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MDPV Megathread 4 - Egosyntonics R Us

Damn got my MDPV today and had to test it out. GOod that got only 6h work tomorrow. But seems that need to shut myself down with benzos today. Damn I hope it would be weekend already :<

So I have an problem now with sleeping. I started to take MDPV aabout 5mg doses 12 hours before, first doses plugged because of effects, after that every houre on small sniff in to nostril and one drink with it. SO I've took it basically every 1-2h, so every time I feel that the "rush" comes down. The thing form is that after the come up, there is 1 hour kind of comedown, where I want more MDPV, but when I don't take it and 1h goes away I don't feel compulsive need to use it anymore, just stimulated and like socialized and the normal MDPV effects. More focus and concretion, got ADHD.

So the main problem here is: I've got work after 4 hours, it lasts 6h, I havent slept at all. Ive took about 20mg strong RC-benzo etizolam, makes sedated and takes edge off of mdpv, also took 15mg diapam, and still cant sleep at all, only feeling normal benzo effect calmness and relaxed, but just restlessness when try to be on bed. Ive got rivatril, but I dont like these as they give me same type of stupid nasty visuals like zopiclone or zolpidem and won't make my sleepy at all only cranky and drunk like.

So basically, I know many o f you have been in same situation, or at least I think so. What I do now? I have exactly 3 hours to sleep left, ant work starts 4 hours later from now. I don't feel fucked, and I don't seem fucked if I look myself in mirror, but I do customer service work, face-to-face, in small shop. I'm summer worker.

Got no anti psychotics to put me to sleep, they always works. I can keep it max. two days up, but after that I start to feel bad. I don't know If can get any sleep as I'm not tired, and I'm little bit scared if someone notices that I look like I've took drugs. I live in small town where drug users will be knew and nobody likes them.

Maybe I just say to boss that I've got bad insomnia problems where someday I don't sleep for two days, and that why I look and act like this, and might get something other work that don't include customers. Or get free day. I've already got two sick free days, for other reasons, so I don't know if this is good, he might give me boot, as she did with last summer worker who did few small mistakes. Not that my wage is that good, but I like the work its chill and has good working days. Like 4 days a week and someday 6 hour days.

Please really need help what to do. I won't blame MDPV its my fault anyway. Just need some advices how to look completely normal, what supplements and food to take, and should take little bit more MDPV before work and little bit benzos if thing goes bad, or should I ask free day because on insomnia.

I try o sleep once again, but I don't think that 3h sleep helps that much, maybe just laying on bed helps my body and brain to relax and recover? At least so Ive heard.

fuck it, I just lay on bed for ew hours eat take vitamins go shower, go work, its only 6h anyway, I take orally about 10-15mg MDPV to keep me focused and stimulated but not high (I dont get high very easy on stimulants low doses becaause ADD) and maybe one 5mg diazpema just for sure. Then I ask some other work that dont involve other people like lifting boxes, and after that go home and sleep good 9h, so wake up at night :D

Well that better then nothing I quess, damn insomnia.
I don't really know what you can do Neo maybe get some food and fluids into you, a warm bath or shower. Are you in the UK? If so, you can usually self-certificate for 5-7 days for sickness absence for work, though I understand this may not be such a good idea if your employer isn't sympathetic and if there's a chance you could lose your job.

Or you could just go in and hope for the best.

Take care, try and relax a bit - and let it be a lesson not to take MDPV on a work night!

I don't really know what you can do Neo maybe get some food and fluids into you, a warm bath or shower. Are you in the UK? If so, you can usually self-certificate for 5-7 days for sickness absence for work, though I understand this may not be such a good idea if your employer isn't sympathetic and if there's a chance you could lose your job.

Or you could just go in and hope for the best.

Take care, try and relax a bit - and let it be a lesson not to take MDPV on a work night!


Thanks for understanding and sympathy :)
I live in Finland. My boss is female, and pretty sympathetic I find, I think I can lower my workday today for to 4 hours as I can do 2 hours more some other day. I don't see point sleep anymore, so I eat, take vitamins, go shower, lay on bed, maybe that gives me rest little bit. SO thanks for info. Good that MDPV for me won't make my pupils large so no probs with that. Only if I have took too much of it my speak start to snap like that and can't find words, but that's not problem with one day use, only if longer like 7 day use (ye I was newbie and stupid reckeless with this then).

Also was not so ood idea to take it in working day, but you know haven't tried this for almost 1 year and wanted to test it out again. After come up the compulsive need is pretty strong, you think one more then sleep., and so on, oh I can go till tomorrow and here we are :| Not going to do this way again, waiting for weekend thats not so far.

I find one way to avoid the urge to take more after one dose every hour, is to let the one hour come up go, then you feel 1 hour urges to take more, but after that I find that I don't feel urges anymore, then its just an stimulation and focusing for 9h, no come up no come down, just leaves quietly. Maybe oral dosing is also better way to avoid urges, snorting is just too compulsive, I find even plugging less compulsive and better way anyway.
Went 6h hours roughly nicely in work without any re dosing, as I forget my staff to my home, good actually. :)

I've done fair share of different stimulants and still think that MDPV is one of my favorites, it has its own negative sides, like very long insomnic part (can't get sleep even after 9h of last dose), strong urge to redose, and makes too hard to eat anything. But the good part is, as far I've researched on internet and know, it's not neurotoxic like amphetamines. Sure it effects much harder on mind, but only when you start to binge with it crazily. So always remember take 2x times more vitamins and other supplements, drink lots of water, eat at least something when you do MDPV, and sleep at least 6-8h every day, its hard to stop binging but just take seroquel or huge dose of some benzo (as I dont find normal benzo doses affect much on asleeping while on MDPV).

Nice stimulant if you can keep it only on weekend thing or even rarer. Also I find nice medicinal effects on ADHD, but it's little too harsh for using for that.

People tell lots of bad about this, Ive got my own share of these also, but I can see why. It was legal stimulant that was very strong by dose-side and widely available and advertised, nobody knew about it yet much, so people took too much and too often, as some think legals can't be bad for you. Also they buy big amounts of it, so its too easy start to binge with it. Just buy small amounts. ;)
Just buy small amounts. ;)

It's scheduled as a hard drug in Finland nowadays (the same as class A in UK). I don't know what you consider a small amount but if i was going to order MDPV and take the risk of getting a drug charge i certainly would try get a multigram amount through the customs instead of a smaller amount (say 250mg) because the amount of the drug doesn't matter. You will still get a mark in your "criminal record" and you'll also be fined the same.

just my thoughts..
The thing with the compulsivness (if you don't know the noun of it, just put an -ness at the end!)
is what I have learned, too!

The first hour is the worse, then time after time you don't think about it anymore, or if you still do, you don't need to do it right away. At least with me.
Ah it's a sneaky bugger, the fiending with MDPV. It's not like speed or coke where you're aware you're sorting out another dose, but tell yourself it's the last one or som,e other moral salve; no with peevee you unconciously prepare another dose, chop a line etc and the moment of realization comes either just before or just after snorting a line. No time to anguish over your compulsive use, almost done on autopilot. This can make it a bastard to try and interrupt the cycle of compulsive use
oh, NeO, i respect the heck outta you for going to work and maintaining for 6 hours -- when i'm verily bent, i'm quite useless. i'm lucky if i can play barbie with my little girl, and open a can of spaghetti-o's for her lunch. man, if i didn't work from home, i'd'a been calling in sick for sure! as it was, i didn't get much done for a couple of months -- it was always gonna be the last dose, right up until i flushed. i guarantee i'll never order more than a g again, and give most of that away! props to ya!
Just got some more and it's white, but like the tan stuff without impurities. you can tell as I've just been playing the Beastie Boys - Sabotage at a neighbour annoying volume!
Just got some more and it's white, but like the tan stuff without impurities. you can tell as I've just been playing the Beastie Boys - Sabotage at a neighbour annoying volume!

I got some new stuff too, hopefully it's the same as yours, I put the envelope in a glass jar and buried it deep in the garden without opening it though, I don't plan on taking any for at least another week, if I open the envelope to have a look/smell, I'm gonna end up not sleeping for a few days.
It may be strange but I don't find it so compulsive, after one sleepless night I figured out the dose and timing and never caned it like you guys. I was thoroughly satisfied with two 10mg doses one early morning and one early afternoon :) But then again not many substances stop me from sleeping for more than 24 hours.

I didn't find it that sexually enhancing either, base, meph or MDA work oh so much better for me...
Are you finding the erotomania matches up to the tan batch?

OK that set me off about thinking about sex - I'll go no further on the grounds that I may embarrasss myself (somethiung like the US 5th amendment! =D)
Oh it's not funny, it's a rather gross tableaux once the peevee wears off - I'm looking at something like that now and thinking "how the fuck did this whole thing start?" Incomprehensible stupidity would be a good bet...
never thought i would rad the prophet of peevee lamenting its ravages. I have learned to be way too fond of pv and have also discovered its obsessive sting. The only way to behave is to not have any. And thanks for the IM suggestion. Like I need a new route to fuck up my life.
Hope you're properly ashamed of yourself. But don't worry, the self loathing will wear off in a few weeks and you'll be back to where you started. You are loathsome you know. Another of the many longer term consequences of PV abuse.