MDPV Overdose


Jan 16, 2011
A friend of mine went on a major binge whilst I was away and did not sleep for 5 days or eaten. When I saw this person upon arriving home they were seriously psychotic, but I had experienced them like this before so was able to gradually calm them until they agreed to go to get some rest.

However little did I know this person actually had more PV left over. So they therefore continued with their binge whilst taking speed on top of it which of course landed them back into another psychotic episode. I was lucky enough to be the person they trusted to come back to and look after them!

This person has now slept and had something to eat although they have only been asleep for 16 hours and had one meal. They woke up earlier for about an hour or so and claimed they didn't know where they lived. I tried to explain that they were home, I also asked if they knew who their housemates were which they said the sort of remembered (one of which they have been living with for over 6 months now).

I am aware that this person is going to be feeling a little gloomy for a week or more (brilliant timing) after ruining their brain for the last 5 days. But I thought this person would be able to remember once they had had some sleep where they lived and everything prior to the binge? Is this likely to be a lasting effect of the psychosis or will they regain their memory after having a longer sleep?

Thanks in advance, hope it makes sense. :) x
Your friend seems to be having retrograde amnesia. This can be caused by any number of traumatic events, either psychological, physical, or both, also nutritional deficiencies or even an infection that has passed the blood-brain-barrier.

However I experienced retrograde Amnesia for about 30 minutes after taking about 8 high dose MDMA pills over the course of the night. It happened in the morning after I took my last 2 pills, but I was also on klonopin 2 mg pill and also smoking some hash. It was the craziest shit, I couldn't recall who any of my friends were (even my own wife!)

You may want to go to a doctor if it doesn't clear up soon. I would make him eat a good meal with plenty of complex carbohydrates, some omega 3. A sardine or tuna sandwich would be good for that purpose.

If it doesn't clear up with proper nutrition + rest by tomorrow, I would certainly go to a doc to get checked out.
Thank you very much for your help.

He has been sleeping pretty much since yesterday, he had some Valium to calm him because he was feeling really low and upset and I think they have made him super drowsy. I made a nice curry for him with some Salmon so hopefully that will help and I'll see how he is tomorrow and seek some help from a Dr if he continues like you say, but fingers crossed it wont get that bad. Thanks again :) x
I just wanted to say how lucky your friend is to have a friend like you Soulmap.
I've been there before, and have seen the same happen.

The best thing you can do is continue making sure they're not having any lasting effects (especially ones that are progressively getting worse rather than better). I'm sure muscle twitches/migraines (lack of fluids in the body) are something they are experiencing. MDPV has an effect of making you sweat profusely and because of the over stimulation and racing thoughts you tend to stay in the high of the drug and not realize you need more fluids than usual. Forgetting to urinate is a problem as well (tends to happen on MDxx as well).

I suggest you tell you friend to get some 5-htp and some benzodiazepines (less is more in this case, klonopin is probably the best thing you could take due to the half life, although lorazepam would suffice as well but would require more IMO).

Hope your friend feels better. Glad to see someone who is there for their friend when they really need them.

Soulmap, sorry I came to this thread late (been taking a TDS break) but I'll ring you later for an update. Everyone is right, he is lucky to have you!

Much <3
Note: benzos & tranquilizers are normally only of use *during* a stim-psychosis episode, not after a binge has already ended. The recovery process will be more drawn out, and what can happen is just as described, although it's fairly rare.
Your friend's lethargy and memory problem should be transient, although nothing is certain without a professional medical review. If it persists; or worse, the stim-OD type psychosis returns, have them seek help immediately.

Postscript: legitimate or clean MDPV is now fairly scarce in many States, and is impossible to find OTC at headshops.
The backlash is increasing steadily against legal speed and RCs, with the vast majority of retail "legal" stims no longer having any MDPV or MDPV derivatives in them. It's also almost impossible to tell exactly what is in them, aside from a few tests to discern the presence of common adulterating substances. I've even found lidocaine and caffeine as the sole ingredients in a brand of salts that had previously contained only MDPV and lactose. The change happened essentially overnight, and I have no idea what other active ingredients were used.
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