama will solve all their problems?
he knows he wants to keep the average citizen's trust

besides, this population just had a "bad pres" and probably won't be able to take too much bullshit

wait, or did that bad pres show just how much bullshit this nation of sheeple CAN take?
it's a bit more than 12. that was 2 years ago. should be around 15 or 16 now. michican, mass, and new mexico just got added to the list.

He said medical, not decriminalized.

There are 13 states with Medical Marijuana.
And I believe there are also 13 decriminilized.

But, not all the states with Decrim have Medical and vise-versa.
i got this in my Email,

I wanted you to be the first to know -- we just confirmed in the last hour that President Obama selected Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske to be his drug czar.

While we’re disappointed that President Obama has selected another law enforcement official instead of a major public health advocate, we’re cautiously optimistic that this nominee will support the president’s drug policy reform agenda.

What gives us hope is that Seattle has been at the cutting edge of harm reduction and other drug policy reform developments including:

Being among the first cities to implement syringe exchange programs;
Legalizing medical marijuana ten years ago (statewide);
Categorizing marijuana arrests as the lowest law enforcement priority; and
Implementing innovative overdose prevention strategies.
Kerlikowske is clearly familiar with drug policy reforms, and has not been a forceful opponent. Although a police chief may not be an ideal pick, given President Obama's call for "shifting the paradigm, shifting the model, so that we focus more on a public health approach," we remain hopeful that he has the potential to provide much needed national leadership in implementing the president's campaign commitments.

We look forward to working with you to ensure that he fulfills President Obama's promises to treat drug abuse as a public health issue, lift the federal ban on funding syringe access, eliminate the disparity between sentencing for crack and powder cocaine, and stop the raids on medical marijuana dispensaries in California.

It's a potentially transformative moment. Together, we’ll make sure Kerlikowske follows through.


Ethan Nadelmann
Executive Director
Drug Policy Alliance Network

and sadly the raids on LEGAL dispensaries continues.

And they have a way to call the presidents office to ask him to do something about the DEA raids that the Bush cronies are still running in decriminalized states where it is LEGAL. this is a blatant disredard for the states power, and by extension the peoples power. this is police state action and it must be STOPPED. Our tax dollars are being used to harrass AIDS and cancer patients about medicines that were prescribed by licenced doctors. Where's the change we were promised huh? not that i believed it was coming, sure obama is eloquent and gives people "inspiration" well, so did hitler. A confident, eloquent politician is still a politician.

check out this link to get the number or travel the site to find the way they have to Email him...

ALWAYS QUESTION AUTHORITY, NO MATTER WHAT. even if he seems like your savior, all evil leaders were considered saviors at first. hitler, and castro, were both promising "change" and "revolution." be carefull who you trust, ESPECIALLY HIGH RANKING ELITIST POLITICIANS.
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the phelps thing is a great message for the kids. what better way to become a world class athlete? smoke some fucking dope thats how.

Have you seen SNL lately? They go.."mom, dad, michael phelps smokes pot, why can't I?"...................

"You can, right after you win 12 Gold medals for your country"
The feds will always try to circumvent the State. It will take time for the laws to change. But, change they must.
King Furher Highness Obama is in same pockets bush was. It was really really sad to see all the people blinding stuffing their faces with that propaganda. "President obama is not in favor of legalization".

-Excuse me????
Ahh geez, he didn't even sign off on those. The DEA was doing them without his permission. AG Holder has basically just ordered them to stop.

The DEA was just trying to see what they could get away with under the new admin. Pretty fucked yes, but after the last 8 years we have alot of shit we are going to have to fix.

Obama has a better understanding of drug policy then any president we have ever elected. Things won't change overnight.

I just saw a poll that showed the issue of Marijuana legalization was more popular then many members of the GOP and that is something I didn't think I'd see for a long time.
He said medical, not decriminalized.

There are 13 states with Medical Marijuana.
And I believe there are also 13 decriminilized.

But, not all the states with Decrim have Medical and vise-versa.

that's what i said because we are talking about the medicinal aspect here. ;)
I hate Obama and totally agree with this post. Couldn't have said it better myself. You Obama folks are living in a dream world if you really think this guy (or the Democratic Party) is going to change anything with drug laws. This joker fooled all these stupid voters into thinking he was the second coming of Christ.8)

hahaha, so opinionated and clueless. he's not gonna change anything, huh? what about his administration stopping the medical marijuana raids on the states?


change comes one step at a time. you gotta walk before you can crawl, buddy. ;)