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Weak how? Cause we might end up getting the same batch. lol.
How long did it last? Did you get eye wiggles? Empathy? Music? Touch?
Was that at me?
I pretty much just felt happy, kinda dazed off here and there, but I didn't appreciate music any more than normal and soft stuff didn't get me hard :X
@ airy Lots of good and lots of shit...There is a lot of cut stuff and there is a lot of RC being passed off to unsuspecting people. Alas there is good molls especially a lotta moonrock and white powder currently around NYC especially.
That's a relief. 8o I hope I get some good quality MDMA then.
I've never had molly before, is it exactly like ecstasy tablets?
I'm taking them at an event, will it enable me to dance for hours on end the way pills do?
That's a relief. 8o I hope I get some good quality MDMA then.
I've never had molly before, is it exactly like ecstasy tablets?
I'm taking them at an event, will it enable me to dance for hours on end the way pills do?
Molly is slang for MDMA and it has the same active ingredient (MDMA) as ecstasy tablets. It should have the same effect, but that is dependent on the quality, dose, and environment you are in. I always hear people complaining about that though that the Molly is a lot more mellow of a roll then pressed pills even though that shouldn't be the case. Take a little caffeine with your dose if you want to get that extra amped effect. Everyone is different and it's hard to tell with such an inconsistent product, but good luck and have a great time dancing your face off :)
If you can get good molly, that is a better idea than pressed pills. Nowadays, from my understanding, most rolls contain all sorts of chemicals and rarely actually contain MDMA. If you check out pillreports.org, you'll see many Piperazine pills. Caffeine in small amounts will definitely help you stay moving while on MDMA but not too much because too much can be a bit nauseating. I've never taken a roll though I've seen a few and I prefer high quality MDMA as with MDMA, I can always sleep at the end of the night and wake up with an afterglow. The same cannot be said about a speedy/dirty roll. Not all rolls are dirty but more often than not, they are.
Be careful also as just because someone claims it's MDMA it doesn't mean it is, learn what MDMA looks and smells like if you can.

People sell "alternative" compounds as molly just as they sell it in pressed tablets.
Unless you don't care whether it's a piperazine, cathinone, or perhaps even something completely different, then I suggest taking the time to find out what REAL MDMA looks like.

I still havn't seen MDMA with my own eyes, literally everytime someone down here has "molly" It is not MDMA but instead an RC, typically reaking of cathinone.
I found a new connect he says his pure molly lasts 6-8 hours. I haven't bought it yet.
I know what MDMA tastes like, but what does it smell like?
I found a new connect he says his pure molly lasts 6-8 hours. I haven't bought it yet.
I know what MDMA tastes like, but what does it smell like?

I've had batches that smelt like licorice, sassy (root beeresque (hard to explain the smell, but maybe you know), some have smelt like vitamins, some smelt chemically, it also depends how they were stored and what it was near that could have clung to the bag or what not.
Be careful also as just because someone claims it's MDMA it doesn't mean it is, learn what MDMA looks and smells like if you can.

People sell "alternative" compounds as molly just as they sell it in pressed tablets.
Unless you don't care whether it's a piperazine, cathinone, or perhaps even something completely different, then I suggest taking the time to find out what REAL MDMA looks like.

I still havn't seen MDMA with my own eyes, literally everytime someone down here has "molly" It is not MDMA but instead an RC, typically reaking of cathinone.

Best thing ive ever done is get a test kit and test it right in front of them. Then they have nothing to say when it comes up false for MDMA.
That's the thing. I can't get one with no card to order it.
Thanks for the help guys! I'm gonna try my best to look for all the signs of real molly.
If it looks like sugar and smells like nothing I won't get it.
You can get the cards that you put money on and use that to order shit online. They sell em for Visa, Master Card and whatever other popular ones even at convenience stores or pharmacies.
anyone know of any good pills (not molly) going around right now in south florida (Ft. Lauderale area).. I had some pink caps (that smelled like bubble gum) that were Methlyone.
I couldn't find any pills here if I tried, but molly is pretty much as common as marijuana here.
Some FIRE moon rocks at a fest I went to over the weekend in upstate New York. So clear, the shards could be used as a magnifying glass. Great roll. Sadly, there wasnt quantity to be acquired.
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