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MDMA in class

I personalty find with MD it is allot harder to hide the fact you are fucked up than with psychedelics because of all the obvious physical signs. Also that false sense of security that mdma produces makes you think all that weird shit you are doing is ok. If some sweaty guy on mdma tried to "spit game" to a sober girl in class I'm pretty sure she'd get creeped the fuck out and never talk to him again.

So true when you say false sense of security and weird shit seems ok. There are times that I am not proud of when rolling, going to strip clubs, sitting right at the front, by myself and staring hard at the dancers. Later when i think i must have looked like the biggest creep to the stripper and everyone thr.
There are times that I am not proud of when rolling, going to strip clubs, sitting right at the front, by myself and staring hard at the dancers. Later when i think i must have looked like the biggest creep to the stripper and everyone thr.
^ yeah that's creepy.
I've done lots of drugs in school but I would not suggest MDMA in class. I mean I used to get stoned all the time during high school. This girl (what an angel) always gave me xanax, klonopin, and ativan. She ever smoked me up on Opium a few time during school. Did coke with a guy who was cool sometimes. Idk took oxy a few times during school. New drank though, way too risky at my school. But MDMA doesn't sound like the best idea. Don't be stupid! Be Safe! Have Fun!
Don't use MDMA in class. That's just not the place for it. Nothing to enjoy like music or conversation. People seem to want to take MDMA in the most mundane situations and I don't understand why.
I would suspect if you did a decent dose, your face would be the biggest give away. I know when I roll my face would give me away. And I dont mean like at any glance in any light but in an hour long class with white lights from above... yeah I am sure my puplis would be dilated but the worst would be the eyes moving around, or rolling into my head. Like I said doesnt happen a lot but in an hour I am sure at least once.

Unless you do 50mg, you may get some appetite suppression coupled with caffeine like stimulation, thats kind of a joke but 50mg isnt a lot, you may feel it a little but not much.
Seriously? Rolling in class? Why? you do know MDMA should ONLY be taken VERY rarely. 3 month breaks are actually not really 100% safe, even that. Maybe a couple benders a year is the max one should do that stuff. And you concider rolling in class? Without music or any oppurtunity to relax? You're gonna sit there and feel like you love your pen and paper, the teacher and it's the best day ever. You gonna fail that test so bad, and anyone with 100IQ + will see you're definetly high as fuck.

Probably it would get you expelled, you'd become some sort of half ass legend at school (the guy who rolled in class and got suspended and reported to the police for using illegal drugs).
Dont do it. Jesus christ
instead; roll at home with friends, music, glowsticks, and sensorial stimulation. roll in nature. roll at a museum, park, botanical garden, at a friends house, at a hugging convention, anywhere else but highschool. highschool is the worst and most hostile environment to do any drug in in my opinion.
Haha. I have most certainly done this, albeit around five years ago. Maybe about...10 times or less? But this was when my tolerance was retardedly high. I didn't get nystagmus, or feel much of anything except a weak stim high and a little bit of light sensitivity. I definitely wouldn't have done it if I was actually rolling balls though. Like others have said, you will completely give yourself away because university professors are not dumb. Neither will you be able to comprehend nearly as well, and when you write your hand will get stuck to the paper and curl up on the side.

It was fine. That was in my biology of cancer class and it was actually easier to concentrate. That class consisted of nothing but PowerPoint lectures every single time, besides a few guest speakers (some from City of Hope too, so that was somewhat interesting). But the regular lectures got so repetitive and boring that I specifically dropped before that class to make it more interesting. It was an auditorium-style room with at least 50 other students so it was easy to get away with it.

I'd never take a test while on it though, and you couldn't pay me to do that either. "Spitting game" on mdma only works well if you're at a club/rave/party and the girl is on it too.

I had learned long ago that a lot of the actual public have a huge aversion to people on substances because of the bias, misinformation and general distrust in the scene and everyone involved in it. Enough dumb users have put up a bad rep on it to set up the propaganda that is ever so slowly fading at a snail pace. If you don't know the girl enough to know how she feels about mdma use, you shouldn't risk it.