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MDMA newbie help

I'm not surprised, your body is probably in full on damage control mode. If you take care of yourself you should eventually heal though. Drink at least 3, preferably 4-5 liters of water a day, eats as many fruits, veggies, and superfoods as you can while avoiding processed, frozen, and "empty" foods, exercise as much as possible, get 8+ hours of sleep a night, and be outside as much as you can. Meditation and yoga will also help.
I have been eating bigger meals and drinking more liquids recently and have gained some weight. I get high everyday on weed and usually dxm and mdma 2-3 times a week. I've never been in a "rolling crowd" or been to a festival or anything that mdma is frequanlty used at here down in the good ole south ecstasy is semi rare and I'm the only one in my friend group who uses it regularly. So I was trying to get a little bit more knowledge of mdma.
I have been eating bigger meals and drinking more liquids recently and have gained some weight. I get high everyday on weed and usually dxm and mdma 2-3 times a week. I've never been in a "rolling crowd" or been to a festival or anything that mdma is frequanlty used at here down in the good ole south ecstasy is semi rare and I'm the only one in my friend group who uses it regularly. So I was trying to get a little bit more knowledge of mdma.

Good to know. I'd definitely cut back on the MDMA and abstain for at least 6 weeks, preferably 8+. And for at least 3-4, again better if 6-8+, stop the DXM use. You really need to allow your body to come back to baseline and center as much as you can right now. Cutting back on the weed would be great as well, but I know how it is trying to get daily smokers to cut back having been one in a past time as well.

Best of recovery to you 21rich

Oh and also, bigger meals isn't necessarily better. Especially if you're eating unhealthy foods. Same if you're drinking more liquids and it's not juice or preferably water. Be sure your bigger meals are including mostly fresh vegetables and fruits as that's going to be your main source of healing nutrients.
I have been eating bigger meals and drinking more liquids recently and have gained some weight. I get high everyday on weed and usually dxm and mdma 2-3 times a week. I've never been in a "rolling crowd" or been to a festival or anything that mdma is frequanlty used at here down in the good ole south ecstasy is semi rare and I'm the only one in my friend group who uses it regularly. So I was trying to get a little bit more knowledge of mdma.

My bad I wasnt encouraging your prolonged use of mdma. I was just telling you odds are youre probably fine. And yeah, when you go to raves and festivals like myself people tend to binge on it quite a bit. I only partake in a binge or doing it at all because I know how to keep myself healthy afterwards. Lots of vitamins and OJ and definately a glass of water every hour. And abstaining from caffeine use and smoking weed after speeds up your "hangover" and will make you feel better. Just make sure you get to know your own limits and what works best for you to keep yourself healthy if youre gonna do it. Then youll be fine.

Peace :)
And also 2-3 times a week every week is most likely gonna be harmful to your brain. I didnt read that part of your post. You gotta space out your rolls man. Not only will it give you time to recover but it will make them so much better after a break to reality!