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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 4)

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I feel fine only the occasional twitch and that I can't smoke. Haven't smoked in a wknand a half might give it a few more months and see what happens
I feel fine only the occasional twitch and that I can't smoke. Haven't smoked in a wknand a half might give it a few more months and see what happens

You're lucky man. A lot of us are much worse off. Smoking the reefer is the least of my worries.
So I have started reintroducing alcohol into my life. Not much just a drink or two with friends. Unfortunately last night I had enough to get a slight buzz, and let me say I don't recommend that. I started feeling really depressed and uncomfortable and then today I'm back to derealization and more depression. It's also heightened by the fact that have pms. Guys you are lucky you don't have to deal with pms during an ltc. Raging hormones do not mix with messed up brain chemistry. All in all I thank my stars everyday that I don't feel like I did in the first month anymore. But I still have to deal with periods of depression everyday for an hour or two, and head pressure. Does anyone else have the random spurts of depression? It usually comes on early evening and is gone before I go to bed. But it fucking sucks during that time.
I realize that. I mean life has always felt dull for me but that's just me I still get brain zaps twitches lights are bright see snowballs as I read. Like everyone says it takes time and patience
Yet another reason to conclude you all are suffering from HPA axis dysregulation.

Right, but you wouldn't necessarily tell somebody with PTSD that they are suffering from HPA axis dysregulation and that that's the source of all their issues. The HPA hyperfunction is caused by other issues. Curing the hormonal issues wouldn't solve all of their problems. They're still going to have abnormal neurophysiology that gives rise to whatever causes the hormonal dysfunction in the first place, and it's probably something upstream of these circuits that are most directly related to fear and stress.

So HPA axis dysregulation is not causal of the core symptoms of an LTC in my opinion.

Adenosine receptors are important, it's not like you can conclude HPA axis dysfunction just because blockade of adenosine receptors gives rise to anxiety and peripheral symptoms. For all we know it could be because in some LTCs astrocytes are over-expressing adenosine kinase and the further reduction of adenosinergic signaling from caffeine is not good.
So I have started reintroducing alcohol into my life. Not much just a drink or two with friends. Unfortunately last night I had enough to get a slight buzz, and let me say I don't recommend that. I started feeling really depressed and uncomfortable and then today I'm back to derealization and more depression. It's also heightened by the fact that have pms. Guys you are lucky you don't have to deal with pms during an ltc. Raging hormones do not mix with messed up brain chemistry. All in all I thank my stars everyday that I don't feel like I did in the first month anymore. But I still have to deal with periods of depression everyday for an hour or two, and head pressure. Does anyone else have the random spurts of depression? It usually comes on early evening and is gone before I go to bed. But it fucking sucks during that time.

What are PM's?
Anyone had severe HPPD after using MDMA?

I did after ecstasy - 6 years later it is quite better (and I also don't mind it as much even when I am getting visuals). For me personally missing sleep can make it worse and being well rested can make it a lot better. Chronic sleep deprivation can be horrible.
Hopefully it will. I've been smoking for a long time then at a rave after I took what I thought was Molly (rolled a lot on xtc that was tested) a day after the rave I took a dab made my heart race gave myself a week or so to get my electrolytes and such back to normal then I tried to smoke it made my body heat up and my heart raced tried to smoke again a few days later same thing body heat up heart racing. Haven't smoked in a few weeks and 5 weeks clean...
3 pills the same night it's a sign that you need to slow down, altogether. A pill is usually a single dose (~140mg) of MDMA, the recommended dose. You took 3 times that. Plus, the 3rd pill could have been, literally, ANYTHING, and could be aggravated with the MDMA in your system. I'm glad you are better now, but I hope you've learned your lesson: NEVER CONSUME IF YOU DID NOT TEST IT.


Thanks for ur response. My friend did drop the same pill I drop and he's fine but for me I don't know why my body react like that. Maybe my body is telling me something. =(
I did after ecstasy - 6 years later it is quite better (and I also don't mind it as much even when I am getting visuals). For me personally missing sleep can make it worse and being well rested can make it a lot better. Chronic sleep deprivation can be horrible.

Did/do you drink alcohol at all, and if so, how did/does it effect your HPPD?
Did/do you drink alcohol at all, and if so, how did/does it effect your HPPD?

I am pretty darn sober these days and I find I really benefit from it. It does make my HPPD worse mostly because it makes my sleep worse.

For those wondering, my LTC is 90-95% better - just some visuals are still present but even they have gotten so much better. So don't think I haven't recovered greatly after 6 years :)
I am pretty darn sober these days and I find I really benefit from it. It does make my HPPD worse mostly because it makes my sleep worse.

For those wondering, my LTC is 90-95% better - just some visuals are still present but even they have gotten so much better. So don't think I haven't recovered greatly after 6 years :)

So drinking alcohol hasnt made anything worse in the long run then?

I ask because ive been invited to a party and ive been thinking about going and having a few drinks. I really am pushing myself to go as Ive been somewhat of a recluse during this LTC and I think if I start throwing myself in sociable situations it might benefit my DP/DR. What stops me is the harsh anxiety I experience and im thinking a few beers might calm me down enough to enjoy myself a bit. I just worry of making myself worse permentally.
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