(South Australia) MDA Caps?

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Dec 26, 2010
Hey guys,

I spent New Years with my dealer this year (really awkward as we're not very good friends.) and he was trying out some new caps that his supplier had just got in. The supplier had told him that they were MDA and gave him one to try out, this is why I wanted to be there so I could witness his experience.

What I witnessed caused me to become beyond jealous. This guy was happy, bouncing off the walls, hugging and kissing everyone in the room and dancing like an absolute freak. He was biting his lips off, his pupils were huge and he was even apologising profusely for selling me a few duds in the past.

The caps are completely transparent, 1 centimetre long and 5 millimetres wide. The one that I saw was completely full of a white substance, so full in fact that if you tried to open it the drug would've gone everywhere.

I'm wondering if anyone else has heard anything, even rumours, of anything like this coming to Adelaide.
I'm crossing my fingers that these will flood Adelaide and that my dealer will be in abundance of them.


festival fun.... u've been on the scene long enough now bro... i've seen ur posts on pillreports etc etc etc.

GET A REAGENT TESTER.... or get all 5.

without the substance being tested. i dont care how the guy reacted i am still willing to put money on RC :)
Sorry festivalfun, we don't allow info request threads on caps/powder/crystals etc. There is no accurate way of identifying these without reagent or lab testing so any advice you get off the internet could be potentially dangerous. From the sound of the caps (full of white powder) I'd say they might not be MDA/MDMA. Possibly 4-MMC (mephedrone) which has similar side effects (pupil dilation, gurning, euphoria, increased empathy) but comes on much faster, has a shorter duration, and isn't quite in the same ball-park as MDMA. That said 1cm long is a pretty small cap so you could be lucky and they might be an MDxx substance.

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