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MDMA Comedown 4 weeks later


Dec 22, 2014
Hi Guys,

Hope your all well. Was just looking for some past experience with MDMA comedowns.

Ive taken MDMA five times in about 2 years no more than 1 time every 4 months. The last time I dropped was 5 weeks ago (Saturday night), I took about 300mg over the entire night mixed with vodka lemonades and a few beers.

The Monday after I'd dropped I got to work and felt anxiety and my heart was racing. In the end I had to go home and remained there for a week to recover. The next week I felt fine throughout the week with no symptoms of a comedown.

It had now been three full weeks since I dropped on a Monday morning. I got to work and started getting dizzy whilst looking at the computer screens. This continued the same way throughout the week.

The week after, now four and a bit weeks since I'd dropped I started to get headaches. On the Friday I got ridiculously drunk which I think triggered the mega comedown to come - On the Saturday and Sunday of last week I started feeling depressed and negative. This has got much better over the last five or so days. I'm now just feeling dizzy a little bit when I look at screens all day and I rarely get headaches now. Although I know the comedown has not completely gone as when I wake up I my eyes are wide open. I don't have any problems sleeping (although I do have some weird dreams), just seem to get up straight away.

I just wanted to hear your past experiences, how long do you think this will remain (dizziness, waking straight away from sleep, slight headaches & occasionally small anxiety)? Do you think it will be months or weeks judging on my recovery in the last few days, baring in mind I was feeling awful on Saturday? And will I be able to get drunk for New Years? Any advice you guys can give would be greatly revived.

P.s. I know my symptoms don't seem as bad as everyone else's. Think I'm just overthinking and should just forget about it.

Thanks again.
You are correct about the over thinking part.

Just learn to let it go dude, it's an important lesson all psychedelic users have to learn at some point.

Your physical come down caused by the serotonin drop happened many weeks ago. This is purely psychological.

You haven't been abusing mdma at all, youve actually been very responsible with your use, so bravo dude.

Good luck, hope you feel better soon!
I think it's equally important to prepare yourself for what you are going to do next time. Imagine you have an amazing time rolling but the come down is worse or lasts longer. Would this start to impact your job or your normal life? Would your company not be suspicious if you took another week off? If so I would seriously consider not doing mdma again just to be one the safe side.

Maybe I'm being overly-cautious, but after my bad experiences with E I am very risk averse and want to help people not end up in a situation I was in. But I do credit your moderation. 5 times in 2 years no more than 4 months apart is very sensible.

Overall you sound sensible and smart, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Hopefully you recover soon too :)
From my experience the comedown gets worse with every use. Maybe you're just now noticing that it's gotten worse?
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Thanks for the response guys, I've decided to let it go! Getting on with everything as normal! I'll let you know how I get on! :)
It's impossible for a traditional 'comedown' to occur four weeks after the drug. MDMA will deplete serotonin instantly and so a comedown begins hours-days later and is usually over within a week. If you took the MDMA four weeks ago, survived the comedown and went to baseline, and then suddenly started experiencing all these things four weeks later it's unlikely to be related to the MDMA and is not a 'comedown'. Are there other things in your life which may have caused these effects? Remember that there's more to anxiety than just 'chemicals in the brain' (that one pisses me off because it's misleading). How you think, feel and act upon those thoughts and feelings can directly influence the future occurrence of those thoughts and feelings. Perhaps letting go is all you need to do to recover. It's highly unlikely that any of this is related to direct changes in the brain caused by the actual MDMA itself. However, the lifestyle you live can change the way your brain develops. Think of it similar to muscle training. You exercise the bicep everyday so the biceps get bigger and more efficient at what they do. The brain is similar insofar as if you keep repeating anxious thoughts and feelings you'll increase the efficiency of these brain networks actually causing the anxiety which then further intensifies the anxious thoughts. As you can see it's a repetitive and highly reinforcing cycle. This is how mental disorders occur in people who don't take any drugs and become hard to break. So, remember that you have the power to change the brain yourself through positive action. Exercise, cognitive training, cognitive behavioural therapy, healthy eating, socializing are all great to help you re-wire networks yourself. It's an old cliché but a healthy lifestyle really can do wonders to your well-being.
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It's impossible for a traditional 'comedown' to occur four weeks after the drug. MDMA will deplete serotonin instantly and so a comedown begins hours-days later and is usually over within a week. If you took the MDMA four weeks, survived the comedown and went to baseline, and then suddenly started experiencing all these things four weeks later it's unlikely to be related to the MDMA.

Thanks for the replies. I realised I just need to forget about this. Any tips on forgetting this, I think about it all day! Cheers.
Hi Jwills20,

Thanks for your comments the other day. I've taken on so much info in the last few weeks I struggle to understand what I should listen to and what I shouldn't.

I feel I'm just worrying too much as you said. but how can you define the dizziness? Could this just be a placebo effect? Also I drank a little bit last night and now feel a little down. Again is this me just worrying? If so any tips on how to prevent the worrying or how you got over this in the last. I don't want to work my self up too much from just waiting.

Hi Jwills20,

Thanks for your comments the other day. I've taken on so much info in the last few weeks I struggle to understand what I should listen to and what I shouldn't.

I feel I'm just worrying too much as you said. but how can you define the dizziness? Could this just be a placebo effect? Also I drank a little bit last night and now feel a little down. Again is this me just worrying? If so any tips on how to prevent the worrying or how you got over this in the last. I don't want to work my self up too much from just waiting.


Hi Jack,

Sorry to hear about your life situation, one that I currently as well is experiencing.

First of all, despite the fact that no one knows when - you will be alright. Just read your own words in the thread objectively and understand that you have been very careful when dealing with the MDMA. If you read the stories on BL you probably have noticed that comedowns is very individual. I have seen them last in between 2 months to 19 months and my guess would be that the lasting of the comedown will most likely depend on your history with the drug. But that is only a guess from a person who has had a lot of time to think about the question.

My comedown lasted for 11 days at first. Then life continued as usual for a month, before I had another month ahead filled with stress and public speaking. After that I crashed. I was feeling the same as during the first comedown and still is. This was about 6 weeks ago and I already see progress. I don't know why but when this occurred I felt that my life needed to change. I left school (with the intention of returning back in the beginning of 2015), started working out, cut all the nicotine, caffein, drugs, cleaned out my whole apartment with stuff I felt was needed to be thrown away for a "new beginning".

But it got worse. I started getting head tensions and the anxiety got even worse. At this time I felt the anxiety every hour of the day. I said OK fine, fuck you anxiety and went out to face it. Because if there was one thing I new, it was that I was feeling the anxiety at most when speaking with other people and especially in front of groups (of 2 or more). Before that I had escaped those situations and hid myself but now I was going to face them. I started hanging out with my friends in groups, went to parties (without drinking) and if I could I took the chance of speaking in public - despite the fact that I was experiencing panic attacks.

What I want to say is that, despite my merely existing history with drugs ("MDMA" twice, speed once, LSD once, shrooms once and pot occasionally) I have had a fucked up comedown unlike my best friend who has done the exact same drugs without side effects. We all are different.

Today I feel a lot better but I don't know for how long this will last, therefore I have decided to just continue with my healthier life until that day when I wake up and feel healthy. And that is what I recommend you to do. Change your life and wait for it to get better. And for some real advice:

- Forget New Years, or just be sober. You need a brake from all substances in order to get back. If you experience a lot of stress at work because you can't handle the come down symptoms, take a brake for a month or so but don't forget to replace work with other routines to keep your mind off the comedown.

- When feeling really good, write down what you are feeling and about your feelings, have you ever felt this good since the comedown? And look at this whenever feeling bad.

- Be with people you can trust and possibly even love. Friends, family, partner. If you have problems with your family for example and they make you feel bad - stay away from them. Be with people!

- Try not to read much on BL about others. That will just make you worry even more.

- Speak to people about your experience. See a psychologist (similar works to) if possible! It can be good for you to express your thoughts and feelings verbally.

Remember - if you are feeling tired, dizzy or having problems with inhaling or yawning etc, most of the symptoms are symptoms of anxiety. The more you worry the more anxiety you will feel, so try not to worry and not to read about others.

Hope my reply helps to motivate you. Good luck in the future!
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Thanks for the replies. I realised I just need to forget about this. Any tips on forgetting this, I think about it all day! Cheers.

Hey Jack, I had been a casual MDMA user (once a month) for about 6 months until late November and December came around, I was free part-time school obligations and I used the festive atmosphere of the holidays as an excuse to pop every weekend (sometimes re-dosing). I'll tell you my experiences on M were all great, I continued to highly enjoy myself and feel the love for all those around me. That being said, I didn't notice any significant "comedowns" aside from the usual lack of appetite and having really light sleeps.. almost to the point where it felt like I slept 2 hours when I really slept 8.

Anyways, what I began to notice was an impact to my desire to get out there and do stuff.. I'm very active and enjoy going to the gym and play sports.. during my bing M time I lost all desire to hit the gym or play any sports.. I really just wanted to hang out and enjoy myself (which is fine.. but it's not who I am, it was a change in character for me) I told myself 2 weeks ago that it would be my last time popping for at least until summer.

I'm generally an optimistic person, I don't really take life too seriously.. so my personality is geared to not paying attention to "negative" side-effects but I can absolutely tell you 2 weeks after popping I am finally feeling like "myself". I have more tolerance for idiots at work again, I have a desire to go to the gym and play sports etc, I'm finding myself being in a better mood during the day for no apparent reason. Just a lot of small things that disappeared during that last 2 month stretch.

It's almost like being injured and finally feeling injury free again.

I can tell you, going forward I'll never pop that often again.. and when I do I'll make sure I have at least 3-4 days to "recover".. aka staying away from responsibilities of work. My advice would be to start looking for those small things coming back and just as you "fake it till you make it" on your trip.. do the same to your mind on the come-down.. fake being yourself or happy or whatever and you'll get there.. once it starts you'll know you're back to normal.

As for forgetting about it.. again focus on where your improvements are coming from and a lot of the times I use up-coming things to motivate myself. I'm honestly looking very much forward to keeping a low-key few months and just having wholesome fun.. again focusing on self-improvement and "real" things that make me happy.