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MDMA slang, abbreviations and acronyms

MazDan said:
fidel, are u saying that merfing means using mdma??

Can I ask for posters to please provide a country for the usage they are suggesting. If anyone can fill in the countries for those already listed it would be appreciated.

yes, while using mdma, that's what i'm told.
Anything new to add anyone?

Please include the meaning and country of origin.
there's also Muntered as well as munted/disco biscuits and disco cookies as well as disco bickies.

Also Pills (self explanatory)
along with
To be "on pills"
to be "pilled up"
to be "pilling"

"off my tits" is my favorite expression when I'm on pills or coke.

also Mandy, MD, and Crystal referring to Molly (UK [Meth isn't very popular in the UK so crystal usually refers to MDMA])

I also heard someone use the phase "off tap" recently describing being high on E. Not sure what part of the world its from or if its common, but I thought it was funny. Probably UK or aussie.

Mandy=powder MDMA
"Pinging = To be under the affects of MDMA. Australian" I've heard this in the UK as well.

MD = MDMA crystals(UK).
Trolls: Ecstasy Pill (USA)
Trollies: Ecstasy Pills (USA)
Dolls: Ecstasy Pills (USA)
Dollies: Ecstasy Pills (USA)

Those are the only ones that I haven't seen listed that I have heard of
Bangers= Pills
Googs= Pills ( i hate this term tho lol)
Weetbics= Term used in the morning after/during a bender, as a joke for breakfast, 'get some weetbics in2 ya'

Loose= To be 'rolling' 'off your head' etc.
Cooked= To be absolutely off your head, overdone it etc.
Fried= Same as above

Drop= To teke/eat a pill
Munch= Same as above
All terms are Australian.
Zinger Burger aka Zinger

(the spicy chargy burger from KFC) haha

(What me a many people in the cross call pills)

Australia, Sydney.
Dids is on there but we've recently started saying (just for jokes) 'Diddled' for when we're rolling

'maan i'm so diddled'

South East QLD Austrailia
MDMA pillz or capsuals generaly refered to round these here parts as "cookies" or "jack n jillz":)
"pingers" is another one i hear quite a lot
mandy or MD is what people call it all the time here in south-east UK for mdma crystal :p
Mong chops - jaw feeling bad the next day
usage: "i've got bad mong chops ths morning"