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Man Hears Obama's Speech on Addiction, Turns in a Cooler Full of Drugs


Bluelight Crew
Dec 29, 2008
Last week, President Barack Obama traveled to West Virginia, a state that leads the nation in the number of fatal drug overdoses, to announce a new federal program aimed at tackling the country's growing opiate epidemic.

That same day, a West Virginia man was so moved by the president's speech, WSAZ reports, that he called 911 to seek help and turn in a "cooler full of drugs." The cooler reportedly included marijuana, 19 grams of ecstasy, and more than 150 pain killers.

He told authorities he had been watching Obama's announcement and hoped to become sober for his mother. No charges were filed.

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yeah this is all political B.S. real life people can't afford to do shit like this. Whoever is writing obama's political propaganda has been watching too much tv.
i mean like someone might have just payed him to do that, not saying i know for sure
I doubt this really actually happened, or that they were real drugs. In most places nobody would risk being arrested for having drugs, and they would instead try to hypothetically sell them.
If it is true, the guy should have given his drugs to a fellow enthusiast.
No need to waste them by giving them to fools who will only throw them away.
This is dubious at best. I'm with axl. West Virginia is notorious for throwing the book, a second book, and a small library at drug offenders. If he truly turned in this amount of drugs...especially the painkillers (which is enemy #1 in WV) he would surely be doing a little time.
This is dubious at best. I'm with axl. West Virginia is notorious for throwing the book, a second book, and a small library at drug offenders. If he truly turned in this amount of drugs...especially the painkillers (which is enemy #1 in WV) he would surely be doing a little time.

Exactly. Especially considering the fact that he had quite the amount which could look like it's not for personal use, but that he's a dealer or trafficker. BS, but I guess people believe this shit so it works. Oh well, just another day in paradise.
Meanwhile, how many mass shootings have there been recently?
Get your priorities straight, America. :p
If this is true. The guy gambled against a long ass prison term for all that molly.
If it is a planted story or some sort of hoax/trick what would the Obama administration be trying to get out of this? He's out of office in a year.

Anyone know what the speech was about or what he said about addiction? Was it about overall addiction or just opiates since the article says it was about "a new federal program aimed at tackling the country's growing opiate epidemic".