Measurement of Blood Levels Whilst on AAS..

Genetic Freak

Moderator: SIED
Staff member
Mar 18, 2012
Can anyone offer assistance..
Regarding someone on a cycle of say 500mg Test-E/week for several weeks, attaining maximal blood concentrations...
If a blood test was conducted, what levels in nmol/L or ng/dl should be attained..?

Your thoughts pls...
I'm looking for something more exact..... I was cruising at 0.8ml or about 200mg of compound showing 41.5 nmol/L

I'm looking to confirm if the strength of compound is correct.... Thanks
Kindly donated from GH-15:

1000 mg/week of pharmaceutical grade Testosterone enanthate (and other anabolics) should result in testosterone levels of 4000-5000 ng/dl according to these studies. Of course most of you are running way underdosed gear and accordingly need larger doses. Wanna find out exactly how underdosed? Go have blood work done and calculate for yourself.

In comparison, 80 mg/day (560 mg/week) of Testosterone undecanoate capsules (Andriol) results in testosterone levels of 600 ng/dl. So the bioavailability seems to be only 25 % of what injectables are.
Well me personally, bearing in mind my SHBG is naturally always at the bottom of the range, 250mg Test E (pharmaceutical so dosed properly) has me at 2000ng/dl 7 days post injection after 6 weeks of 250mg E7D which going by half-lives by week 12 I should have been roughly 2400~ and it made sense how I was responding so well to 250mg a week. This was when trying to dial in TRT, lucky for me my doc started high and then tapered down the dose, rather than starting with some bullshit low dose and adjusting so before anyone jumped in at E7D?? And yes, E7D gave me E2 sides, dropping to E4D helped much more and is much more smoother which was to be expected. Anyway...

I think SHBG is the biggest variable between people. I have read reports of people needing 500mg a week to attain what I can at 250mg a week... so going by your above quote GF, and on top of 250mg getting me 2000ng/dl 6 weeks in, I'd say 500mg would put me at the levels that supposedly need 1000mg to reach. However, again my SHBG is at the bottom of the scale always, someone with a more closer to average SHBG level 500mg should yield around 2500~ng/dl. The way I see it, lower SHBG is a positive because I get more bang for buck from my gear.
I never hear people talk about using micronized test. Just regular micronized testosterone. You have much more control over your blood levels. Well at least your peak blood levels can be controlled which is what is most important.
Based on his other post about it, sounds like aqueous test suspension
What do you mean by micronized test? Test gels?

No its like testosterone dust suspended in water. Since the test wont dissolve it looks like milk when you shake it up. It is appealing to me because its the same stuff my nut sack produces "naturally"... I say "naturally" because my nuts shrink and grow sometimes so I cant even trust them.
Yeah it is a type of suspension. Great for sheer mass and as a pre work out really.
Hurts like a bitch to pin from what I heard since it essentially crashes on injection
I heard about that happening... well something like that. If you let the mixture heat up the solubility of the test increases so when it cools back down the crystals get way bigger.
I heard about that happening... well something like that. If you let the mixture heat up the solubility of the test increases so when it cools back down the crystals get way bigger.

So you've not actually tried it..?
lol If test suspension crashes yeah a little warm water bath will sort it out but if it is the micronized test yes the crystals get bigger. Pip is a bitch but not to bad.