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Maybe Logic: The Lives & Ideas Of Robert Anton Wilson (2003)

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Guerrilla ontologist. Psychedelic magician. Outer head of the Illuminati. Quantum psychologist. Sit-down comic/philosopher. Discordian Pope. Whatever the label and rank, Robert Anton Wilson is undeniably one of the foundations of 21th Century Western counterculture. Maybe Logic - The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson is a cinematic alchemy that conjures it all together in a hilarious and mind-bending journey guaranteed to increase your brain size 2 - 3 inches! From the water coolers and staff meetings of Playboy and the earth-shattering transmission of the Illuminatus! Trilogy, to fire-breathing senior citizen and Taoist sage, Robert Anton Wilson is a man who has passed through the trials of chapel perilous and found himself on wondrous ground where nothing is for certain, even the treasured companionship of a six-foot-tall white rabbit. Featuring RAW video spanning 25 years and the best of over 100 hours of footage thoroughly tweaked...

This feature-length documentary features Tom Robbins, RU Sirius, Ivan Stang, Paul Krassner, Valerie Corral and Douglas Rushkoff.


@ Cosmic Trigger
"......Robert Anton Wilson is a man who has passed through the trials of chapel perilous" "
"We chased our pleasures here, dug our treasures there......break on through to the other side" =D
Thanks for some afternoon entertainment. Since JM broke on through I wonder how he likes it. :\
In my late years now I seem to be stuck in Chapel Perilous. In fact I suspect I've always been there but just now have the awareness to recognize that fact. And it's a very frightening thing but I just have to find ways to deal with it.

I like RAW but I think he was just a little bit too positive about the future of humanity. I think he was dead wrong about that. Nice vid though.
The point of view of all of us coming from our own "reality tunnels" is useful only as far as it comes to accepting other people's evils. It rationalizes evil and forgives it, as each person cannot act outside of their spectrum. I see no other usefulness from accepting everyone else having their own "reality tunnel."

I'm chambered with faith because I think we will find a connection between ourselves. I don't think it's possible to be undogmatic, and that the documentary's greatest strength is that you can be dogmatic about being unable to find tenable shared reality because it makes learning easier.

It sounds a lot like chaos magick to me, which I'm optimistic about. I think the documentary covered an important philosophical base that we all need to broach to achieve happiness. But I strongly believe there's a next step to the philosophy, which is to find a reason to believe in something.

You have to do a lot of meta work on reason and belief, and this bob from the documentary seems to summarize it very well. You have to trick yourself, or achieve a peak experience of faith or transcendence, to find a reason to believe.

My favorite quote, if i may paraphrase, is that stupid has important evolutionary roots.
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