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MDMA and kidneys


Dec 31, 2016
I have hydronephrosis grade 4 at right kidney and the left kidney it's perfect functional.I'm operated and it s fine as long as I don't have pain.For someone like me how dangerous can be if I ingest a small dose of ecstasy? I took a little bit(a quarter) a long time ago and I had pain in my kidneys because I haven't drunk enough water and dance all night.My question is if I can take ecstasy pills in a very small dose (lower than a quarter) once at 3 months maybe.Is there any chance for kidney failure or will affect my renal function? Thanks for help.
Hmmm I'm really not sure if anyone is going to be able to give an accurate answer. Maybe research has been done on the toll MDMA takes on the kidneys, but I'm not aware of them. I really don't think that even a full 100-150mg dose would be too taxing, it's really not that much material, although I could be wrong. Getting pure crystal is probably your best option considering pressed pills are going to have fillers or possibly other adulterants that could tax the kidneys, although even still, it may be fine.
I have hydronephrosis grade 4 at right kidney and the left kidney it's perfect functional.I'm operated and it s fine as long as I don't have pain.For someone like me how dangerous can be if I ingest a small dose of ecstasy? I took a little bit(a quarter) a long time ago and I had pain in my kidneys because I haven't drunk enough water and dance all night.My question is if I can take ecstasy pills in a very small dose (lower than a quarter) once at 3 months maybe.Is there any chance for kidney failure or will affect my renal function? Thanks for help.

MDMA has been shown to alter the renin-angiotensin-vasopressin metabolism -- which can be a serious issue for people with kidney issues.

That is the systemn that manages diuresis -- which as everybody knows on MDMA -- sometimes you just cannot urinate (some has to do with bladder relaxation - much has to do with diuresis)

I would try and find a medical doctor that isn't recreational drug phobic and ask them

My opinion is that it isn't safe.
MDMA is a very dehydrating substance and in addition some people have a hard time peeing on/after MDMA, both could be very bad for you. Problems with urine flow are associated with developing hydronephrosis.
There is also risk of getting something that is not MDMA, which could also be no good.
I'd recommend passing on ecstasy. It may not be worth it for one night of fun.
But there are ppl with only 1 kidney and they take mdma..and I have 2 but 1 it's not working so properly.What another drug party would be safe for me in my condition?
I'll look into it. Mdma is in the family of amphetamines, and I think metabolism for it is mainly in the liver, but I'll see if I can find something regarding how it affects kidneys.
The short answer: the risk of adverse damage is higher than most recreational users. Particularly if you go dancing and drink too little or too much. Also, increased risk if you mix with other substances.

This is a difficult question, and the reason why it is more dangerous for you is that with less total kidney (renal) function, the less your body is able to adjust itself after mdma intake.

I suggest you find research about the following :

kidney damage due to
- hyponatremia, or too much water (sodium are thinned out in your body by too much fluids). Shit hits the fan
- dehydration, drinking too little, putting strain on kidneys
- reduced renal function lowering your tolerance for mdma
- elevated body temperature (not a direct effect of mdma, but getting really warm, probably before serotonin syndrome, could harm your kidneys.

You basically have the same issues that every MDMA user faces, but your margins are more narrow, and if you cause damage from drugs/diet/whatever, in such that your renal function is further reduced, you will be worse off than someone with two functioning kidneys.

Having said that, you know your kidneys the best, and the reason why one is damaged. It could be from birth, and if it is operated (no obstruction anymore), you probably know better how much you risk. What have your doctor said in regards of alcohol or drugs? Or coffee?

If you're told to not drink coffee, you probably should not do MDMA, or any other stimulant.

It is possible to do MDMA with getting warm or dehydrated, but that does not involve going out. I do it at home, comfortable in my home, with a window opened and little clothes. And a glass of water. Goal is not a single drop of sweat.

I cannot say that this would be safe for you, and I strongly suggest you at least don't go dancing on mdma, as this elevates the risk for ever user on MDMA. Renal Toxicity is strongly related to increased body temperature, even if hydration and sodium levels are kept within range.

Nobody here can tell you it is safe and that you really should do it. You need to learn about the risk, and own the possible negative consequences, and consider your own personal cost/gain from doing it.

How did the doctors explain your condition?

which precautions were you asked to take to not further jeopardise your renal functions?


After careful and critical evaluation of all available data, and in the absence of a definitive study focusing specifically on the kidneys, one can only deduce that MDMA is not a direct nephrotoxin. While the drug does play ‘a’ causal role, MDMA does not play ‘the’ causal role in nephropathy. In fact, when impaired renal function is observed after the ingestion of ecstasy, multiple factors are to blame. The only true causal role that MDMA plays is to induce a hyperpyrexic state. If the developing hyperthermia is further compounded by predisposing conditions (Hall, 1997), high ambient temperatures, crowding (aggregation), loud noise, alcohol/multi-drug use, inefficient fluid replacement, and elevated activity levels only then might the kidneys respond via ineffective functioning. [....] "

I also see that stimulants are sometimes prescribed to patients with reduced renal function, but I don't know what much 'so and so' renal function means compared to 2 healthy kidneys. Check out meds like ritalin, vyvamse, concerta, and look at "contraindications" and renal function. Then Compare it to your kidney own function.
Mdma it's eliminated by kidneys,so how about speed or cocaine? They are less dangerous?
They are all stimulants, so I would say no. Probably worse, considering how the different drugs are used. Kidneys are involved in everything, the main metabolism is in the liver.

It all depends how much one take, and how you use it. In general, MDMA is one of the safest drugs. I would guess that MDMA is the safest option of the drugs you mention. The strain on kidneys depends on how much one take, and in what setting.

How much do your reduced renal function affect you?

Nobody can tell you that any drug is completely safe, we can only tell you about the increased risk in your situation. I cannot say you should do it, or that you forbidden to it. In the end you decide. If you are hellbound on using MDMA, take this information and use it for your own harm reduction.

The safest way would be to use it at therapeutical dosages, in powder or crystal form. Use a test kit and confirm that it is clean. Clean, high grade MDMA, at 120 mg, is considered safe dose and used in PTSD therapy. (for healthy patients).

If not redosing, there will be a period of 4-5 hours with reduced ability to pee. What happens is that any stimulant will increase muscle tension a bit, and when urinating one needs to relax some muscles that normally keeps us from peing in our pants. On stimulants it's a bit harder to relax these muscles. Also, some hormone makes us produce a little less urine.

The high lasts about 5 hours. If you can last 5 hours without peeing, and your are set in an environment without a compelling dance floor, and don't get very warm, preferably with adjusting clothes and room temperature, I don't think your risk is extreme. But your margins are a bit narrower, and it is with the assumption that you don't mix drugs, don't do it in high doses and often, and that you live relatively healthy, with no other disease that complicates your situation.

I would also suggest that you have a friend or two with you, everybody rolling the first time should have someone who can guide them, and also call medics in the very rare event of a bad reaction. Having said that, tested snd pure MDMA is one, perhaps the, safest illicit drug out there.
Nobody knows how they react to a drug before they have tried it.

I get the impression that you are young (17?), and your friends are getting high, and you want to party with them. I understand that feeling.

If you are very drawn to it, and you think you will end upndoing and it one way or the other; planning to do it safe is safer than doing it on a whim. This goes for everyone, not just you. A rule I have broken myself. I'm not on some 'morale high ground' , I've just tried and failed more because I'm older. :)
Thank you so much.Yes I'm 17 and I want to party with my friends.How I said I took ecstasy once a quarter (30mg) dance 5 hours but when I arrived home had some pain in my kidney and maybe in my back, but I drunk just 2 bottles of water.I was born with this disease but I was opperated at 4 yrs and now everything it's fine.My renal function last time was 20-30% I don't know exactly but the other kidney is perfect functional.I just want to take a small amount because also I'm small.I mean I want just 30-40mg and don't redose but I want to dance.I'm a little bit scared anyway I don't want to end up with dyalisis.I want to talk with my doctor but I'm afraid he will say NO or will think I'm crazy...I don't want to abuse or something, I just wanna have fun...
Your renal function all together will then be approximately 60%, which is considered mild to moderate. Your damage is presumably from hypospadias, a rather common condition where babies are born with a not fully developed urethra, causing obstruction of urine flow, and if not discovered early may cause kidney swelling and permanent damage to kidneys. In such, you have one kidney with reduced function from that, and not an ongoing disease which further damages your renal function. If you take care of your body, and don't have healt issues that imcreases the risk of further kidney damage (such as diabetes), you are probably going to be okay with *some* recreational drug use. Like the rest of us. But, if you overdo it you can afford to lose less than most of us. Please remember that your kidneys should last a lifetime, and kidneys will have some normal wear and tear in decades to come.

If anybody danced for 5 hours and only drank to bottles of water, they would be very dehydrated.

If you avoid getting very dehydrated you will probably not experience so much pain. Nobody's Kidneys will work without fluids.

At http://dancesafe.org it is suggested to drink 1 bottle for each hour dancing of water. (by comparison, I drink one tall glass of water when I roll at home. I don't move or sweat.) They also have listed contraindications for using X, and it seems like the strain on Kidneys isn't very increased (as it is not listed). This is nothing I'm sure of, just me thinking aloud.

HOWEVER, if you are not SUPER FIT, dancing excessive for 5 hours can harm your kidneys. Damaged muscles from hard physical activity is one cause of rhabdomyolysis. Basically, if you literally dance your ass of, your ass has to pass through your kidneys, and this can cause harm to them. Signs of rhabdomyolysis is pee looking like tea (more brown than yellow). The condition can also be caused by drug use/meds.

I've tried microdosing on mdma, I don't think it's worth it. Makes me emotional, but not necessarily good. It could work for others, but I'm not aware if microdosing with MDMA being popular such as with lsd.

Having a "no roll" can make people roll again without the recommended wait. If this sounds like something you would do, I'd rather suggest you roll the best and safest you can, and rather give your body and head a good wait between. Probably at least one month, to avoid possible downregulation of serotonin receptors (experienced as depression).

Eat enough all day before you roll. If you dance all night, prepare as if it was a sports event. You need to work out regularly to prevent issues from 5 hours of dancing (not drug related, but exercise related). To compare yourself with athletes, you could run a marathon in 5 hours. I bet you would be prepared for a marathon, with a healthy diet and more than 2 bottles of water. You get the picture.

Eat well all day before, throw in a sports drink if you if you dance a lot. If you run out of energy, your body will break down muscles if it is urgent, fat takes longer to transform into energy.

Popping Xtacy and going to a rave has never been without risk. I'm not trying to say it is all safe. You want to do MDMA and go dancing, and this is about doing it as safe as you can.

The single most important thing you can do, in view if your kidney situation, is to get a test kit (or two) and test the mdma/Xtacy. In pills there is usually something else that just mdma, it could be anything from dried paint to vitamins. Don't mess with your one functional kidney, test everything, always.

Your 5 hours of dancing, if you are not athletic and doing sports regularly, is probably harder on your kidneys than the drug itself. (I just learned this now, and I need to watch this because of my meds. I've sometimes peed what looked like tea. Shit suddenly got real, yikes)
Nearly same problem,but what dont we all do to feel good?
Just trying a Oxy,Xanax,Fent.MDMA mix.
would not take a risk of using any drug if i were u.
even alcohol might hurt you so now think about hard drugs such as mdma