N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | someguyontheinternet
Way different what way? Good or bad?
Yeah that sounds horrible.I have taken MDMA during acute opiate withdrawal. It definitely alters the experience.
For me, I found it to be an absolute waste of ecstasy. I found it somewhat dysphoric and very flooring. The positive effects don't outweigh the negatives of the opiate withdrawal; they sort of sit side-by-side them. So, basically, you feel like you're rolling, but you are also feeling dysphoria, muscle aches, an inability to get comfortable in any position, anxiety, and general weakness. You still feel somewhat talkative and empathic, but it just feels off, like you took a pill that isn't quite hitting the mark of where you wanted to be. I had to basically abort the experience with a few Xanax pills before I felt somewhat "good."
Bottom line: it totally sucks.
Yes, the anxiogenic, psychedelics properties may be more pronounced, this really depends on the severity/speed of the withdrawal (acute cold turkey, slow titration).
I once went cold turkey from some VERY high doses of heroin. I had horrifying open-eyed hallucinations (some three headed dragon, etc). Certainly more psychotomimetic than any psychedelic i've ever done, and I have smoked high doses of 5-methoxy-DMT and N,N-DMT.............basically did them all aside from ibogaine....Yet this heroin withdrawal was the most realistic. Fortunately, though very acute, the withdrawal is not very protracted.
Benzo withdrawal is not quite as acute, but is far more unpleasant, and extremely protracted.......I am permanently slightly more anxious than my previous baseline, but fortunately, my baseline prior to benzo abuse was very low (so technically, even with the added and seemingly permanent anxiety, I am still not a very anxious person)..........
To MDMA, it would fine if you are slowly withdrawing (very slow) from a drug like methadone. Otherwise.....I wouldn't fuck with it.............
This is off-topic, but I have to wonder how you're able to function at such a high level after such profound opioid and benzodiazepine addictions. I'm sure if I'd used either class of drugs to the extent of having physical dependence and protracted withdrawals, let alone both, I'd be even worse off than I am now, which would be to say hardly functioning at all. What's your secret?
I have taken MDMA during acute opiate withdrawal. It definitely alters the experience.
For me, I found it to be an absolute waste of ecstasy.
I took mdma during opiate withdrawl and it was WAY different, any chemical reason this happened?