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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD - first time for a high strung person


Jul 30, 2012
I want to try every know mind altering substance (besides RCs). I save psychadelics for last, because marijuana makes me BUG and I thought the stronger ones would just be worse.... how I was wrong. It completely took my anxiety away, permanently?

Ok so I was with my friend and she mentioned to me how she had a couple hits of acid some guy gave her like a year ago...and I was like why didn't you take them? Give them to me! And I dropped right there, and went home to pack for a trip to NYC to meet my Russian friends who just flew in.

I started coming up on the train. It blew my mind so hard so fast that I couldn't even be scared or anxious. It was like I was wearing super HD glasses, and all colors and lights were sooo vivid and bright. I got a huge case of the giggles.... I though everything was funny.... my thoughts were really jacked up... like I was thinking in loops kinda and I was connecting my thought patterns and analyzing them...

LSD makes you analyze alot... I basically lost my ego and emotions and therefore thought about things and situations from different angles I never knew was even possible.

I was listening to music, Infected Mushroom of course.... and I was hearing things I never heard before, even as a musician. I could feel it! I saw the water as I was approaching the city and it was MAJESTIC.... it was literally the most beautiful thing in my life LOL the dirty ass Atlantic around NYC but still, the ripples and everything wow....

Everything had a new dimension to it... things were swirling about... I don't have the vocabulary to really describe this... things were breathing, whirling... classic things from an LSD trip.

I met up with my friends and cried for the first time in years LOL I don't know why as I felt no emotion, but I couldn't contain myself... I was crying and giggling and just so excited (at least I knew I should feel excited if I were to feel lol)

And I was walking around all day and night with them in the city, basically tripping... it was very very cool. The night topped off with a view from atop Rockefeller Center... and it was incredible...I've never felt so alive.

And mind you I usually bug out and want to be taken to the hospital if I smoke even a little bit too much weed hahaaa but this was completely numbing to my anxiety...

I am totally different... I don't even know how to say how I feel... Complacent... loving...accepting... a little lazy. I still see colors different and it's not that I'm still tripping or fried my brain but the lsd just taught me how to appreciate things I never thought to give the time of day to. Yes... it completely changed me. Sometimes I actually miss my anxiety.... I feel a bit lost without it.... but I am learning to adjust.
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Yea... what an experience.... it was truly incredible. Still 'missing' my anxiety though; as it was my drive in life for years.... but in the future, I believe I will figure out how to make do without it and be extremely grateful. I cannot wait to trip again in the future.
in some cases it can worsen anxiety depending on the mindstate of the individual, anxiety isnt an emotion you can claim to be rid of though i dont think, you can learn to view anxiety as not being 'bad' and learn to experience anxiety without aversion, because i am pretty sure anxiety is a pretty instinctual human feeling especially for those who are predisposed to be sensitive to it...

it sounds like you really gleaned some really great insights from your trip though bdomi!
Wow glad to hear that.

Ive always been wary about experimenting with big hallucinogens but after reading some of the reports on here today i might have to give it a whirl.