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MDMA therapy?

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Nov 3, 2015
Hi all,

First post here so I hope this is in the right section of the forum.

I wont bore everyone with my life story but I have been suffering with possible PTSD and severe anxiety and all of the symptoms that go with it for a number of years now. I have been in talking therapies consistently for the past 3 years as well as trying lots of other different therapies and alternative methods/techniques. I have made no improvement at all and am pretty much on my last legs and running out of hope. This is why I am now looking at going down the route of taking MDMA or some type or psychedelic to try and help me open up and go a little deeper and hopefully resolve some of these mental health issues I am having.

I have taken MDMA a number of times years ago recreationally while out partying when I was younger but I have never taken it in a therapeutic setting or for the purpose of self exploration and I really think it is worth a try as I don't really see what other options I have now, I believe the drug may be able to help me finally open up and get past whatever defense mechanisms or emotional blocks that are stopping me from making any progress.

I know MDMA is illegal in the UK so it would be very hard to find a therapist willing to work with me while using this drug [mod edit]

If not the other option I was thinking about was possibly finding a small group of like minded people who would also like to use MDMA for the purpose of self exploration or for trying to deal with some issue they are struggling with. Or even if people just want to take it and chill in a therapeutic environment that would be fine too. [mod edit]

Thanks for reading, any ideas and advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi all,

First post here so I hope this is in the right section of the forum.

I wont bore everyone with my life story but I have been suffering with possible PTSD and severe anxiety and all of the symptoms that go with it for a number of years now. I have been in talking therapies consistently for the past 3 years as well as trying lots of other different therapies and alternative methods/techniques. I have made no improvement at all and am pretty much on my last legs and running out of hope. This is why I am now looking at going down the route of taking MDMA or some type or psychedelic to try and help me open up and go a little deeper and hopefully resolve some of these mental health issues I am having.

I have taken MDMA a number of times years ago recreationally while out partying when I was younger but I have never taken it in a therapeutic setting or for the purpose of self exploration and I really think it is worth a try as I don't really see what other options I have now, I believe the drug may be able to help me finally open up and get past whatever defense mechanisms or emotional blocks that are stopping me from making any progress.

I know MDMA is illegal in the UK so it would be very hard to find a therapist willing to work with me while using this drug [mod edit]

If not the other option I was thinking about was possibly finding a small group of like minded people who would also like to use MDMA for the purpose of self exploration or for trying to deal with some issue they are struggling with. Or even if people just want to take it and chill in a therapeutic environment that would be fine too. [mod edit]

Thanks for reading, any ideas and advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am not a moderator, nor would I know of secret groups of therapist dolling out MD in the UK BUT this does sound a lot like sourcing. IE I want to do MDMA who can help me out. Even though your reasoning if true is fairly sound I doubt anyone is going to assist here for that reason, don't expect a flood of replies. If you are Law enforcement then this is IMHO entrapment.
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I am not a moderator, nor would I know of secret groups of therapist dolling out MD in the UK BUT this does sound a lot like sourcing. IE I want to do MDMA who can help me out. Even though your reasoning if true is fairly sound I doubt anyone is going to assist here for that reason, don't expect a flood of replies. If you are Law enforcement then this is IMHO entrapment.

Thanks for your response. I'm not sourcing and I am not law enforcement. I can get the MDMA myself, its more a therapist to work with or a group of like minded people to do it with that I need, I don't really need help getting the drug. Its not easy top find somewhere to ask these sorts of questions so I thought a forum like this is probably my best bet. If anyone knows of anywhere else I could ask please let me know.
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Thanks for your response. I'm not sourcing and I am not law enforcement. I can get the MDMA myself, its more a therapist to work with or a group of like minded people to do it with that I need, I don't really need help getting the drug. Its not easy top find somewhere to ask these sorts of questions so I thought a forum like this is probably my best bet. If anyone knows of anywhere else I could ask please let me know.

Understood. Clearly you've tried all the standard treatments and guess you've read a bit about MD but have you actually considered legal therapy first as in something like Ayahuasca?

TBH although MD was indeed first used in therapy it was I believe found more beneficial for relationship management scenarios.

Certainly PTSD the actual volume of benefit / research is quite limited due to illegality.

Most alternative therapist would certainly suggest to use established practice first.

There is indeed a very vibrant and well documented case for staying on this side of legal and considering Ayahuasca, generally you don't need to travel to the jungle anymore and there are many UK retreats where you can get exactly the sort of experience you seek.

As in all therapy it's definitely not meant for recreational lets get together and get mashed up basis so it's also better to take something which you won't associate with another environment such as your earlier experiences of MD as a fun drug.

Check out the net and on here there is Loooooads of research and stories regarding PTSD and Aya. Far more than MD.

Take care and hope it helps
Understood. Clearly you've tried all the standard treatments and guess you've read a bit about MD but have you actually considered legal therapy first as in something like Ayahuasca?

TBH although MD was indeed first used in therapy it was I believe found more beneficial for relationship management scenarios.

Certainly PTSD the actual volume of benefit / research is quite limited due to illegality.

Most alternative therapist would certainly suggest to use established practice first.

There is indeed a very vibrant and well documented case for staying on this side of legal and considering Ayahuasca, generally you don't need to travel to the jungle anymore and there are many UK retreats where you can get exactly the sort of experience you seek.

As in all therapy it's definitely not meant for recreational lets get together and get mashed up basis so it's also better to take something which you won't associate with another environment such as your earlier experiences of MD as a fun drug.

Check out the net and on here there is Loooooads of research and stories regarding PTSD and Aya. Far more than MD.

Take care and hope it helps

Thanks for you reply. Yes I have been thinking about an Ayahuasca retreat although I haven't been able to find any in the UK as it is illegal here? I have seen some in nearby Spain and the Netherlands. The other thing is the reason I am leaning towards MDMA as the first drug to use in my search to help with what I am going through is that I see MDMA as a drug that can help me look deeper at myself but is not necessarily a drug that is likely to cause a "bad trip" or to cause experiences that seem to come from a different realm of reality etc which from my small amount of knowledge is what sometimes can happen with drugs like Ayahuasca and in my current state I don't know if I am ready for that. I may be completely wrong and Ayahuasca may be exactly what I need but MDMA seems a less extreme option. Also my earlier experiences with MDMA were always after a lot of alcohol and in a busy environment, I have never taken it sober so I still think it may be able to help me when taking in a completely different setting and with different aims.

I will definitely look more into Ayahuasca though. Is it not illegal in the UK?
Ketamine is the drug which has helped me most with PTSD in the past. No mistake MDMA has at times too, it makes it easier to actually discuss the problem. Ketamine helped me to remove myself far enough from the situation to take a step back and look at it from another angle, then I myself could realize how to handle it.
LSD has been used in Switzerland to help people who are diagnosed as chronically ill overcome their fear of death and embrace it.

I think your thinking of MDMA being the correct drug for your first experiment is right. Less chance of it being too much and the empathy aspect genuinely does help people open up.
Thanks for your response. I'm not sourcing and I am not law enforcement. I can get the MDMA myself, its more a therapist to work with or a group of like minded people to do it with that I need, I don't really need help getting the drug. Its not easy top find somewhere to ask these sorts of questions so I thought a forum like this is probably my best bet. If anyone knows of anywhere else I could ask please let me know.
Well we can help you with any questions regarding the experience itself. But we can't point you in the direction of a doctor. Facilitating drug use is not allowed here, even if you provide the drugs yourself.

Apart from that I can't really offer any advice that hasn't been said already. Under professional supervision, the experience is probably going to be very different from a regular recreational roll. It could be worth a try. Make sure you test your drugs beforehand and determine what your dose is going to be
Im extremely interested in MDMA's potential therapeutic effects in regards to treating PTSD.

This year, i read a study about 100 sufferers who took a SINGLE dose of MDMA, and they were followed for 2 years. 87/100 of the PTSD sufferers exhibited improvement of many symptoms, however 13% showed no positive effects.

What i would like to know, what are your exact PTSD symptoms ? do you suffer from flashbacks ? or is it just emotional numbness ect
Im extremely interested in MDMA's potential therapeutic effects in regards to treating PTSD.

This year, i read a study about 100 sufferers who took a SINGLE dose of MDMA, and they were followed for 2 years. 87/100 of the PTSD sufferers exhibited improvement of many symptoms, however 13% showed no positive effects.

What i would like to know, what are your exact PTSD symptoms ? do you suffer from flashbacks ? or is it just emotional numbness ect

Wow that study sounds really impressive. Thats not just one dose in general im guessing but with therapy involved to give those results? Do you have a link to the study?

In terms of symptoms, I would say I suffer with complex PTSD rather than typical PTSD from one incident. It was a few traumatic events growing up and then a few on top of that as an adult that sent me into my current state. No I do not have flashbacks, it is more emotional numbness as you say, I feel disconected from everything and everyone. I am completely detached from the traumatic memory's, I suffer with depersonalisation and derealisation and dissociation symptoms. My main symptoms at the moment would be feeling like my senses arent mine, so I can feel im touching something but it doesnt feel like me, like I am not my own body, my mind is often in a dark dream like state, I can never think clearly, I feel confused and disorientated, I sometimes wake up and my body will be spasming and shaking, like you would see in a traumatised animal. I seem to be suppressed emotionally and cut off from the traumatic memories but affected by them still as they are probably shoved down in the subconscious. Obviously the anxiety and depression comes along with these symptoms.
Mdma is highly therapeutic for me. It unlocks greater levels of feelings especially happiness and love. It also enhances higher levels of understanding and acceptance for all aspects. I feel like a spirit sometimes unlocking undiscovered parts of the soul and mind.
Maybe seeing a therapist while on a basic dose of mdma would be beneficial as long as your not noticeably rolling unless therapist doesn't mind.
I Am using it first for PTSD treatment i read some stuff ON LOW Dose once a month ketamine usage vetinarian grade daily can fucking make you pee blood its that Bad for the kidneys but Medical Grades harmless and not Phyisically addictive. Also Using Mushrooms IF YOUR IN A SUPER PERFECT FRAME of im the shit and confidence 120% through the roof then trip on a 5 gram shroom trip know your shit and setting and mood prevents bad trips and just chilling smoking weed helps but also makes it more intense the pyschedellic effects combine get used to smaller doses first like 3 grams and 3.5 to 4 and then take like 2-3 grams and wait 4 days and then take like 5 grams of shrooms unless your an acid person i dont know doses on that but i also dont know the studies on its GREAT from experience and studies that Musrhoom trips help anxiety to depression and MAINLY Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
I suffer from bipolar type 2 in addition to having some symptoms of PTSD - saw one of my friends die and have been very close to others right before their deaths.

I find MDMA a useful tool not so much at the time I just enjoy the experience dosed on top of Seroquel the amphetamine type effect seems to be less potent but the empathy, warmth and glow is still there in full for me. I find it allows me to be free of any anxiety and trouble opening up about things in the days and weeks following. Probably once a month or so would be enough to keep me in a better mindset. I only ever dose twice max now as I find it is more the therapeutic effect I seek from it these days (used to use it a lot recreationally in my teens).

I think it is a sure thing many others here could benefit from using it this way. In the interests of HR I would advise testing everything and really going that extra mile to ensure the MDMA your sourcing is the best possibly available to you. Sometimes I find if the experience is lacking I don't get the same therapeutic effect.

S ketamine (the more psychedelic isomer) is also a powerful tool to treat depression at doses where the psychedelic aspect of the "hole" are present. However that is a story for another day... :)
I did a "sort of" round of MDMA therapy for PTSD - two doses with someone who was, at the time, in training to become a licensed psychologist.

It didn't in any way cure me and I still have symptoms, but those sessions were the first time I'd been able to talk about the trauma without getting really triggered and distressed and freaking out. That was therapeutic enough for me to consider the experience really valuable, even if it didn't "fix" my PTSD.
Mhmm, by yourself, just listening to music and thinking. You can even record yourself (via video) so you can look back on your thoughts.
Yeah, that's cool, and you might get positive benefits out of it, but don't kid yourself that it's the equivalent of therapy.
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