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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(MDAI) 2 x trip reports

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Jun 8, 2010
Male 224 pounds. Lots of experience, so I am assuming tolerence is pretty high

Will start with the MDAI, taken on empty stomach.

T-0 Snorted an eyeballed amount of about 50mg. Nothing.
T-20 Another eyeballed amount of 50mg. Again, nothing.
T-1hr Eyeballed amount of 200mg in water. Diffcult to explain what I felt, certainly no buzz.
T-2hr Another eyeballed 200mg in water. Starting to feel lethargic now.
t-2h 45 min. Yet another eyeballed 200mg in water. Made me feel sleepy.

At this point I went for a lie down and fell asleep! Had some crazy crazy dreams. That was it! Threw the rest away!

Next - Blu E.

I have no idea what is in Blu E. Its a legal "herbal high", but I do not for one minute believe the ingredients are herbal.
Other reports have suggested to double drop the capsules.

T-0 Both capsules double dropped on empty stomach
T-20 Mild rush sweeps through my body.
T-40 Moderate rush now, body tingling. Like an MDMA come up, only milder, but not too mild so you dont enjoy it.
T-1hr Cracking body rush now, mild euphoria. Very chatty. Talking to friends on msn and jaw gurning. VERY horny lol
T-2h Rushes still comming in waves, mild to moderate, still a small bit of euphoria, I think.
T-3h Still buzzing. Not so much euphoric, but still very enjoyable
T-4h Again, still buzzing. Enjoyable.
T-5h COnscious that I have work the next day so try and get some sleep
T-7h Still trying to sleep!
T-8h Finally got to sleep!

Next day, no real comedown to speak of. Just tiredness due to lack of sleep. I have to say, I really enjoyed the Blu E. From what ive read, a lot of people have had the same experience as me, whilst only a couple didnt get the same effects. I would certainly try them again!

The 2 trips were taken a week apart
Oh, and Ive noticed a lot of people on here question trip reports from newbies. All I can say is that I do not work for any company in the legal drug industry, trying to promote a product, but have been a regular visitor to these boards and thought it was time I posted a report :)
Hmm, reading the trip reports of M Butylone, im wondering if this is the active ingredient in Blu E's because it sounds very similar.

Sorry I cant go into specifics regarding what was in the capsule, amount of powder etc, suffice to say, they were your average capsule size.
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