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MDMA before entering festival


May 27, 2014
So there is a festival coming up and was wondering what to do as i don't want to take anything in with me so i was thinking parachuting 1g of MDMA with a few mg of 2cb through it, any thought's on this idea? The MDMA isn't the best and I've parachuted a little under a gram and was great so just wondering if it's wise to do the gram with 2cb through it in the queue?
Are you joking...? You're going to drop a whole gram and 2-cb all at the same time!?

This is incredibly reckless. A normal dose of MDMA is 80-150 MILLIGRAMS, and mixing it with 2-cb adds a whole new level to the experience. If you're dropping a gram of MDMA and feeling 'great' then your MDMA is heavily cut or not even MDMA. Buy a test kit.

Once again, do NOT do that. If you don't want to take it in with you, drop about 100-150mg MDMA before going in.
I'm going to invest in a test kit as the MDMA where i stay is getting really shit, like when we first got it a few dabs would do but I've been parachuting just under a gram for a few weeks now whilst on pills also. But thanks anyway i think i might try get some decent MDMA and just drop you're recommend dosage.
Seriously dude, if you're dropping a gram and feeling great, then it's not pure and you're being sold some serious shit. Once I dropped roughly 250mg at once (drunken mistake at a nightclub), and I can barely even remember what happened. I came up so hard my friends said I looked like I was having a seizure. They called me the dinosaur, because I was spazzing my arms around like a T-rex dinosaur. I don't remember any of this. Needless to say, high doses of MDMA will make you look and feel fucked up. I'd never drop 250mg again, let alone anything near a gram. Get some pure MDMA and dose in the 100-150mg range, it's safer and a more comfortable high.
Wow, certainly don't want that! I think I'll stop buying this so called MDMA and maybe just take a few shrooms or a tab in the queue as the MDMA everyone around here must be on is obviously absolute rubbish. Thanks for the advice anyway I'll take that in to consideration if i ever get good MDMA.
Wow, certainly don't want that! I think I'll stop buying this so called MDMA and maybe just take a few shrooms or a tab in the queue as the MDMA everyone around here must be on is obviously absolute rubbish. Thanks for the advice anyway I'll take that in to consideration if i ever get good MDMA.

Sounds like a reasonable plan. Get the test kit, they're absolutely crucial in todays ecstasy market!
The person selling you the MDMA is totally ripping you off. Find another person that's an expert in chemistry and also get a testing kit. The Marquis reagent is good for testing MDxx. 100mg of MDA or 130mg MDEA should be plenty. It doesn't have to be MDMA, just MDxx. The MDxx goes better with a low dose of 2C-I instead of with 2C-B. 100mg to 130mg MDxx with like 2mg to 5mg of 2C-I goes well since 2C-I has a smooth stimulant and mood elevating effect at low doses(sub-psychedelic doses). Lately though, I haven't seen not even one psychedelic around. It's like the world wants to get rid of hippies and the right side up peace sign.
Let's see, 1g mdma and some 2cb on the side. I doubt you will make it to the festival lmao. :eek:
The person selling you the MDMA is totally ripping you off. Find another person that's an expert in chemistry and also get a testing kit. The Marquis reagent is good for testing MDxx. 100mg of MDA or 130mg MDEA should be plenty. It doesn't have to be MDMA, just MDxx. The MDxx goes better with a low dose of 2C-I instead of with 2C-B. 100mg to 130mg MDxx with like 2mg to 5mg of 2C-I goes well since 2C-I has a smooth stimulant and mood elevating effect at low doses(sub-psychedelic doses). Lately though, I haven't seen not even one psychedelic around. It's like the world wants to get rid of hippies and the right side up peace sign.
Definitely going to tell everyone to stop going to him for MDMA and definitely investing in a testing kit. I'm the same actually can only really get my hands on 2cb,lsd,MDMA and DMT, everyone seems to be into coke and alcohol all the time now and not the good old psychedelics ?
you almost ended up being that kid on the news eating 10 mollies at once and dying at the festival. you shouldn't take mdma when you don't even know what a lethal does of it is.
I think everyone is correct, OTOH the OP says:

when we first got it a few dabs would do but I've been parachuting just under a gram for a few weeks now whilst on pills also.

If you're already taking a gram every day or two, your tolerance could just be incredibly high.
If I were you, I'd wash the molly you have now, not to make it better, because it sounds like it just might be cut with another drug, but to just see how much shit comes off of it.
i was thinking parachuting 1g of MDMA with a few mg of 2cb through it
If you take this combo in above mentionerd doses you will definitely remember just "get an embulance!!!" and wake up in hospital if you are lucky.
dont do that gaza, actually I know a guy who took 250mg pure mdma and he could just spread down on his sofa and moan something undefinite