  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Mobile Mafia City


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
Someone come play with me! I just started a new clan on a new server/city.

It's a build & battle game, you upgrade your buildings and units, do events, battles, it goes on forever. You "can" pay but it's free to play, unless you wanna upgrade real fast.
Also, if anyone likes racing games, I'm on csr 2 and asphalt 9, both are pretty fun
Also, if anyone likes racing games, I'm on csr 2 and asphalt 9, both are pretty fun

I used to love/hate playing Asphalt 8 about ten years ago. I still like the game but lack the bandwidth to jump back into it.
My clan ranked 8th in New city 💪

Got some cool folks in there too

Someone should join me. It's very fun and addicting. Especially if you like crime stories and shit like that. Just a fun social game. Extremely in depth too, best game of this kind that exists imo. I'll show you da ropes
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Sounds fun I like clan stuff like halo 2 and GTA 5

I can't commit tho rn just popping in to say sounds nice
Sounds fun I like clan stuff like halo 2 and GTA 5

I can't commit tho rn just popping in to say sounds nice
Right on man, would definitely be cool if you joined at some point. It's a slow burn so goes indefinitely basically. Here's my invite code if anyone does join:

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF

One MILLION Power!?!?!!!!
You killed 21,00 people?
Lol yes, that's small potatoes though I'm not even in top 100 for kills in the city... My old account had millions. You get awarded for kills for each troop you wound or kill in a battle. When defending your territory, your troops get wounded until your hospital capacity is reached, and then they can die. When attacking, your troops are at risk of dying and being permanently lost. Certain buffs and skills you get will convert your attack kills into wounded too though.

This was just from sniping off newb accounts near my base that ppl probably started and abandoned, haven't even started the kill enemies event yet. Which comes up regularly and you get awarded points for kills, and the city becomes free for all. Although I did see a couple Indonesian guys battling it out in city chat and sharing each other's coordinates last night. Had no dog in the fight but teleported over and murked the guys that were ganging up on the one lol

For comparison though I am ranked no. 15 in total power. Have almost 200k troops units
Yeah I could see myself doing that too, just bringing a bazooka to a tea party and not stopping until the cops come
The guy... Is just straight cancer. Spends all day in city chat shitposting, acting superior to everyone, like a broken record. Everybody can't stand him, probably most have him blocked.

So I took it upon myself, to search the entire city to find his base, which I did, and burnt it to a crisp. Hallelujah. He still speaks though. Probably gonna block him soon.

Heh. Gg scrub 😏
And I blasted his coordinates in city chat... So hopefully I'm not the only one that burns him
I used to play a text based mob/mafia game on MySpace, is this like that ?
It has really in depth battle elements, but no it's not text based. It's like a build & battle type game that are very common on phone games now... It just i believe was one of the first to do really do it and the best and most popular.

You have a base with buildings, and have four different troop types you create. They all counteract and interact with each other differently, melee, bikers, shooters, and vehicles. There are four different resources that accumulate over time, and you basically just spend the resources to upgrade the buildings and pump out troops. As well as make investments to make your stats better. Big social element as well, each city kinda is it's own universe with different clans and management.

It takes some time to get stronger, and it's just one of those games you basically have a bunch of things to keep up on and keep developing. There are a lot of little mini games and events and such.

As important as having a ton of troops, your stats are just as important. For example, here's my stats against dude I smashed:

I didn't even bother scouting his base before attacking. He wasn't a pushover necessarily but his mansion level was a lot lower and I was like five times stronger. Even if I didn't have way stronger troops I would've beat him on stats alone.

And I just wanted to be quick. So just teleported to him, sent my full march to attack his base, and used some speedups to get there in like three seconds so he wouldn't have time to put a shield up or anything. Sending your troops anywhere takes time, you can upgrade them to be quicker, but even if it's a base one square over, it'll take 30 secs or something to get there, so there's a lot of strategic use of items and things like that
Typically it is frowned upon in most cities to attack players that are in clans outside of the killing enemies event that occur regularly... But this guy is such a fucking tool, wasn't even in his clan base at all, and I doubt they care. They haven't said anything to me lol. My beef is with him and not his clan. New cities are a little more wild with clans jockeying for positions and stuff, lots of wars and mergers and stuff like that. But the cities go on forever. I'm in city 1774, which is one of the newest, and it started from one I guess. Been around at least 7 years or something I think. It's really fun and addicting. I got really sucked into it in 2022-23. That year of nothingness that went by where I don't think I was around much and if I was I was drunk and doing dumb shit. I had to take a break to focus on normal life, and abandoned my old account, but the cities basically go forever and there's no limit to how strong you can get. There's migrations and things like that. Even if you get spawned in a brand new city, you can teleport to any city you'd like as long as your mansion is before level 5.
Tonight's handiwork. Guy went after a defenseless weaker member of my clan twice, I smashed him both times and he messages me these nonsense threats.

Since he didn't take the hint, and kept threatening me, and his leader completely ignored my message, I made a sock puppet account, joined his clan, found their coordinates, and now all of mother Russia burns. :rofl::cheer:

1 like = 1 respexx
Bro this is so fucking frustrating to try and find you

Just message me please