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May Getting/Staying Clean/Sober Thread vs April Showers bring May Sobriety

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Oly: First of all, congratulations on 50 days clean... that is HUGE!! I am sorry to read how your company is trying to fu&k you over... it sounds like one of those "he said" "she said" things that they are using, as you said, to try and get rid of you. There is an excellent chance that even if you get fired you will still qualify for unemployment. A friend of mine recently was fired for the same kind of bullshit... "someone" heard her say "something" about a student ( it is a private school) in public. No way to prove she said it, and yet there was no way for her to prove she did not say something. Anyway, I strongly encouraged her to file for unemployment and she was approved first time. She did not have to appeal. May I ask if this place of employment is on the Olympic Peninsula, or have you moved? Remember, if you lose your medical insurance you qualify for health insurance through Obama care. (sorry if I offend anyone by using this term, but I honestly do not know how to refer to our national healthcare system). You may need a letter from your insurance company stating you are no longer enrolled. I just don't want to see you worry about your insurance too much, as you will be able to get coverage if you do happen to lose your job. Who knows? You may be cleared and can keep your job and thereby have your same health insurance.

Fortunately/unfortunately?, I'm not out on the Olympic Peninsula anymore. I mean I LOVE that place just too much PM/dark/temptation for me.. So I'm currently in a "flyover" state that opted out of the Obamacare/expansion of Medicaid and decided to sue the Federal Government instead. So unlike Washington, where being unemployed would instantly get me free health care and foodstamps, I still have to pay $118 a month and make all the co-pays associated with my marketplace purchased healthcare plan. So that is $30 every time to see the shrink/sub doc/regular doc, $30 lab copays, and $10/35/100 (depending on the med) for prescriptions. I could have switched to an $80 a month plan that had 50/50% coinsurance on a lot of things, like lab work, but I've had like $1500 in labs alone in the last few months... Thanks FREEDOM!!

BTW I did end up being terminated and I applied for unemployment. The termination letter seemed to throw everything they could think of as a reason, all of it BS IMO. But I looked at the appeal process and if they do choose to fight it, I'm allowed to subpoena people and documents with no serving cost to me. So I should at least be able to find out all sort of information and make a lot of people actually testify against me in court because their reasoning was so broad and generally crappy.

I'm OK with it though. I'm actually not angry or feeling vengeful or anything, that's just self destructive bullshit. I didn't really enjoy the work anymore, even though the money was good. I've always been the guy that shit just ends up working out for in the end, somehow, usually with some support from family. Maybe this time is different and I will learn some important life lesson. It'll be what it's supposed to be.

I have my rent paid up through August, 60 days clean on Thursday and all my problems are first world problems. I filled out the federal application for student loans in addition to unemployment. Maybe it's finally time to go back to grad school, I had a 3.9 GPA and was published as an undergrad. Perhaps I'll find an entirely new profession making more or less money that I actually enjoy? Maybe I'll end up couch surfing with my shit in storage? At this point I know for certain I'll always have places to stay, health insurance, cell phone and a nice tablet with LTE service. My civic with only 90k on it probably is going to keep running a while too.

Sorry I'm so verbose, but I'm feeling fine and still working my program. My sponsor is making me hit more AA meetings to get used to the idea of using the meetings available to me at the time, instead of only waiting for say an 8pm NA meeting and meeting more people. It's uncomfortable but I knew this wasn't going to be easy. :)

6 and 2/3rd months off buprenorphine here

much <3 to everyone

Congrats man! Awesome for you. I've noticed as I've decreased my dose of Suboxone thoughts of having a drink or two have crept into my head. It's strange, as I've never really been a big drinker, more like a binge drinker. Binge drinking always leads to craving opiates :( Just curious if you had this happen? I don't want to completely stop the subs before I'm ready, but I don't think I need to be at 24mg a day like I did in the beginning...

lately I've been doing 8 a day and then 16 the next..when the runny nose/tired feeling kicks in. Days I do 16 I don't really do them right either. Like I smoke, talk, swallow the spit ect.. thinking about going 8/12 , 6/8 ect... until I get to a point where I feel like the cravings are managed and I'm far enough in my recovery to be strong enough to stay clean before I jump totally off them.
Congrats man! Awesome for you. I've noticed as I've decreased my dose of Suboxone thoughts of having a drink or two have crept into my head. It's strange, as I've never really been a big drinker, more like a binge drinker. Binge drinking always leads to craving opiates :( Just curious if you had this happen? I don't want to completely stop the subs before I'm ready, but I don't think I need to be at 24mg a day like I did in the beginning...

lately I've been doing 8 a day and then 16 the next..when the runny nose/tired feeling kicks in. Days I do 16 I don't really do them right either. Like I smoke, talk, swallow the spit ect.. thinking about going 8/12 , 6/8 ect... until I get to a point where I feel like the cravings are managed and I'm far enough in my recovery to be strong enough to stay clean before I jump totally off them.

yes, I am an occasional drinker now

the last time I got off suboxone I was drinking 24/7, way too much. now i'm a bit more tame
I have been clean for 1 year and 11 days. Picking up my year one medallion tonight.

Girlfriend moved into the sober living facility in the city. I am super super jealous that she gets to go to these great city meetings. She has decided to mainly attend AA (which I of course gave her a good natured ribbing for) but AA in the city of Chicago vs AA in the Suburbs is a totally different thing.

My job is okay, I actually have the day off. About to go to the gym. Tried to stop taking my Wellbutrin and just take my Celexa and that was a mistake. I don't know why I seem to have to do that every few months.
I made it about 18 hours on Sunday, when the anxiety got me, so I took an oxy. I am doing great on my taper, averaging 1 pill every 12-18 hours. It is an improvement on my old taper plan, as I was at 1 pill every 10 hours. I now am going to stick with the taper plan for at least two weeks, with a goal of cutting down to 1 pill every 15-20 hours.
I will re-evaluate at that time what my next step will be. I am babysitting today, and it is a good thing I am tapering, as I could not function if I had stuck to the C.T.
One thing I am hoping, is that most of my symptoms will be psychological, not physical, as I get off the pills. I have a stash of generic prozac, and I may resume taking them. If I can get my depression handled with the prozac, I will then be able to quit successfully. I love the effect of the pills on my depression, and it is the main reason I take them now
How did you get on?? I'm a functioning user (if there is such a thing?!) really struggle at the weekend... Any help??
I have been clean for 1 year and 11 days. Picking up my year one medallion tonight.

Girlfriend moved into the sober living facility in the city. I am super super jealous that she gets to go to these great city meetings. She has decided to mainly attend AA (which I of course gave her a good natured ribbing for) but AA in the city of Chicago vs AA in the Suburbs is a totally different thing.

My job is okay, I actually have the day off. About to go to the gym. Tried to stop taking my Wellbutrin and just take my Celexa and that was a mistake. I don't know why I seem to have to do that every few months.

Congrats man :)
How did you get on?? I'm a functioning user (if there is such a thing?!) really struggle at the weekend... Any help??

I don't know who you were addressing this question to, but as for myself, I was prescribed medication after a car accident; after getting clean, I then resumed use of prescribed pills after being diagnosed with several more chronic pain issues.
I find after one or two days I'm refreshed again & again I can go to the pipe again it's so hard
I find after one or two days I'm refreshed again & again I can go to the pipe again it's so hard

You bet it's hard. I always thought NA was total Jesus cult BS, but I found out it's not. Give it a try. You've got nothing to lose. I'm sure you you've done more ethically contradictory things using than saying something about a higher power you may or may not believe in. I got an hour and 10 minutes I'll have 60 days Clean which is fucking amazing to me, considering in that 60 days I had a mental health break down, got fired from my job and lost a lot of friends. I did it all on my own, with NA and no court order or treatment either.
its after midnight and official. Not even a drink or a puff. Not too bad given being fired, having a biopal episode and not know wtf i'm going to be doing next all in the 60 days! I am actually proud of myself. thanks for all the support and I'm especially thankful for having such a a GREAT local NA group!!
its after midnight and official. Not even a drink or a puff. Not too bad given being fired, having a biopal episode and not know wtf i'm going to be doing next all in the 60 days! I am actually proud of myself. thanks for all the support and I'm especially thankful for having such a a GREAT local NA group!!

Congrats, Oly! on 60 days clean... have you picked up your 60 day key tag at NA yet?
I have about 18 hours off of my oxy's and no physical withdrawals, probably due to taking Lyrica. I am craving to take one "just because", and hoping by posting here to delay any pills for at least 24 hours. I have not been off oxy's for 24 hours since last May. I am soooo emotionally attached to them. I feel like a baby whose mom has decided to take away their bottle, to say the least. What an internal battle this is... all consuming to not take a pill.
Congrats, Oly! on 60 days clean... have you picked up your 60 day key tag at NA yet?

That's my plan for the night. Hitting my first NA of the week, I've gone to 4 AA in a row because that's all that would fit in my schedule and it's driving me nuts. I need a 'real' meeting with my regulars. I'll get that and my key chain tonight.

It's crazy I started reading/posting here not long ago, on how to find the best way to extract fent from polymer matrix patches and if I could shoot oral morphine solutions and here I am not much later with 60 days clean posting in the sobriety forums...

stay strong POke , if the taper if what you want to go with try to stick with it. I know I couldnt, but we're all different.
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I thought I wanted to taper, I am really confused. I can't believe I have 24 hours off the pills. I am a bit emotional, ok, a lot emotional right now. I think getting clean for me means having to feel a lot of feelings that have been numbed out for this past year. I am also scared of the part of bad w/d's sets in: last time I w/d my sense of smell got very strong, everything was disgusting: I could smell the soap from the detergent in the clothes, and then outside reminded me of the smell of mice. Oh, well, maybe this time it might not happen. IDK if/when I will use again, but this is a great start. I truly wanted to taper so that I used only 67% of my pills and stash the rest for a rainy day.
Now, I am just going to see what happens. I do believe that I post regularly on sober living b/c there is a part of me that knows I deserve to be clean and sober.

21 days free of DRUGS no alcohol, no cannabis, no benzos, no cafeine, no sugar, it is BORING at some times, but man, It feels so good to be free like that. 0 cravings today!

My natural endorphines are taking control of these msg

I feel happy today.:)

Keep it up guys!!!
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I thought I wanted to taper, I am really confused. I can't believe I have 24 hours off the pills. I am a bit emotional, ok, a lot emotional right now. I think getting clean for me means having to feel a lot of feelings that have been numbed out for this past year. I am also scared of the part of bad w/d's sets in: last time I w/d my sense of smell got very strong, everything was disgusting: I could smell the soap from the detergent in the clothes, and then outside reminded me of the smell of mice. Oh, well, maybe this time it might not happen. IDK if/when I will use again, but this is a great start. I truly wanted to taper so that I used only 67% of my pills and stash the rest for a rainy day.
Now, I am just going to see what happens. I do believe that I post regularly on sober living b/c there is a part of me that knows I deserve to be clean and sober.

I feel you on the emotional wreck when you're trying to stop using. I also know that the ONLY thing that has worked for me is suboxone. I'm not recommending it or anything, because we're all different. I just know it worked for me, with NA, after decades of trying things my way. I'm the oppositional type, you cant tell me to do shit or i'll do the opposite.

It HAS to be my idea or i'm against it 100%. I'm trying to ween myself down on the subs now, because eventually i'll want to come off them and i do not think i need the super high dose I initially needed and was prescribed. I think i'm doing quite well with my taper too, but might end up on a small dose for a while just to keep the cravings at bay. Who knows?

If you're honest with yourself, you'll know what works best for you. Good luck and even trying to make them stretch is a great start! Keep at it buddy!

Congratulations to everyone in the thread making an effort and reaching their milestones!
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