• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | someguyontheinternet

mdma during opiate withdrawl


Sep 21, 2009
I took mdma during opiate withdrawl and it was WAY different, any chemical reason this happened?
I would imagine it being more anxiogenic and such during withdrawal. I don't think the effects would be lessened for any reason? Thought you were done dosing mdma bro
Was it less euphoric/intense or just different? If you're already feeling crummy to start with, any drug (except opiates) would probably feel less euphoric than if your baseline is decent. Not sure of the technical reason for it though :)

May have had nothing to do with the withdrawal and been more of a MDMA dose/quality issue or smtg. too.
Yes, the anxiogenic, psychedelics properties may be more pronounced, this really depends on the severity/speed of the withdrawal (acute cold turkey, slow titration).

I once went cold turkey from some VERY high doses of heroin. I had horrifying open-eyed hallucinations (some three headed dragon, etc). Certainly more psychotomimetic than any psychedelic i've ever done, and I have smoked high doses of 5-methoxy-DMT and N,N-DMT.............basically did them all aside from ibogaine....Yet this heroin withdrawal was the most realistic. Fortunately, though very acute, the withdrawal is not very protracted.

Benzo withdrawal is not quite as acute, but is far more unpleasant, and extremely protracted.......I am permanently slightly more anxious than my previous baseline, but fortunately, my baseline prior to benzo abuse was very low (so technically, even with the added and seemingly permanent anxiety, I am still not a very anxious person)..........

To MDMA, it would fine if you are slowly withdrawing (very slow) from a drug like methadone. Otherwise.....I wouldn't fuck with it.............
My brother after a small codine binge had a reputedly good tab yesterday, Id say in somewayts it brought out the more stimulating stide, possibly anxiogenic(He seemed to have no trouble hiding things/or needlessly wanting to tell a lie)
I have taken MDMA during acute opiate withdrawal. It definitely alters the experience.

For me, I found it to be an absolute waste of ecstasy. I found it somewhat dysphoric and very flooring. The positive effects don't outweigh the negatives of the opiate withdrawal; they sort of sit side-by-side them. So, basically, you feel like you're rolling, but you are also feeling dysphoria, muscle aches, an inability to get comfortable in any position, anxiety, and general weakness. You still feel somewhat talkative and empathic, but it just feels off, like you took a pill that isn't quite hitting the mark of where you wanted to be. I had to basically abort the experience with a few Xanax pills before I felt somewhat "good."

Bottom line: it totally sucks. :(
I have taken MDMA during acute opiate withdrawal. It definitely alters the experience.

For me, I found it to be an absolute waste of ecstasy. I found it somewhat dysphoric and very flooring. The positive effects don't outweigh the negatives of the opiate withdrawal; they sort of sit side-by-side them. So, basically, you feel like you're rolling, but you are also feeling dysphoria, muscle aches, an inability to get comfortable in any position, anxiety, and general weakness. You still feel somewhat talkative and empathic, but it just feels off, like you took a pill that isn't quite hitting the mark of where you wanted to be. I had to basically abort the experience with a few Xanax pills before I felt somewhat "good."

Bottom line: it totally sucks. :(
Yeah that sounds horrible.

I have never done MDMA while withdrawing but I did amphetamine once.
Actually it was pretty funny because I forgot to take my Suboxone dose and I was very confused why I was feeling the way I did.

I had been up for a couple of days, shooting street amphetamine, taking GBL and bensos, somewhere in the haze I forgot to take my Suboxone dose.

Finally the amphetamine kind of stopped working, atleast it felt that way. I could shoot a huge juice shot and only have the rush but no after effects.
I started to get more and more anxious, depressed - all while being tweeked.

After feeling that way for like 6-9h and a lot of GHB, Bensos and amphetamine later it came to mind that i forgot my Suboxone dose so I just shot that 8mg and instantly I felt fine again.
Yes, the anxiogenic, psychedelics properties may be more pronounced, this really depends on the severity/speed of the withdrawal (acute cold turkey, slow titration).

I once went cold turkey from some VERY high doses of heroin. I had horrifying open-eyed hallucinations (some three headed dragon, etc). Certainly more psychotomimetic than any psychedelic i've ever done, and I have smoked high doses of 5-methoxy-DMT and N,N-DMT.............basically did them all aside from ibogaine....Yet this heroin withdrawal was the most realistic. Fortunately, though very acute, the withdrawal is not very protracted.

Benzo withdrawal is not quite as acute, but is far more unpleasant, and extremely protracted.......I am permanently slightly more anxious than my previous baseline, but fortunately, my baseline prior to benzo abuse was very low (so technically, even with the added and seemingly permanent anxiety, I am still not a very anxious person)..........

To MDMA, it would fine if you are slowly withdrawing (very slow) from a drug like methadone. Otherwise.....I wouldn't fuck with it.............

This is off-topic, but I have to wonder how you're able to function at such a high level after such profound opioid and benzodiazepine addictions. I'm sure if I'd used either class of drugs to the extent of having physical dependence and protracted withdrawals, let alone both, I'd be even worse off than I am now, which would be to say hardly functioning at all. What's your secret?
This is off-topic, but I have to wonder how you're able to function at such a high level after such profound opioid and benzodiazepine addictions. I'm sure if I'd used either class of drugs to the extent of having physical dependence and protracted withdrawals, let alone both, I'd be even worse off than I am now, which would be to say hardly functioning at all. What's your secret?

TBH you're honestly not functioning at all.
seems too suggest that the normal endogenous opioid system plays a large part in mdma's euphoria and positive effects..
If anything, one that I'd personally want to avoid MDMA with w/d for would be adrenergic activity.

You know how we tell people that it is a bad idea to take amp/coke/stims while in w/d? Even caffeine can be too much.

That is also why clonidine is so useful during w/d.

I believe MDMA is every bit as stressful on the heart as other stimulant amphetamines, even if its other effects mask this one.
(The chemical reason is maybe tied into mao inhibition in opiate withdrawl)

Last time I took mdma I was on quite a Poppy/san pedro binge.
I mixed the two, with pills it was actually so very strong that the only thing I can compair it to is an MAOI or with X, becuase it felt like I was on 30 pills when I vomited, the first time with my second pill. I feel I shouldnt roll ever again actually, it was too intense.

I did actually have very weak cravings for opiates, when I settled down later. I felt I should get atleast one dose becuase I had overexcerted myself. I actually got help from a Dr. that week, for the first time.

In regards to ampetamine in opiate withdrawl, there had been times where on opiates, all I wanted was to switch to amp/mamp becuase I could get more shit done instead of nodding off.
There was a while where I got clean by mysleffrom using vyvanse in poppy withdrawl. Although it was very anxiogenic and crazy to no end, it lasted long enough so I could push through withdrawl, this I think in someways has benifit over using mdma to quit opiates.

Jameshyd, I don't think this is true becuase I remember according to dance safe there is a 10x more likely chance to die from amp over mdma becuase of heart attacks.(at raves?)
I have taken MDMA during acute opiate withdrawal. It definitely alters the experience.

For me, I found it to be an absolute waste of ecstasy.

Yeah, one more here.8)

After several years with no-MDMA neither any related compound doing, and in a point with opiate withdrawl, I had to consume more than a half a gram of previously analyzed MDMA to feel anything if so.
Usually I don`t need more than 125 mgs to make a full experience.

I had no anxiogenic effects, nor psychedelic effects whatsoever.

If any, I had some funny thoughts at the 20 hours point after ingestion, while driving back home alone at night.

And those thougths were basicly nostalgic memories.

But my partner in that time said that when she saw me under "those" effects (at the 3 hours point or 4 hours point) she got extremely horny<3 and she didn't know the reason in that moment.
I was told that several days after.

Perhaps there's no knowledge of these effects to the user but somekind of "magic" to the observer, as told in a contact high or in a hitchhiking... but in this case the girl that was with me had no experience with drugs at all, so there's no reason for her or her mind to recognize those effects in me.

Anyway, there a great loss of subjetive effects for those under opiate withdrawl taking MDMA. :p
I took mdma during opiate withdrawl and it was WAY different, any chemical reason this happened?

NEVER take stims when in opiate/opioid or benzo/alcohol (or phenibut) withdrawal. ANY stims. I know MDMA isn't traditional stim, but just the same. Take some special k or MXE if you can, THERAPEUTICALLY, reduces much of the symptoms. 3-meo-PCP, not sure tbh if any help? When I was having my monthly Oxy withdrawals back in the day (prescribed 80 a day, ran out 1-1.5 weeks every time, but kept my tolerance low...$2500 a month street cost in 2003 for $40, thanks insurance) I did a huuuuuuge line of just in from port of Miami by way of Puerto Rico "uncut" (meaning barely cut in dealer b.s. language) blow once when I lived that way and it got sooooooo much worse. Norepinephrine (or noradrenaline) from stims and glutamate (the stuff that causes seizures during benzo/alcohol/phenibut/GHB withdrawal) levels heightened from withdrawals (which lowers GABA levels, which are what benzo's increase. You're lucky it wasn't benzo or some other GABA withdrawal. Then it's muuuuuuuuch worse. Lesson...Downer/opiate withdrawals = no stims
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Slightly different experience for me. I did it on day 6 or 7 of a cold turkey high tolerance opiate withdrawal. Very very pleasurable experience from what is considered average dose for body weight, and tested as pure (used two different chem tests).

However! I would at that the day after, although not very bad at all, I did relapse, and I would be very concerned about this potential cause and effect.
Well at day 7 you'd feel shitty but hardly in acute WD(unless we are talking bupe/methadone)....I've made the mistake a few times now, but you should NEVER take anything noradrenergic while in WD without benzos on hand, with massive doses of both benzos and meth I've been able to make it through a couple days of work while in heavy WD before though people knew something was up but just had to tell them I had a really bad cold/thought I was starting to get the flu. If your job isn't too physical I imagine just some benzos/comfort meds/coffee could get you through a shift though.