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MDMA alternative w/SSRI?


Mar 7, 2018
Going to a rave for the first time & cant roll because im on an SSRI (celexia/citalopram). I need somethin to keep me high energy so I can keep up w/ my freinds who are going to be rolling. Nothing super hard core or difficult to get preferably.
I was thinking adderall (i dont have add or adhd)? Ive taken it to study before like twice n liked it, but im not sure if it?ll get me on the level. But not sure how much/what type. I just wanna have fun n not die :) Thoughts?
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We don?t really do ?drug recommendation? threads here. Adderall sounds like it would be fine for the purposes of raving with your friends, try to feed off their energy too.

Since street pills are unpredictable i wouldn?t trust any pill/substance labeled mdma/ecstasy without testing it. I?m glad you decided to avoid mdma and ssri?s but if you ever have the opportunity in the future make sure you get a testing kit so you know what you have, i?d caution your friends to do the same.