• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

MDPV - not working any more

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Jul 8, 2005
Hi all,

I have a strange dilemma that I cant find an answer to. Im not a huge drug user but enjoy vaping MDPV every few months mostly for "sext times" lol, I never have huge binges or stay up for days and have 3-4 months break in between.

The last couple of times Ive used MDPV I do not get any nice warm rushes, I just feel like shit, my whole body aches and I find myself walking and moving like an old man, very slow. At first I thought it could have been a contaminated batch but I tried 2-3 batches from different vendors and had the same outcome. One gram would last me 3 weeks and then Id have a few months break

I also got some very pure cocaine twice from different sources and a line made me feel the same as MDPV does.

Have I broken my dopamine receptors?

Has anyone else experienced this?
It's called tolerance.

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