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Marijuana causing Tachycardia.


Aug 2, 2023
Is it just me or does Marijuana make your Heart race sometimes ? And what's the best thing to do about it ? Crack open a few beers or What ?
Yes, I get considerable tachycardia even from very small doses. However, unlike other drugs such as stimulants, I don't worry about it at all.

And what's the best thing to do about it ?

Unless you have a heart condition, the best thing to do would simply be to ignore it.

It's not unhealthy to have a slightly elevated heart rate for a bit (in a normal person). In fact, in some people, it can actually be healthy.

Crack open a few beers or What ?

Alcohol can increase heart rate even further in some people. Alcohol also increases blood plasma levels of THC when combined.

It would further increase heart rate most likely.
heard of this before and had it myself , happens the worst after ive had a joint with tobacco in it or a blunt hence so i dont really share a smoke with anyone these days
As an alcoholic, i don't want to recommend alcohol to anyone, but if the weed is making you anxious, anything that depresses the nervous system will work to chill you out a bit.

But Snafu in the void is correct, alcohol does increase heart rate (at least in larger doses). This is the reason quality of sleep suffers when you're drunk: your pulse never settles down to the level it should for decent rest.
Yep. Alcoholic myself.

I really had to cut back or quit weed because it would always trigger me to drink, namely due to the anxiety weed produces, and also because basically everything triggers me to drink (lol).

Not everyone has an increased heart rate after drinking. Studies have shown that people with the genetic alcoholism genes will get a psychomotor stimulant effect, and their heart rate will immediate raise by 15-20% after drinking 4 beers. Plus the increased heart rate after the alcohol leaves the system, but everyone gets that.

In normal people without the alcoholic genes, drinking 4 beers will make them a bit drowsy, but will not significantly effect their heart rate, it may even lower their heart rate.

These genes are the reason I would be able to drink for 48 hours straight, without sleeping, and without ever feeling tired. Alcohol wakes me up, and keeps me awake if I continue drinking.

But with whatever genetics you have, alcohol increases THC in the blood by over 50%, which will exacerbate THC induced tachycardia.