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MDMA doesn't work for me anymore....what gives?


Feb 9, 2012
Would be interested to hear from some long term (ab)users of MDMA on here. As some of you may know, I had my ocassions where I smashed the arse out of MD for a bit, but nothing ever too extreme. But recently, I've noticed that when I take it, I get pupil dilation and gurning but absolutely no rushing sensation what so ever. It's strange, if you saw me I have all the facial signs of being on pills (gurn/eye sag etc) but I get absolutely no rushing or wiggles. None. To me, it feels like being sober but with massive pupils and a clenching jaw. Music sounds fairly normal too.

I know the gear is good - pink red bulls, from the same batch that I bought months ago. In fact, I raved about them on here they were that good. Granted my waits may not have been the longest on my last couple of uses (2/3 weeks ish). Even during university when I had a couple of weeks using consecutive weekends, it still worked albeit not as strong. Now it seems the shit has just stopped working. Period. I never thought this would happen, but it may be the case that MD just doesn't work on me anymore. Probably not the biggest loss in the world mind, it just means that I'm stuck with gear that is basically useless!


MD loses its magic over time shocker. ;) I'm the same - can get something from it only if I do it very rarely. Otherwise the irritating side effects surpass the buzz.
You mean, this is what losing the magic is? Fuck, MD sucks arse now. It just doesn't make sense. It still releases the same chemicals, but music just sounds normal and I'm gurning my nut off. I ocassionally get eye roll, but I just end up feeling hot, with pissing troubles and ultimately brain zaps in a couple of days.

0/10 - would not do again.
Pink red bulls are just more dutch glycidate mdma. It doesnt matter how much is in them if its not racemic. I told 3 people all to buy the safrole stuff advertised as such, uk. All of them agree with me its way better than anything since the UFO's. I missed the Dutch lions it seems.

It sounds fussy but honestly buy a marquis kit and dont even bother if it goes jet black IMO. I am looking for deep purple or else it seems to be no use to me. My mates are also in agreement and the general consensus is you need less of the safrole MDMA than the gylcidate stuff, why would that be when the glycidate is actually tested higher purity? It's obvious - because it is not racemic MDMA.

MDMA does just stop working too though. I blew the magic years ago if I'm honest, but a year or so off and now its as good as ever almost and I rarely ever need more than 1-2 doses.

Still if I were you I wouldn't write it all off without actually having MDMA you know is made from the original precursor. Because honestly without trying the manc pills or that uk safrole crystal it is not time to throw the towel in just yet :)
Pink red bulls are just more dutch glycidate mdma.

This may be true. However, I would say that 'glycidate mdma' pills/crystal have probably been my base for the last 1.5 years and it used to get me fucking mullered. Granted the Dutch lions were also incredible, but both types of MDMA used to make me rush my nuts off. It seems to me that MD has just stopped working, and ever waits of 1 month now aren't enough. I think it could be time for one of those 6 month + breaks you know. No use taking something that no longer works.

Should probably now just change my name to 'Silent', as it seems I can no longer roll.....
You know all that boring shit people go on about here advising to have 3 months between sessions and don't bother redosing after 5 hours or during a comedown?

Yeah not so boring now is it?

Time find a new drug or different hobby. You might be able to enjoy it after a 12 month break, there are no hard and fast rules once you have lost the magic unfortunately
Yeah not so boring now is it?

Yep, it's still boring...;). I jest. I'm not surprised that after using a drug for 2.5 years on and off that there would be a reduction of effects somewhere. I'm just surprised that the loss of effects are so sudden. I always expected to lose the magic eventually, I'm just surprised it was like....right now :p
Granted my waits may not have been the longest on my last couple of uses (2/3 weeks ish). Even during university when I had a couple of weeks using consecutive weekends, it still worked albeit not as strong.
It just doesn't make sense.
sure it makes sense. everybody who canes mdma and ignores the warnings about losing the magic assumes it just won't happen to them. until it does.


MD loses its magic over time shocker.

Either I'm a complete freak of nature or this is simply not true. Admittedly both may also be the case but for someone who, for quite some time whilst at my most excessive, used to IV an eighth a week of MDMA xtal - and could happily bosh beans before and after that especially heavy use period - I can say for an absolute FACT! I have never once "lost the magic".
I've never become addicted to any drug, what's your point shambles? There are no hard and fast rules, however the majority of people who have lost the magic failed to heed the warnings. You just can't bosh MDMA every month and not run the risk of losing its magic.
^ i tend to agree.

there are exceptions to every rule. before i discovered bluelight, i look back and see that my mdma use would be considered excessively frequent. i am lucky that i never really experienced 'magic loss' generally.

The magical component of MDMA has always mystified me. It seems to defy both concepts of tolerance and quality of MDMA in the pill. Seems, just sometimes they work really well and other times they don't. At least, in my experience...

I once had a year break, and took a ridiculously strong pill and all it did was give the effects OP described "feels like being sober but with massive pupils" my friend however on the same pill - was legless, rubbing himself over shouting "this is orgasmic" whilst unable to see anything other than the colour purple... and had to be dragged away into the car he was making such a scene.

Strange stuff...
How magical your night on mdma is depends on a million things. I'm another who had has periods of excessive usage but never lost the magic as such. I've had a few experiences which were decidedly unmagical but they mostly pertain to me misjudging the situation and taking it when I probably shouldn't have.

Also, if you do the same things each time you take it it is bound to become familiar. A regular club night is unlikely to always provide the same rewards as it did the first time you left this world on the middle of a dance floor as your favourite dj dropped banger after banger. Seek new experiences!
Piracetam is supposed to be good at bringing back the "magic". It intensifies and prolongs the roll, even in a lot of people who have lost the magic/abused it in the past. Worth a try imho, and something I will be trying very soon.
There are several anecdotes of a high dose intervention of st johsn worth for 2 weeks to repaid the magic, the logic behing it is that its the only substance upregulating the 5ht2 receptors which normally downregule with both agonists and antagonists.
Sorry to semi thread Jack but I've had some mandy tonight, and last time I had it 5-6 weeks ago I've had the same reaction of feeling tired! End up in bed semi sleeping but feeling really nice??
What the hells going on?
Either I'm a complete freak of nature or this is simply not true. Admittedly both may also be the case but for someone who, for quite some time whilst at my most excessive, used to IV an eighth a week of MDMA xtal - and could happily bosh beans before and after that especially heavy use period - I can say for an absolute FACT! I have never once "lost the magic".

I have been taking MDMA since 1989. I seriously abused it for long periods of times. I have had a fucking shitload of it over the years and I have never lost the magic. It still works fine. Maybe i am a freak too
Well, it's been 3 years and 21 days since I last took MDMA in any form and although I went to the rave on my own it was nice, I had a right old boogey woogey and got exactly what I have hoped it would out of it.

I had confirmation last night that my raving associate and I have a gram of MDMA crystal waiting for us at the West Midlands Depository for Morally Objectionable Materials (WMD - MOM), which, after collecting half each, we are going to Godskitchen's 'The Last Dance' for my birthday night out this weekend - which after spending many a night in the two venues it used as it's home to host it's weekly club in Digbeth, Biirmigham (it was held in the Digbeth Institute from 1998 - 2000 and from 2000 its its own bespoke 'superclub' Code /Air, built about 300 - 400 metres away, which it ran the club night in up until 2012), as well as many of the other showcase events they have held around the UK and Europe.

(The first 4 Godskitchen Global Gatherings from 2001 - 2004 after which it turned into an all weekend event and with it a commercialised piece of shit, with the 'Godskitchen' part of the festivals name being dropped 2 or 3 years after, to 'A Gift From The Gods' - a 12,000 capacity extravaganza at the NEC Arena and Pavililon in 2003 - to one of their nights in San Antonio's Eden in Ibiza - they had just spent 2 successful seasons promoting the Tuesday night at Amnesia before Sven Vath's seminal 'Cocoon' took the night over as there wasn't the amount of proper techno nights at the clubs that they're are today and Thursday's CreamIbiza already offered a virtually identical night of music at the same venue.)

So after touring the globe for the last decade, returning to various clubs in Birmingham 3 or 4 times a year for a party, they are finally wrapping things up. Within the the last 3 weeks or so they have put on a similar event to say good bye to their Australian fans at a showcase also named 'Godskitchen - The Last Dance' at the famous Hisense Arena - one of the show courts at Melbourne Park, the world famous home of the Australian Tennis Open each January, with different but bona fide 'Godskitcheny artists proving the classic 'Godskithen-esque' musical pulse.

So, with their final ever contribution to global club music (and after 19 years their have been many) back at the home of it's original weekly club nigh, the above mentioned Digbeth Institute (a beautiful 19th century listed building with 5 rooms of music, the main one using the original space thatt was once used a a theatre) a wonderful chance had been provided by my associate and I to go and techno - trance ones pants one more time to this historical piece of Second City and global pop culture, and after over 3 yeer break from MDMA, let's see if it loses any of its magic when used what is in my own, personal opinion, the best recreational use of this drug.

I'm excited now MistyPops xxxxx
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