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LSD Info Request: What's going around - Love Potion #9

Out of curiosity, is your dealer selling it cheap or just the regular street price? Cos I get it cheaper than acid. No need to reply with an exact price tag, just wondering if its being flogged to you by your dealer at the same price as acid.
Cheaper. That should have tipped me off right then lol. Thanks for confirming, you are right when you say most people will still buy it anyway if the dealers are upfront and honest about what they are selling. Tis a shame cause I was really looking forward to having the real thing tho.
I'll embed the pic so it's easier to compare on the same page, you just put the address with in

once again a different dude is trying to say tabs he has have md in em and they mellow you out + make you want to dance... obv not lsd and hes charging quite a bit for em, anyone know what RC would be on em?
once again a different dude is trying to say tabs he has have md in em and they mellow you out + make you want to dance... obv not lsd and hes charging quite a bit for em, anyone know what RC would be on em?

No one can tell you what's on them.

Tell him he's a fuckwit and to pull his head out of his arse and tell you what it really is. If he doesn't know what he's selling you shouldn't be buying from him.
No one can tell you what's on them.

Tell him he's a fuckwit and to pull his head out of his arse and tell you what it really is. If he doesn't know what he's selling you shouldn't be buying from him.
there no chance im buying from him, they're already overpriced as it is and he reckons that i'll need 2 to feel anything, its just hard to find so have to ask around alot and not everyone is gonna be legit but ive finally found someone into hallucinogens that actually does them, gonna be finding out the print today

it does have me intrigued to what is on those tabs, never heard anyone being on them

and imo its douchebags thinking its just some random dude wanting to try LSD that knows nothing about it at all so they make up shit and jack up prices
I never had acid before but i bought two tabs of wat was said to be "synthetic stuff like off silkroad". I took one straight up and it was strong as, abit like dxm but more euphoric and visual with tracers and lights and stuff. after maybe 3 hours it dulled down so I took the other one, got euphoric then tripped out again took seroquel and went too sleep about 6-7 hours arter it began. towards the end it felt more like mushies but stronger. had abit of a weird pain through my jaw and bones at some point after laying down also. and a headache seemed to reappear here and there but i get them quite often.

any ideas on what this would be??
I never had acid before but i bought two tabs of wat was said to be "synthetic stuff like off silkroad". I took one straight up and it was strong as, abit like dxm but more euphoric and visual with tracers and lights and stuff. after maybe 3 hours it dulled down so I took the other one, got euphoric then tripped out again took seroquel and went too sleep about 6-7 hours arter it began. towards the end it felt more like mushies but stronger. had abit of a weird pain through my jaw and bones at some point after laying down also. and a headache seemed to reappear here and there but i get them quite often.

any ideas on what this would be??

No one can give you an ID from your experience, if you know the print or have a photo, then post that.
Hey everyone!
Just picked up some Avatar tabs, I've read really good old reports on them but looking at them, they just don't seem right to me. There comfortably the biggest tabs I've ever seen, I'm guessing just under 1cm^2, I can post pictures tonight if that will help anyone but yeah would love to hear back if anyone has any idea!
Cheers <3
No one can give you an ID from your experience, if you know the print or have a photo, then post that.

i can give you an id from your experience, it is 25i-n-bome, or another nbome

Hey guys anyone heard about space invaders? Seem to be doing the rounds atm

had 1.5 tabs on the weekend, wasnt overwhelmed, decent lsd imo, not the best but still good, they have been mentioned in this thread earlier
i can give you an id from your experience, it is 25i-n-bome, or another nbome

It's impossible to give an accurate ID from experiences alone. Because everyone has a different reaction to drugs. You are just guessing and that is not encouraged on BL. This is why we close most ID threads across the board.

Taken from the first page:

It's requested that you provide a detailed physical description of the Blotter/Microdot/Windowpane and a location of purchase (city, town or region) when posting in this thread. Descriptions of strength, effects and any other relevant information should be provided. If a photo can be provided this is also very beneficial.

If requesting information on a particular blotter the following information must be provided.

- Name of blotter/gel/microdot (please note this may vary regionally or amongst different social circles)

- Description

- Location

- Picture (if available)

Hey everyone!
Just picked up some Avatar tabs, I've read really good old reports on them but looking at them, they just don't seem right to me. There comfortably the biggest tabs I've ever seen, I'm guessing just under 1cm^2, I can post pictures tonight if that will help anyone but yeah would love to hear back if anyone has any idea!
Cheers <3

They're most likely the new batch, that look the same as the old famous Avatars. The new batch was confirmed to be significantly less potent, but I can say from experience those Avatars were quite large. Not quite 1x1, but significantly bigger than the felixes, bikes and everything else I had in my possession when I first tried those.

If you put some pictures up then I can tell you for sure, but my instincts tell me it's probably the famous batch from Europe.
Just a warning to people in the Brisbane area. I had a guy try to sell me some tabs over the weekend as LSD but I knew they were 25i (having just bought the same tabs a couple of hours earlier). 1x1cm tabs and a neat perferation with no border on the tabs. He called the print 'Sun & Moon' and they have this image on every tab:

Bought some tabs over the weekend that I was assured were LSD. They were explained to me as being "gandalfs" don't have a pic unfortunately and can't explain the print as i could hardly see them before i ate em.... But they certainly were not LSD. Pretty sure they were nBOMe! :(
Bought some tabs over the weekend that I was assured were LSD. They were explained to me as being "gandalfs" don't have a pic unfortunately and can't explain the print as i could hardly see them before i ate em.... But they certainly were not LSD. Pretty sure they were nBOMe! :(

If they're the bordered Gandalfs, 25 hits to a picture, they are confirmed LSD at around 140ugs. Interesting.
Is there any information on the 'molecule' paper in Sydney??
Tried looking for comments but could not find any :p
think they may have been talked about a couple pages back and the ones i ate were pretty nice, only ate the one so not to strong. picked up some space invaders today most likely going to try these on the weekend. any thoughts?