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MDMA and Panic Attacks?


Jan 5, 2015

I am new to Bluelight. Nice to virtually meet you all!

Back in July, I tried cocaine for the very first time, and quickly realized that it was my "vice". For the first time in a very long time, I had lots of confidence, was eager to have conversations with people I had just met (I have social anxiety, so I am typically very reserved), and could dance all night yet still be in control of my actions. I felt like a god, and it was the best feeling I have ever experienced in my life.

For weeks after that, I took lines on the weekends with no issues, just pure euphoria. However, during my last few sessions I started getting major panic attacks. I would feel a squeezing sensation on the right side (my right) of my chest, my right arm would get a little numb, and my heart rate would jump to over 150. I had to go the the ER each time because I felt like I was going to die, so I unfortunately had to stop. As of now, I have not taken any cocaine in four months.

My understanding is that if someone, like myself, is suffering from problems at work and/or home, cocaine will essentially trigger your panic button, and there is not much one can do to control the inevitable anxiety and panic attack, except a strong ativan/valium cocktail IV'd, in addition to lots of fluids. This has caused me to become a little depressed because I only abused it for my first week, and I honestly considered myself to be a light to moderate recreational user afterward, using only on the weekends (6-8 lines a throughout the day, no overnight binges).

I would love to experience the incredible euphoria that I received from doing cocaine, but without having to worry about whether or not I will suffer from another panic attack.

Would I have anything to worry about if I try MDMA?
I think your understanding of cocaine is incorrect - it really doesn't trigger your panic button (quite the opposite really). Yes you can have a panic attack when on it (its a stimulant after all) but just because you have work/home problems does not mean you will have a panic attack.

If your having a panic attack then simply having a sit down in a quiet place will be enough to calm you down (no need to start IV'ing valium or taking any downer).

The same applies with MDMA however the effects of MDMA last a lot longer than Cocaine so if you start to have a panic attack then it may take you a bit longer to get out of it. Again though, a quiet place will be enough to calm you down. Normally the problem with MDMA is you can get over stimulated (especially if your in a club/rave situation) this is when you need to take yourself away to a quiet area (chill out zone). Stay warm, have something to drink and just relax.

Thank you for the reply, Bear.

Do you perhaps know why someone would start getting panic attacks so soon after having nothing but positive experiences with cocaine?

It is disappointing to hear that MDMA can cause panic attacks too. The reason I had to go to the ER multiple times after doing cocaine was because I, like you, believed that as long as I can try to relax, I should ultimately be fine and not need to go back to the hospital. After many attempts, I was never able to mentally put myself into a state of relaxation after the panic attacks occurred. The uncontrollable thought of the panic attack itself forms, which causes me to panic even more. From your reply, it sounds like MDMA could be even more dangerous for me personally.

Would a liberal dosage of a benzodiazepine, such as ativan or klonopin, beforehand help prevent a panic attack for either substance?
I wouldn't recommended a Benzo of any kind before a roll, as it will definitely dull the whole experience for ya. I'd just start off a small dose of MDxx and see how ya like it 45 mins- an hour later when it starts hitting. Just keep some benzos on hand, just in case you don't enjoy the feeling or if it starts triggering a panic attack. And if ya do enjoy the MDxx effects you can decide if ya wanna redose and extend the roll. Just be careful bro.
Panic attacks can happen for a lot of reasons (over stimulation, taking too much coke, maybe even adulterated product, not being fully rested etc)- the problem is once you have one you sort of are already expecting to get another next time (and increase the chances of having one).

I would not take a benzo before rolling - MDMA can be very very relaxing or if you chose it can make you hyper excited etc. Most benzo's work fairly quickly so just having some to hand could put you at ease, if not then you can always take one.

You know the tell tale signs when your starting to have a panic attack, when you feel them start act straight away - see what is the cause (are you worried about heart rate etc) and deal with that. Once you have addressed the cause then your more likely to be able to control the episode. You will probably find the high very different to that of cocaine, its not an immediate hit, it comes on slowly then you peak then you gradually come down (unlike the instant high and speedy sensation that you get from coke.

If your going to do MDMA then dose around the 100mg range as a starter dose - that way you will roll but will not be completely out of it (which may make you worry).

Good luck
If your having a panic attack then simply having a sit down in a quiet place will be enough to calm you down (no need to start IV'ing valium or taking any downer).

that depends. on lsd that often helps but when i'm sober and having a panic attack i'll most of the time need a benzo (but oral dosing surely is enough).


i don't have much experience with coke, but lots of experience with amphetamine. amphetamine fulfills the same spot as coke (concerning conversations, dancing, energy, euphoria and helping people with social anxiety ;)), which is why i loved it so much for going to parties. but the thing with both these substances is that they increase anxiety in general with regular use as well as increasing the chance for having a panic attack while on the drug. after a few nights of partying on various substances at a festival i had a spectacular panic attack while on speed causing me to hide in my car for hours ;).

but ime mdma, although also a stimulant, is quite different from these. you'll also not be nearly as clear headed on mdma and the whole subjective effects are completely different. straight stimulants like coke or speed put you in control, prepare you for a long night of partying and add quite a bit of fun to the whole experience. and semi-regular use typically is no problem.
but mdma is more of a "peak-experience", allowing you to completely let go and fully enoy the moment without worries. it's much more euphoric than coke and once you're up and rolling, a panic attack is the last thing i would be able to imagine (some peole find the comeup unpleasant and get anxious, but once the full effects hit that is usually gone within a blink of an eye). the only situation where anxiety is a real possibility is when something intensely negative happens during the roll or if you try to prolong the high for too long causing the euphoria to fade while the side effects are still there. but mdma isn't something you can simply take for every party you go to, it releases your serotonin (as well as temporarily down-regulating your serotonin receptors/transporters if you don't dose low) and that needs time to be replenished. doing it more often than once in every 1-3 months is asking for depression/anxiety. so while the chance for having a bad time while on mdma is pretty low, many people who are susceptible to panic attacks have a heightened chance of one happening in the days (or 1-2 weeks) after taking mdma.
Hi NoCover,

MDMA is more likely to cause panic attacks because it uses more serotonin in your brain, this is the euphoric feeling. Serotonin is very powerful and when depleted, your body hits the panic button. Hence why you hear of coke addicts (because the effects on your brain are less awful when abusing the drug) but you rarely hear of MDMA addicts, as in daily users, because it royaly fucks you in a short amount of time.

However, I think the problem you are experiencing is not to do with your compatibility with the drug, but more your expectations. For example, if you drop LSD while thinking you might have a bad trip, you most likely will have a bad trip. If you take coke having had a bad time on it a week before, you might be anticipating and worrying about it happening again. The drug is very powerful, and as well as heightening your awareness/euphoria etc, it heightens everything else too. If you're expecting to have a bad night, you probably will.

So, my advice to you, steer clear of these drugs until you genuinely are not worried of the effects. Because any worry in your mind may well come out when you are rolling. Also, be aware that if you regularly use drugs like cocaine and MDMA, you can expect to have bad nights, panic attacks, and depression etc once in a while. Same as if you drink every weekend, probably 1 in 8 nights you might be sick. If you take cocaine a lot, expect the occasional bad roll. It happens. Just remember that it is natural, its the drug doing its job, and it will all be ok in a few hours. I have spent an entire night at a festival playing snake on my phone in a portaloo because I freaked out on Cocaine. It happens, just remember to think through it, and you'll be ok.

Kind Regards,