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Sep 9, 2012
I'm flicking through my TV channels and start watching the true crime series ; Medical Detectives.

Basically, the case was the guys death was put as LSD overdose / poisoning. ( It wasn't this word used,it was something similar though).
So, the partner is convicted of manslaughter.

She however, won her appeal because some experts said you cannot die from LSD.

I was shocked because surely drinking even lets say a tiny amount, 10 mls. Is going to kill you. Never mind 100ml.

So was programme correct in saying that can't die from overdoing acid?
You cannot physically die from LSD. But a high dose might drive one crazy and who knows, maybe jump from a roof.
There is one documented case of acute LSD poisoning resulting in death. The user had crystal LSD and mistakenly injected 300mg (which is 3000 standard doses of well-dosed blotter) into their veins, thinking it was speed. I assume the cause of death was vasconstriction. But obviously that's an incredibly extreme case. You can take 100 times the normal dosage orally and although you'll be tripping for days and might have mental complications for a while, you won't be harmed physically.
One of my friends developed schizophrenia from taking a very large dose of LSD.

Just worth noting, incase people read this and it makes them want to go hard.
A physical overdose on LSD is impossible if i'm correct, but you always have to test your shit before because fake cid CAN kill you.

The only thing that would be close to an overdose is if you took way too fucking much acid and it fucked you up mentally, just because you can't overdose on it like a hard drug doesn't mean you can't get fucked up forever from taking way too much.

Start with low doses and make your way up, make sure you're mentally prepared for it before and don't do it if you have anything in your stomach saying not to.
So what is the LD50 of water then? Sometimes I drink water non-stop, it is simply healthy.
So what is the LD50 of water then? Sometimes I drink water non-stop, it is simply healthy.
For obvious reasons human LD50s are always just educated guesses, but the link in my previous post states 6 litres of water (at once). Seems awfully low to me, but who knows? I wouldn't want to try it!
For obvious reasons human LD50s are always just educated guesses, but the link in my previous post states 6 litres of water (at once). Seems awfully low to me, but who knows? I wouldn't want to try it!

One would hope that to be the case. Thanks to Nazi scientists during the second world war we should have numbers on things like that.
No LSD trip lasts more than 8-12 hours

Untrue. Increasing dosage increases the amount of time before there is an undetectable amount of a drug in your system. That's why a flood dose of ibogaine lasts for days even though its half life is only ~6 hours. If you have taken 100 times the active doose, then after one half life, you still have 50 times the active dose in your system. Then after another, you still have 25, then after the next, 12.5, and so on. This is how a mega-dose can end up lasting multiple times longer than a regular dose.
Took what was around 3.6mgs if LSD in 2008 in the form of 36 WoW blotters <cops crashed the party and I swallowed everything on me fast> could have been more or less but based in the 100ugs being the average it's what I will go with. That trip lasted for over two days the afterglow much longer. During the peak I blacked out for awhile. I'd taken 20 blotters at once maybe 2 or 3 times and ten strips on the regular in those days. Some of the best LSD I've ever had back in those days and it flowed like water. This drug is pretty safe in comparison to most. I'd probably never 1000ugs again as it's a waste and the intensity is so powerful at that level the massive doses are pretty unnecessary.
No one has acutally died from LSD. The largest dose ever taken was ten million hits by a chemist who smashed a 10 litre flask over his body during a mishap in Italy during the 70-80s.

But mentally doses apporaching 1000ug and over it are extremely dangerous
The largest dose ever taken was ten million hits by a chemist who smashed a 10 litre flask over his body during a mishap in Italy during the 70-80s.
There is no way you could get anywhere near a kilogram of LSD into your system by having a flask smashed over you. I'm curious where this story comes from, though.
For obvious reasons human LD50s are always just educated guesses, but the link in my previous post states 6 litres of water (at once). Seems awfully low to me, but who knows? I wouldn't want to try it!

We were told this in biology, so naturally as a young kid knowing all teachers talked bullshit I decided to prove him wrong. Anyway I got about 4 litres in quickly before I started vomiting it out and developed a pain in my abdomen around where my bladder was I decided to stop. For some strange reason I can't get myself to try again :)
There was a case of a woman dying from a water drinking contest on the radio. Like mentioned above everything can be lethal, if taken in quantity. She likely filled up her stomach and overflowed her esophagus, causing drowning. In that case, water wasn’t toxic per se, but rather mechanically drowned her.
LSD is no different, and will exhibit toxicity at some level, for at least half of a test group.
I’ve never done more than a 10 strip, and those quantities (1mg) usually led to experiences that were almost un-retrievable. If I can’t absorb the content of the film, I don’t want the double-feature. Longer durations, more physical effects - nah, just a tab or three will do me, hehe.
There is no way you could get anywhere near a kilogram of LSD into your system by having a flask smashed over you. I'm curious where this story comes from, though.
its written by lsd chemists and confirmed in those circles its mentioned in the rose of Paracelsus book. Either way it is still the largest ingestion of lsd known to anybody.