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Marijuana - Permanently Stoned?


Nov 11, 2002
When blazed, everything is seen in a different perspective. Some people like it, others don't. Why is this?
1) Do you think there are defined characteristics in a person that can predict if they will enjoy smoking pot or not?
2) Do you think its possible to be too intelligent to 'get high?' Do you think the more intelligent people enjoy smoking more?
3) Do you think its possible to be born 'stoned' (or with a stoned perspective)...?
4) Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?
to each is own... its like eatting liver... some people love it, others (myself) think its disgusting...
i dont know if you can smoke so much that you can't return to normalcy, however smoking mass quanaties of weed does affect a person, i know its affected me a lot, and i know people who are like 30 and 40 who've been smoking for years and are braindead... but than again i know people who have been smoking just as long and still have a good head on thier shoulders... each person is different, and therefor the chemicals we intake are going to affect us all differently... the best answer is to be responsible... responsible drug use might sound like a joke, but it is possible. Knowing what you are putting in your body and having a general idea of what it is going to do is always key... than again, we all learn from experience... so if you try something and the outcome is bad, simply don't do it again...
anyways, thats my two pennys
4) Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?
Definately Not. While studies are somewhat inconclusive with long-term effects of marijuana, it is after all a substance which passes through your system in time. It hasn't been proven to cause permanent side effects. Seeing as though after roughly a few months of abstinence all traces of THC are passed through your system, I can't see it 'permanently' effecting you.
It somewhat boils down to the LSD staying in your system forever myth. The human body is built to flush itself out over time, and it's the chemical that causes you to be high.
As far as your other questions, I say NO to all of them. It's just a chemical that affects people in different ways, and you can't feel high without that chemical. And I personally haven't seen any correlation with habitual pot smokers & intelligence.
Being permanantly stoned just means that you have altered your "normal" behavior enough to mimick that of being high. A friend of mine used to be very different, and he started smoking daily, and after about two years now he just always seems stoned to me. He says it's not that he always feels stoned, just that he prefers to function on a "stoned" level.
When I first started smoking pot, I really liked it and smoked it every day. But it wasn't very long before I began to dislike the way it was changing my personality. I found I was becoming just kind of apathetic and no longer had enough motivation to really get anything accomplished. And now I very rarely smoke it, because unless I'm just in the mood to get fucked up and chill out, I don't really like how it makes me feel.
Q: Do you think there are defined characteristics in a person that can predict if they will enjoy smoking pot or not?
A: Possibly. I'm not exactly sure what the characteristics would be, but if a person looked into it, I wouldn't be suprised if they found some sort of common thread that runs through people who enjoy it, as opposed to those who don't.
Q: Do you think its possible to be too intelligent to 'get high?' Do you think the more intelligent people enjoy smoking more?
A: No, I don't think intelligents has anything to do with it whatsoever.
Q: Do you think its possible to be born 'stoned' (or with a stoned perspective)...?
A: Some people are just naturally more laid-back, lazy, and stupid than others and sometimes come across as being 'stoned', but I wouldn't really call it "being born stoned."
Q: Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?
A: Yes. Once you kill all your brain cells, even if you quit smoking pot you're still brain-dead (stoned).
i know plenty of kids who were permastoned for 2-3 years and once they laid off ENTIRELY for 2-3 weeks they were entirely different people. i'm one of them. for the last 2 years until 2 months ago, i smoked homegrown pot.. good genetics & growth etc, about 3-7 grams a day and was definitely very very different, even when i didnt smoke for a day or 2. but once i stopped cold-turkey for 3 weeks, i felt much different and although the experiences i went through still play on my persona, i certainly am very close to the person i was before i started smoking. the only thing to consider is that a lot of kids smoke heavily through their high school & maybe college years and then lay off, and these times are obviously huge in terms of social & psychological growth, and so some are left behind in that aspect and have to catch up. also many heavy smokers, such as myself, have depression issues to begin with, and the experiences of a few years smoking can play heavily if someone doesn't find a way to make up for whatever it is they sought from getting high.
definitely not a black and white issue..
Originally posted by smokin8balll420trip:
Yes. Once you kill all your brain cells, even if you quit smoking pot you're still brain-dead (stoned).
That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. A true testament to media propeganda.
First, please provide one unbiased resource that proves marijuana harms brain cells. Second, what brain cells is it you are referring to? "All of your brain cells" - does that include the ones that manage heart functions or sleeping as well? Third, what is your reference that even if what you said wasn't bullshit, that quitting pot wouldn't return you to normal?
And this better not be one of those "oh well my friend is fried after smoking so much."
4) Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?
I have an opinion on this based on my own experience. While I do not think "pot" stays in your system forever, and it does not bring back "flashbacks" like LSD does. It does leave an effect on the person sometimes. I'm sure not everyone is affected the same. But for me i started smokeing pot heavily only about a year ago. But I got into it real fast and real deep.
I moved in with new friends i had met just out of high school and starting selling out of our apartment. One of my roomates had came into the house with 4600$ in his bank.
We used that to start with and from there we made tons of cash very fast. The best part was we smoked all day. Literally sitting with just us 3, and whichever customers we were smokeing with at the time, and smokeing for 8-10 hours a day.
In our first month there we had estimated that we had sold 22 ounces in small bags (20's - quarters)
and smoked more than 16 zips between us.
We continued at a rampant pace like that for around 6 months, smokeing full ounces on some days. I got to the point where combined with my cigarette habit i was coughing up blood 2-3 times a week. We smoked way more weed than was necessary just because we had it.
Only about 2 months did this end, and since i have moved from that apartment and stopped selling I have cut back what i smoke to around 3.5-7 grams per day. But I know i feel myself think slower than what i used to... if that makes any sense. And an old high school friend i just recently talked to says he notices differences in me. Not as "Witty" and quick thinking as i once had been. I have the "stoner voice" he says, and even when i'm not stoned or haven't been all day he says i still talk and sound like it.
I think that some of these changes to me, while maybe not being permanently this strong are life long but will not be as dramatic if i were to stop smokeing weed for 5 years. So I do think it is possible to be perma-stoned. But not in the sense that you are under the affects of the drug at all times, but you are permanently affected by the drug in a manner similar but not as pronounced as being high on the drug.
from what i have learned second hand through most of my dancesafe friends.
Q: Do you think there are defined characteristics in a person that can predict if they will enjoy smoking pot or not?
A: the only real characterist that ive noticed is that the people who smoke and enjoy doing so for a while seem to have an open mind to it. everyone ive seen who has an open mind and trys it enjoys it, where as people who dont like it, because of whatever reason besides trial and dislike, dont so because when they are affected they really dont want to feel more introverted. for some people the mind is a horrible place to try and visit.
Q: Do you think its possible to be too intelligent to 'get high?'
A: on the contrary i stand by what i tell my friends when we get on a subject like this, i think the more intelligent you are the more you like it, cause its hard being smart. i know that sounds wierd but its true. so being stupid for a bit is very relaxing.
Q: Do you think its possible to be born 'stoned' (or with a stoned perspective)...?
A: theoretically i suppose one could be born 'stoned.' it stands to reason that the feeling one gets after smoking weed can be attributed to elevated levels of THC in the blood stream, due to smoking. THC, from what i can remember, is a naturally occuring [substance]? in the human body, so i suppose since anything is possible one could be born with naturally elevated levels of THC but that would be what they are used to so it wouldnt be elevated for them so we really couldnt tell, maybe, i dont know its all theoretical so i suppose the best answer is, not likely.
Q: Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?
A: No, its not possible, elevated levels will return to normal, given there is NO increase again due to "just one more bowl," it just takes time. any residual perma-stoned effects then would be side effects from smoking, whatever those side effects are, however you wouldnt be stoned, just kinda forgetful when it comes to remembering that period of your life when you were smokin an 1/8 a day.
again i would like to say i am no expert on the subject ive just picked up things from dancesafe friends, if any of my information is in error please respond and tell me so, its the only way ill learn :D
[ 16 November 2002: Message edited by: Havok ]
[ 16 November 2002: Message edited by: Havok ]
Originally posted by GirlRage:

4) Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?

Okay so here is what I think... please correct me if this doesn't make sense.
Smoking changes our cognitive thinking only when high. But lets say we keep smoking and stay consistantly "high" for 20 days. We build up a tolerance, or rather, we become adjusted to the state of mind of being high. We've reached the top. We can't reach any higher unless we either quit smoking for a little to gain tolerance, or we just continute to smoke more. (which is too expensive and time consuming anyway)
But imagined if this 20 day period was expanded to 2 years. It could be possible that you have so much THC saturated in ur system that it would take more than your lifetime to leave ur body. So technically you remain permenatly high, or rather, permenatly adjusted to the 'high' mind way of thinking.
Well whenever i buy a large quantity of pot and smoke like a rapper, i get to the point where i smoke so i can feel "normal"
well "normal" is how you feel 51% of the time, and are there for used to, so if you spend that time high, you're normally high. it just isnt a natural norm.
and you know i never thought about it that way Girlrage, i suppose then it is possible to be perma-stoned the rest of your life, but only because you dont have long enough to sober up. damn that would be a lot of smokin
1) Do you think there are defined characteristics in a person that can predict if they will enjoy smoking pot or not?
With the exception of someone having an addictive personality or being a drug addict, no. I don't believe so.
There are literally thousands of reasons why people experiment with drugs and enjoy drugs. And especially with marijuana having little social stigma against it, it's almost acceptable to smoke marijuana in mainstream society, leaving the door open for more types of people to use it.
2) Do you think its possible to be too intelligent to 'get high?'
I wouldn't neccessarily say intelligent. There are some people who use drugs as a means of dealing with psychological problems, which I don't think of as being intelligent.
However, there are others who are inquisitive, which is definantly something that relates to intelligence. But I would not go as far as saying it would be an intelligent reason to use drugs.
Do you think the more intelligent people enjoy smoking more?
No, absolutely not. Not with marijuana or any drugs.
While I know plenty of highly intelligent people that use marijuana and/or other drugs, the majority of people who use drugs excessively compared to others do it for psychological reasons, such as dealing with depression.
I don't even know how someone could begin to think that intelligent people would use any drug more frequently than other drug users considering the consequences that come with excessive drug use. That would also include interfering with your intelligence by disturbing your brain's ability to function properly.
3) Do you think its possible to be born 'stoned' (or with a stoned perspective)...?
I would not say that people are born with a "stoned perspective".
But definantly there are people who naturally are inclined to unusual logic or perspectives very much alike what you'd expect from someone who uses marijuana or other drugs.
I'm definantly an "unusual" person. And because of my perspectives and behavior, people thought I was using drugs long before I ever even considered it. People especially tended to believe I was a big acidhead. And coincidently, I later got heavily into LSD for several years.
4) Do you think it is possible to smoke so much pot everyday for years where you get to the point that the chance of you coming back to 'normality' is too difficult, and that you are stuck 'permently stoned' for a long time?
Yes. And again, this would apply to excessively using any drug.
Your brain is not functioning properly so much that it becomes used to functioning in an alter-state. And that becomes the "norm". And a sober state becomes almost alien. So even after quitting, you won't be functioning normally for several months in some cases.
But typically anyone should be back to as they were before using drugs within a year if they remain entirely sober.
The human body is built to flush itself out over time, and it's the chemical that causes you to be high.
Actually, there is at least one exception to this.
Now, I can't recall if PCP stays in your system permanently or just for a very very long time. But it is the only drug known to cause flashbacks not because of the psychological impact it has had, like LSD. Rather it causes flashbacks because it can be released back into the bloodstream even months later at levels high enough to cause psychoactive effects.
But as for LSD causing flashbacks, like I said, it's purely psychological. And I believe that the majority of people who claim to have flashbacks likely only get them because people are told that LSD causes flashbacks. Like a placebo. You believe it will happen, so it does. Although LSD can cause very intense and profound experiences, so can other drugs. There's no reason why LSD would cause a person to have flashbacks anymore than other drugs.
And infact, the term "flashback" itself is not appropriate. An LSD flashback is not reliving a past experience, which is what a flashback in psychiatric terms is. Rather, it's experiencing some of the same hallucinogenic effects again. Which would really make it more of a minor psychotic episode triggered from an intense experience, overusing drugs and becoming detached from reality or from the experience being traumatic.
As well, I've used LSD alone nearly 175 seperate times. Not to mention having used other psychedelic drugs several hundred times. I have NEVER experienced a flashback.
I have so much as seen people look at venetian blinds saying they're moving and calling it an LSD flashback. Really, that would happen to anyone looking at a bunch of parallel lines close together. And people also claim they see water-like ripples staring at blank white walls saying it's caused by LSD flashbacks. Again, ANYONE will see that, especially if they're in florescent lights like those used in schools, office buildings and restaurants.
And this goes back to what I was saying earlier about flashbacks likely being placebo for most people. People believe they will happen, and they are likely to notice things like the examples I gave above which they never payed attention to before.
A: Yes. Once you kill all your brain cells, even if you quit smoking pot you're still brain-dead (stoned).
This isn't true at all.
You could smoke marijuana daily for 50 years and not ever kill any significant amount of braincells.
Not to mention it's not conclusively proven that marijuna destroys braincells to begin with. As so many people are able to heavily smoke pot and then quit and regain all their mental capacities, it seems unlikely that marijuana does much as far as killing braincells. This includes memory. And marijuana is primarily only speculated to destroy memory cells because of the effects it has on memory. The only thing that is certain is that it interferes with the brains ability to function.
As well, the human brain regenerates and has the capability to find new ways of functioning if something is abnormal.
Almost entirely of what could be considered permanent after-affects of marijuana are psychologically related.
Unfortunantly, the psychological impact of drugs is largely overlooked. In my opinion, the War on Drugs is the biggest reason for this. People who are against recreational drug use focus on other issues as being the biggest dangers of drugs. And people who support recreational drug use are preoccupied arguing against those attacks.
However, some people can live normal and healthy lives using drugs, and some can't. And what has the most negative effect on people who become dysfunctional because of drug use are not the direct effects of the drugs themselves, but rather the psychological effects from being in an altered state in the first place.
where as people who dont like it, because of whatever reason besides trial and dislike, dont so because when they are affected they really dont want to feel more introverted. for some people the mind is a horrible place to try and visit.
I don't think that it's venturing into the mind which causes some people to dislike marijuana.
I found it very unpleasant for a long time, but I was heavily interested in psychedelic drugs like LSD, DOM, mushrooms, MDMA, ketamine, etc.
Marijuana not only made me feel introverted and paranoid, but made me feel as if I had no control over myself and had negative effects on my emotions.
Even now, while I don't have a negative opinion on marijuana anymore, I rarely touch it and if I do, I only consume a minimal amount. Just enough so that it changes the way I hear things so I can REALLY get into the music I'm listening to or making.
i suppose then it is possible to be perma-stoned the rest of your life, but only because you dont have long enough to sober up. damn that would be a lot of smokin
Unless you were to die within 2 years of quitting marijuana, that's simply impossible. Your body will flush THC and all other cannabinoids from your system without exception within a year.
But it's perhaps possible that if you were smoking for decades, that your brain may never get completely used to functioning sober again.
Originally posted by Havok:
the only real characterist that ive noticed is that the people who smoke and enjoy doing so for a while seem to have an open mind to it. everyone ive seen who has an open mind and trys it enjoys it, where as people who dont like it, because of whatever reason besides trial and dislike, dont so because when they are affected they really dont want to feel more introverted. for some people the mind is a horrible place to try and visit.
That pretty much sums up what I wanted to add to this thread! A friend who's never smoked decided to try it out with us not very long ago, and he hated it and from what he said to me, that is the conclusion I came to. He should stick to drinking pints and escape his mind, because exploring it obviously wasn't very much fun... Nice reply Havok! :D
thank you funky. and to love, i have one question about your reply.
"I don't think that it's venturing into the mind which causes some people to dislike marijuana. . . Marijuana not only made me feel introverted and paranoid, but made me feel as if I had no control over myself and had negative effects on my emotions."
umm so you dont agree an occurance to be true even though it happened to you? please clarify if you dont mind
Originally posted by Havok:
the only real characterist that ive noticed is that the people who smoke and enjoy doing so for a while seem to have an open mind to it. everyone ive seen who has an open mind and trys it enjoys it... for some people the mind is a horrible place to try and visit.

I have to completely disagree. Personally, I used to be a pretty big pot-head, but once I finished high school I gradually realised that being stoned just wasn't fun. It seemed like a great way to let time pass by, but I got bored of doing that, and decided to actually achieve something in my life beyond eating pizza and watching dodgy late night TV.
It's a very dangerous area to generalise in, because for every one of my high school drop-out, conehead mates who only work some miserable job so they can afford their next ounce, I also know motivated, successful people who have achieved great things, and also get stoned every day. Theres also a pretty big range in between that.
I have to say though, that I think weed can have long term effects beyond anything that has been scientifically proven. I have seen it change people drastically, even after they stop smoking.
I think its a bit like a mental 'language'. If you move to another country, it takes a long time to learn another language, and some people never learn it properly. Similarly, if you start smoking weed when you are young and smoke for a long time it takes a long time to readjust to a 'normal'(haha) way of thinking when you quit. And some people will never completely readjust.
umm so you dont agree an occurance to be true even though it happened to you? please clarify if you dont mind
Because it wasn't about visiting places in my mind that I disliked. I had nothing to do with visiting my mind period.
I used to truly enjoy my subconscious running wild and exploring my mind on other drugs.
With marijuana, the experience was filled with and dominated by paranoia and negative emotions. Not to mention other various strange and delusional thoughts.
Originally posted by Love In Vein:
With marijuana, the experience was filled with and dominated by paranoia and negative emotions.
It is from these types of experiences that I feel I learn the most about myself.
Originally posted by Sniff:
I have to completely disagree. Personally, I used to be a pretty big pot-head, but once I finished high school I gradually realised that being stoned just wasn't fun. It seemed like a great way to let time pass by, but I got bored of doing that
I think not liking something, and getting bored with it are two very different things. Everyone gets bored with doing the same thing all the time which is why marijuana should never be a substitution for life, it should be used to enhance the life that you already have.