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MDMA comedown update

I just saw a post that suggested two years on he's still really bad and it totally freaked me out :( i was hoping to be way better, if not fully recovered by the time my graduation came around in September
To avoid confusion i should mention it appears there are several people with that username on this site
And regarding drugs - I'm abstaining from everything of course, though I'll see how i am in a couple of months or so with going back to having alcohol (though not getting wasted)

Unfortunately though i think I'm totally done with all other drugs, i used to smoke weed very occasionally until i had a massive panic attack one day. I think I'm just one of those people who should avoid them ): and coke haha, so done with coke. Made me paranoid as hell

I would agree with you there. Some people appear to be more sensitive or susceptible to problems arising from drugs. I was fine for a few years, but then things caught up with me, so include myself in that category.

For these people, maybe there is more to lose, and so it is best to avoid drugs altogether.

It was painful for a long time seeing my friends still going wild every weekend, but that's life. Some people are good looking, some people are naturally athletic, and some people are smart. Then there are some people who are more fragile with drugs. Luck of the draw.
I just saw a post that suggested two years on he's still really bad and it totally freaked me out :( i was hoping to be way better, if not fully recovered by the time my graduation came around in September

Honestly, at the rate of your recovery I think you'll be near 100% by september if you are constant with exercise, diet, meditation/yoga and STAY POSITIVE.
all this worrying only hinders your recovery so why bother?
Thank you comfortablynumb95, i really hope so :)

I think I'm going to stop looking at all threads besides this one for a while, it's making me focus on the dr/dp which from what I've heard on here is exactly what stops it leaving. I was also feeling pretty negative yesterday because all my friends went out to an event i was really looking forward to to celebrate handing in their dissertations , and i spent my evening meditating. Wanted to throw my peppermint tea at the wall in frustration aha.

Today is a better day than yesterday though
Have you checked the site anxietynomore.uk yet?
anyway, IMHO, if you feel like it you should go out with your friends. (obviously abstaining from drugs).
it will help you distract for a while from your symptoms and aid your recovery.
IMHO of course.
I have, I have also found nomorepanic to be useful, i think i should perhaps check those sites rather than bluelight as it means I'm addressing my anxiety rather than constantly bringing it back to drug related anxiety.

I get where you're coming from and i totally agree, I have been trying to socialise by going to a quiet pub with friends or into town, but due to the fact i still have a migraine i would have found it a bit much at this stage, everyone was basically going to crowded loud light show and getting fucked on md...not what i want to be surrounded with right now

I'm going to make an effort to go to my degree show in May though, even if i can't drink
good, good. I see that you began meditation too, that's great! :) remember that the important thing is to be costant, way better to meditate 20 minutes a day than 3 hours once a week.
As soon as you get better make sure to go out with friends, socialize etc. that certainly helps. (unless you're in a stressful enviroment that is)

I have, I have also found nomorepanic to be useful, i think i should perhaps check those sites rather than bluelight as it means I'm addressing my anxiety rather than constantly bringing it back to drug related anxiety.

good idea. just remember to keep us updated ;)
I've started meditating twice daily and I've noticed something unusual that keeps happening, whenever i get to a point of deep relaxation i suddenly get really dizzy, it feels almost as if eyes are swivelling around underneath my closed eyelids! Has anyone else had this? It sometimes also happens when I'm going to sleep, though not everytime as it does during meditation. It's annoying because it shocks me and wakes me up from my relaxed state, as soon as i reach the same point of relaxation it comes back
hmmm, maybe you're not focused enough? remember thay meditation is not an exercise of relaxation but more of focus.
it happened to me at the beginning that at some point during meditation I would get these "shocks" like I was about to fall asleep and was suddenly awaken. it wasn't unpleasant tho, just a sign that I wasn't doing it in the right way.
I don't if yours is a different thing tho.and also I'm not an expert in any way, so maybe ask on some meditation forum?
No worries, I'll ask on a meditation forum :) it might just be i got a bit dizzy once and now i expect it to happen

My brain expecting symptoms to appear seems to be the story of my life at the moment!
Sweetheart, I knows ALL about Depersonalisation and Derealisation :p

I am going through that right now as I took nearly 800mg of untested (but certainly potent) MDMA on Saturday for 24 hours and awake in total for 40 with lots of tea and tobacco-smoking (doing thankfully very little bumps here and there and NOT doing 1/3 in one go like I did my first time when I had no idea you're not supposed to take anywhere near that amount!!) 8(

I don't really do drugs anymore (this is like the 2nd time I've done MDMA in 2 years) and only if it's a special occasion, but if you read any of my old posts, I used to roll like a mutha ALL the time AND that was when I smoked ganj a lot. And then I went on to the demon speed (Polish base speed mostly). But that's a whole 'nother story that went very badly.........

I'm here to tell you that your side effects will decrease more and more, ya just gotta hang on in there and look after yourself. I had almost forgotten what the dr/dp was like until today. I went to the pub to have some beers and a pub lunch as I don't really drink and that's about the only legal 'downer' I can get to help ease shit off. And now I just feel drunk and errr 'weird' :|

But I know from previous experience and experiences years ago, that once you hit that magic 7 day mark (USUALLY), then the brunt of the dr/dp will wear off as long as you've been getting enough sleep, resting and eating as healthily as possible and of course, not caning anything else will help hugely (one didn't always do that back in the day and subsequently drew out my recovery further DOH).

Anyways, I hope you recover properly ASAP and can I just say a big hello to all the Bluelight admin and users on here from someone who used to frequent this fine forum every day (sober or not lol).

Good to see this place still going and helping to edumacate you mischievous souls out there....


P.S. I bought some herbal tablets called Kalms from Tescos (if you're not from the UK then I guess whatever the equivalent is for you). They are made up of Valerian root extract which REALLY helped me sleep. I think if it wasn't for those, it would have been return of the nasty brain zaps etc and then some (still have the tiny zaps going here and there and in my chest, but nothing like the ones I used to have eughhhh) :X

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Also there is one symptom that has appeared in the past couple of days and that is these little 'eye floaters' like little worm things that appear in my perefiral vision every now and then. They're barely noticable though and if I'm honest i think they were there last week, I think I've just started noticing them more as I'm not so consumed with my other symptoms

Yep, I used to get those too. And little orangey-black dots sometimes that would float cheekily in the corner of my eye above or below it :p
hey kinze_uk, I'll give those herbal tablets a try! I've been trying to get my hands on some melatonin but i think you need a prescription for that?

that's the thing, my derealisation/depersonalisation has definitely gotten a bit better, I'm just worried I'm going to be stuck with it for like another 8 months or something, I could handle it if i just had 'episodes' of it but it's when it's constant with no windows that drives me nuts! i think i'd be making a lot faster progress is my sleep was better, it's a bit better than it was but I'm nowhere near back to my old student sleeping habits (could normally sleep like 12 hours a night no problem)

are you able to drink again since your recovery? this has totally put me off the drugs unfortunately, but when I'm all better i'd love nothing more than to be able to sit in a park and get drunk on a summers day with my friends like i used to!
Hi India :)

Just saw this before I head off to bed; I'm not sure if you need prescription for Melatonin or not but you definitely don't for those Kalms. The bottle says to take 2 tablets 3 x a day which is crazy as 2 of them had me hitting my pillow within an hour :D

They have definitely helped at least with the sleeping because as well know, the lack of sleep or broken sleep is going to make your recovery time far longer and drawn out. These babies will sort the sleep out, I can pretty much promise you. And it cost me £4 for a bottle of 200 tablets in Tescos. If you don't have one near you, just order them online I say :) I see they also have ones specifically for sleeping too so go for those as well. The ones I have are for general stress/anxiety relief.

Shame they don't make a Depersonalisation/Derealisation range, eh?! =D

As for me being able to drink again, well, I don't really drink at all except on social occasions which isn't often. I could still feel the amphetamine side of this molly I took still working away (no doubt helped by the 200 cups of tea and roll ups I consumed as well) so as I unfortunately don't have access to any Valium (Diazepam) *and I have to say at this point, if you know anyone who has those and you can get even 1mg (a sliver basically) off of a 5 or 10mg pill, you will smash half of those symptoms off in an hour or so. I know this because as someone who used to cane ounces of speed and pills in my heyday, the ONLY thing that could smash the brain zaps and cracked out weirdness etc better than anything were Diazepam.

HOWEVER I have no idea what meds you might be taking or any adverse reactions you might be prone too so this is only a recommendation in as far as this is what I did to help me at the time. Also, Valiums can be very addictive as can other benzos, but if like me, you were only using a tiny amount to help with your comedown, you should have zero probs. I certainly never got addicted to the little blue saviours, although the buzz from those while helping to cure me of all the other shit was really rather pleasant to be honest ;)

Anyways, I'm outtie -hope that's helped and keep us all updated on how you're getting on

And if I lived near you, I'd go down to the nearest park bench and toast to being strung out with ya! Maybe feed the ducks some molly-coated breadcrumbs too! :p
as for the diazepam there is some in the house but I'm gonna try not to go down that route, I'll get some kalms as my local boots shop has them :)

from today I'm going to block bluelight on my phone and laptop and am going to try to stay away for at least a month and focus on my recovery, if anyone sees me online and posting during this time they should tell me off!

will report back in a month or so
as for the diazepam there is some in the house but I'm gonna try not to go down that route, I'll get some kalms as my local boots shop has them :)

from today I'm going to block bluelight on my phone and laptop and am going to try to stay away for at least a month and focus on my recovery, if anyone sees me online and posting during this time they should tell me off!

will report back in a month or so

Good plan. Come back and update us when you feel good and ready though!

Best of luck.