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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

MDPV - New Experience - bliss

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Jun 3, 2010
swims been lurkin every so often for a long while now, first time poster.

swim recently got his hands on some mdpv. he decides be his own guinea pig. swim has been eyeballing RCs after a decent amount of practice with an mg scale. first he bumped ~5mg. all doses were eyeballed so this is just a rough
estimate. very salty/chemically tasting drip.

00:10 feeling very slight stimulation. swim decided to bump another ~5mg.

00:20 noticeable increase in concentration/focus/mood. swim decides to smoke some. loaded pipe with ~10mg and lit up with regular bic lighter.

00:30 the chemical's true identity begins to reveal itself to swim. very pleasant euphoria. no jitters. swim reports feeling clear headed, focused. comparable to high dose amphetamine use for swim, with one exception. fast forward to...

04:00 peak is now long gone. swim was extremely surprised: there was absolutely no noticeable crash, only the slightest discomfort. swim has bad crashes and some depression with low dose amphet use (even 20mg causes noticeable discomfort afterwards). to swim this was entirely different from amphet salt comedown. there was only very slight discomfort. shortly after....

4:15 swim begins to feel hungry. usually with "salts" swim will be only a little hungry afterwards but will have zero desire to eat. being hungry now amazes swim. swim eats (though little, appetite suppression somewhat present), and decides to redose.

long story short, swim redosed 5 more times that day, about every 2 hours. he has read the mdpv crash is the worst. at this point swim reports his head to be too cluttered to finish writing the report in detail, despite still feeling very stimulated from a recent dose. swim apologizes for cutting his report short, but he needs to focus on controlling the impulse to redose, and will try to sleep. though there was no noticeable crash, swim was so amazed by this substance he couldnt help but redose.

swim has never done anything stronger than addy, and even that is taken very rarely. he takes chelated magnesium to help combat tolerance, and overall tries to be as healthy as possible with stim use.

swim is not sure why there was no crash. he waited 4hrs, but there was only slight discomfort. perhaps if he waited longer he would have noticed it. there is always the possibility swim does not have a noticeable comedown from this substance. after all, drugs affect each person differently, and swim has read multiple (anectodal) reports from people who report no crash even from cocaine, only afterglow. though swim believes it is unlikely swim is comedown immune with this RC, he is not discounting the possibility.

TL;DR amazing substance, very pure high, no jitters, swim (probably) just didnt wait long enough to notice a comedown. very addictive. swim dosed a total of 6 times that day. this was swim's first peek into the very addictive world of stimulants, and he now understands. he will be doing his best to stay as far away from it for as long as possible, but swim does see huge potential for getting some major, major work done, with the help of this RC.
EDIT: swim wishes to add that after the final dose, he noticed a definite tolerance increase (weaker effects). please approach with caution as this may (happened to me) lead to higher and higher dosing.
EDIT2: i would like to mention a strange difficulty to remain focused. concentration is strong, but distractions are a little stronger. i feel this can be overcome with a little user of willpower though. still, never experienced this with a stim before. unusual.

Thanks for reading, and I hope swiy has strong willpower if swiy is going to try it. swiy WILL need it
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For someone who has been a lurker for quite some time, you should know we don't use SWOM on this site. You would also know that this type of post belongs in either your blog or in the TRIP REPORTS forum.
Nice report on one of my favourite drugs. But this is the wrong forum for such reports so I'll send it over to Trip Reports where it should find a happy home :)

PS: No need to SWIM - we don't use it on BL as it provides no legal protection and makes posts incredibly annoying to read. The first person will do just fine :)

PPS: Reports of horrific comedowns from MDPV are greatly exaggerated, in my opinion. Has no real crash other than leaving you exhausted from the lack of sleep, in my experience.
understood, duly noted. apologies for the mistakes. i hope to contribute (and gain) a lot of knowledge to/from this forum so i can practice safe(r) "productiveness sessions" in the future.
I hope so too. And it's always great to see positive peevee reports cos it often gets a bad rap for no good reason, as far as I can see. My favourite stim and I'd struggle to find any problems with it other than the fact that if I'm on a peevee binge I get nothing done cos I'm so wrapped up in whatever is fascinating me at the time. It's my powdered Zen %)
I hope so too. And it's always great to see positive peevee reports cos it often gets a bad rap for no good reason, as far as I can see. My favourite stim and I'd struggle to find any problems with it other than the fact that if I'm on a peevee binge I get nothing done cos I'm so wrapped up in whatever is fascinating me at the time. It's my powdered Zen %)

low dose stims help with focus and concentration, while higher dose, more potent stim use can easily lead to distractions. i find it strange, but i guess you learn something new every day. never experienced this first hand. pretty fascinating.
you lucky ducks.

Haha, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say lucky because I have access to RCs?

I'm sure you've heard this before but vendors are not impossible to find. If you have any real determination, you should be able to find one. And compared to the benefits of having a vendor, the work it takes to find one is ... well worth it, to say the least, just as long as you approach all things with caution.

Or did ya mean something else?
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I'm going to take a punt and suggest ebola knows a vendor or two ;)
So... is he trying to stay away from peevee? Reading about a drug when you're trying to quit is only going to tempt you to do it again, so maybe he should avoid peevee threads... unless I am wrong again?

EDIT: Yeah I think someone with that many posts whose active in the trip reports section was probably motivated to find a vendor or two, somewhere along all the endless Bluelight lurking. I don't mean that in a bad way, since you probably picked up all the tricks you need during your time here. I am jealous. And high. That is all.
done the pee vee at least a dozen times and got fed up with it.

Vaped with mj was great, but I think there are greater health worries that way than oral.

Oral seemed a bit jittery/confusing.

I got the feeling my teeth were coming to pieces the last few times I did it (orally)and gave it up.

In a pressured situation (work) it made me uncomfortably hyper.

It was not a bad experience, but I was more attracted to the vaporisation and I am concerned re possible health risks.

Has the original poster tried chewing coca? seems a much healthier stimulant approach than the others. Of course it may not be to the tase of everyone,
Has the original poster tried chewing coca? seems a much healthier stimulant approach than the others. Of course it may not be to the tase of everyone,

I thought those are illegal to import/own?
done the pee vee at least a dozen times and got fed up with it.

This is what is (hopefully) bound to happen to me, as with any other drug. After some daily use, every drug I tried becomes intolerable, with the exception of THC/synthetic cannabinoids. Good job stopping.

Oral seemed a bit jittery/confusing.
Seems to be little noticeable difference for me personally between smoking and oral administration, but I would say its a bit confusing/slightly hard to focus either way you administer it.

I got the feeling my teeth were coming to pieces the last few times I did it (orally) and gave it up.
I had this on the comedown... Though I did have some dental surgery a few days ago. I'm pretty positive either I irritated the area that's healing with the smoke, or I was just grinding my teeth that much. I honestly don't know which one it was. Maybe it was just purely post-surgery pain.

In a pressured situation (work) it made me uncomfortably hyper.

I somewhat agree with this, and though the energy/focus boost is definitely great, I feel like I'm being overly talkative and people are catching on... though that may be just some side effect paranoia. I'm still trying to figure this stuff out, I think only time and experience will provide me with the answers I want.

It was not a bad experience, but I was more attracted to the vaporisation and I am concerned re possible health risks.

Vaporizing is definitely a good, cautious approach, since no one really knows the full details/effects of pv. Wish I had a vape. Maybe I'll take advantage of the pv I have left and pick up some extra work days so I can buy one.

Has the original poster tried chewing coca? seems a much healthier stimulant approach than the others. Of course it may not be to the tase of everyone,

Funny I actually was looking into it recently and it's illegal:

"The prohibition of the use of the coca leaf except for medical or scientific purposes was established by the United Nations in the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The coca leaf is listed on Schedule I of the 1961 Single Convention together with cocaine and heroin."

More specific to my locale:

"In the United States, a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey has the only license to legally import coca leaf."

So it looks like that's definitely not going to happen.
This thread will remain closed until you contact myself or one the other staff members of Trip Reports and edit all the 'swim's'. It is a good report, so I hope you decide to do so.
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