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Many People Use Drugs: Here’s Why Most Don’t Become Addicts


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Many People Use Drugs: Here’s Why Most Don’t Become Addicts
By The Conversation | January 6th 2015


Some people are more vulnerable to addiction, but why? Chicago Public Media, CC BY-NC
By Paul Hayes, London School of Hygiene&Tropical Medicine

Drug use is common, drug addiction is rare.

About one adult in three will use an illegal drug in their lifetime and just under 3 million people will do so this year in England and Wales alone. Most will suffer no long-term harm.

There are immediate risks from overdose and intoxication, and longer-term health risks associated with heavy or prolonged use; damage to lungs from smoking cannabis or the bladder from ketamine for example. However most people will either pass unscathed through a short period of experimentation or learn to accommodate their drug use into their lifestyle, adjusting patterns of use to their social and domestic circumstances, as they do with alcohol.

Compared to the 3m currently using illegal drugs there are around 300,000 heroin and/or crack addicts while around 30,000 were successfully treated for dependency on drugs in England in 2011-12, typically cannabis, or powder cocaine.

A powerful cultural narrative focusing on the power of illegal drugs to disrupt otherwise stable, happy lives dominates our media and political discourse, and shapes policy responses. Drug use is deemed to “spiral out of control”, destroying an individual’s ability to earn their living or care for their children, transforming honest productive citizens into welfare dependent, criminal “families from hell”.

This is a key component of the Broken Britain critique of welfare and social policy advanced by the Centre for Social Justice and pursued in government by the CSJ’s founder Iain Duncan Smith in his role as secretary of state for work and pensions. However, the narrative has resonance far beyond the political arena and underpins most media coverage of drug addiction and the drug storylines of popular culture.

Most drug users are ..?
In reality the likelihood of individuals without pre-existing vulnerabilities succumbing to long-term addiction is slim. Heroin and crack addicts are not a random sub set of England’s 3m current drug users.

Addiction, unlike use, is heavily concentrated in our poorest communities – and within those communities it is the individuals who struggle most with life who will succumb. Compared to the rest of the population, heroin and crack addicts are: male, working-class, offenders, have poor educational records, little or no history of employment, experience of the care system, a vulnerability to mental illness and increasingly are over 40 with declining physical health.

The usual message. Imagens Evangelicas, CC BY
Problem cannabis use is less concentrated among the poor, but is closely associated with indicators of social stress and a vulnerability to developing mental health conditions.

Most drug users are intelligent resourceful people with good life skills, supportive networks and loving families. These assets enable them to manage the risks associated with their drug use, avoiding the most dangerous drugs and managing their frequency and scale of use to reduce harm and maximize pleasure. Crucially they will have access to support from family and friends should they begin to develop problems, and a realistic prospect of a job, a house and a stake in society to focus and sustain their motivation to get back on track.

In contrast the most vulnerable individuals in our poorest communities lack life skills and have networks that entrench their problems rather than offering solutions. Their decision making will tend to prioritize immediate benefit rather than long-term consequences. The multiplicity of overlapping challenges they face gives them little incentive to avoid high risk behaviors.

Together these factors make it more likely that, instead of carefully calibrating their drug use to minimize risk, they will be prepared to use the most dangerous drugs in the most dangerous ways. And once addicted, motivation to recover and the likelihood of success is weakened by an absence of family support, poor prospects of employment, insecure housing and social isolation.

In short what determines whether or not drug use escalates into addiction, and the prognosis once it has, is less to do with the power of the drug and more to do with the social, personal and economic circumstances of the user.

Heads in the sand
Unfortunately the strong relationship between social distress and addiction is ignored by politicians and media commentators in favor of an assumption that addiction is a random risk driven by the power of the drug.

It does happen. But the atypical experience of the relatively small number of drug users from stable backgrounds who stumble into addiction and can legitimately attribute the chaos of their subsequent lives to this one event drowns out the experience of the overwhelming majority of addicts for whom social isolation, economic exclusion, criminality and fragile mental health preceded their drug use rather than being caused by it.

Viewing addiction through the distorting lens of the minority causes policy makers to misunderstand the flow of causality and pushes them towards interventions focused on changing individual drug-using behavior and away from addressing the structural inequality in which the vulnerabilities to addiction can flourish.

Until we re-frame our understanding of drug addiction as more often the consequence of social evils than their root cause, then we are doomed to misdirect our energy and resources towards blaming the outcasts and the vulnerable for their plight rather than recasting our economic and social structures to give them access to the sources of resilience that protect the rest of us.The Conversation

continued here http://www.science20.com/the_conver...ugs_heres_why_most_dont_become_addicts-152007
Most drug users have known this for awhile.
Drug addiction generally doesn't happen if the reason for using the drug isn't rooted in blocking out pain or as a means of escape from one's life.
Many People Use Drugs: Here’s Why Most Don’t Become Addicts
Addiction, unlike use, is heavily concentrated in our poorest communities – and within those communities it is the individuals who struggle most with life who will succumb. Compared to the rest of the population, heroin and crack addicts are: male, working-class, offenders, have poor educational records, little or no history of employment, experience of the care system, a vulnerability to mental illness and increasingly are over 40 with declining physical health.

Until we re-frame our understanding of drug addiction as more often the consequence of social evils than their root cause, then we are doomed to misdirect our energy and resources towards blaming the outcasts and the vulnerable for their plight rather than recasting our economic and social structures to give them access to the sources of resilience that protect the rest of us.

continued here http://www.science20.com/the_conver...ugs_heres_why_most_dont_become_addicts-152007

While I can wholeheartedly agree with this article describing addiction in one demographic I could not agree less with the broader conclusions. Using statistics to back up this point of view is part of the problem. Wealthy addicts do not count because they are protected by their wealth from being counted. Wealthy addicts rarely suffer the same legal consequences as poor or even middle class addicts and so their numbers are often obscured. They have access to powerful lawyers who get charges dropped rather than public defenders without the same clout. They are not clients of government social services or government mental health services where statistics are gathered; rather, they go to private rehabs and private therapists and everything is done to protect their private struggles.

I believe that addiction has all of the elements that this article describes but I think it is a disservice to the growing inquiry into the complex nature of addiction to slap such a simplistic (maybe limited is a better word?) "explanation" over the whole thing.

I think one of the better books on addiction is Gabor Mate's book The Hungry Ghost. Yet even this author is somewhat led into simplistic thinking by the demographic he works with (street people In Vancouver, BC). He attributes the path of addiction to early childhood abuse and neglect far too simplistically for me. Still, it is his understanding of the nature of addiction--rather than its causes--that resonated with many of my observations.

The best understanding of addiction will come when we can take every single strand of inquiry-- the socio-economic, the physical predisposition, the mental or psychological vulnerabilities, early childhood trauma, and spiritual dissonance--and allow each to inform the whole. Articles like these can move us forward if they do not make overly simplistic clams but they slow us down when they do.
I don't know here in Canada science has been trying to find a genetic link between native Indians and alcoholism for a long time. What they found was poor white people who lived near the poor Indians had the same problem at the same rates. I would prefer to hear that that as poverty is something you can fix. Born with gene that makes you predisposed to addiction is a scary idea to me. I like the idea of free will rather than a demon you are born with that you can't fix. That to me is scary.
I think addiction, with it's combination of psychological/neurological/sociological factors, is far too complicated to break down into a few basic components. I also think it's impossible to break down someone's proneness to addiction via demographics. There's just too much to take into account, and these factors often result in some people getting caught up in "the system" or becoming public faces of addiction (street junkies, for example) as opposed to those who undergo their addiction in private (eg. wealthy pill poppers or alcoholics).

This is why I dislike sociology - it's a failed attempt to apply the methodology of science to something which is far too vast and complex to be fit into that methodology (at least in practice).
This is why I dislike sociology - it's a failed attempt to apply the methodology of science to something which is far too vast and complex to be fit into that methodology (at least in practice).

And this is why I dislike the social sciences—Geisteswissenschaften—as a whole (excepting linguistics, economics, and very few others). They pitiably attempt to emulate the hard sciences and fail entirely, but I digress.