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RCs MDPV comedown soon, need some help.

i dont understand the general 'wisdom' of "buy a scale or die". i have been eyeballing the stuff ever since i first got it and never overdosed. how hard is it to rail a small amount and work your way up?
Aside from the fact that it's in the same advice category as "always smile at a child with cancer" and "always respect african-american preachers" -- it all depends on your sensitivity to the substance in question, as well as its potency.

Some who say a scale is absolutely necessary might be sensitive to its anxiety effects and panic on more than 5mg, while their next door neighbor is loading 75mg into a glass pipe to take down in one hit.

Others may be longtime RC'ers who swear by scales for RC's as absolutely necessary, just as long-time radio HAMS may swear by morse code.

Still others probably feel they could cause harm to people even by hinting you could get by without a scale, but I happen to disagree and believe that people are able to think for themselves. The bottom line, to me, is that 'consensus reality/agreement' is often helpful when taken as loosely-knit indicators or guidance, but never helpful as objective, absolute reality. Life is bottom line/ultimately subjective, and independence, self reliance and finding one's own way/learning by doing are absolutely crucial.

Depending on other's experiences even for the small stuff translates to mental laziness and automaticity, unawareness/naivety, outdated beliefs, false assumptions and living in/clinging to comforting illusions that bring pain and suffering along with them.

P.S. the above diatribe was brought to you by the letters P and V, and by the hour-number "49".
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^^This post is probably the clearest example of why one should purchase a milligram scale for such drugs ;)

The scales are relatively cheap, and easily available online. Enough said.
^^This post is probably the clearest example of why one should purchase a milligram scale for such drugs ;)

The scales are relatively cheap, and easily available online. Enough said.
Yes, one should purchase a milligram scale -- I agree. And if someone doesn't and gets by OK anyway, then they're fine (the latter is obviously *not* advice and so no one can complain ;)).