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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Cheshire_Kat

LSD - First/Second Time - BAD Trips


Dec 27, 2000
Acid- First/Second Time - BAD Trips

The first time I did acid was actually the first time I was introduced to any drug. 2 friends and I went to this club in DC on Dec 2, 2000. Around 1am I was given one E pill. Not sure about the kind. Took that right away to experience my first roll (took orally, just swallowed it). The Roll was great. I was with people I loved and trusted and I had a good time. We left the club at 6am and were heading back home. In the car..aproxomately at 6:15/6:30am one of my friends gave me a small amount of K (about the size of a pencil eraser) to snort, hoping to bump my roll. When we reached the house, after getting inside, they gave me some weed. Only took 3 puffs of that though. Not too long after that, they decided I should try acid and just candyflip. I'd say approximately it was between 8am and 9am. They gave me a little piece of tin foil that had been used to wrap a blotter. I sucked on the tin foil for a little bit. Didn't get much out of that. Around 10am, some other friends showed up and they had more acid on them. About that time I was given one drop of liquid acid on the tongue. And so we waited. Not sure of the exact time it kicked in (amazing how all the clocks seemed to disappear). Around noonish/1pm I tried to eat some food and ended up getting nauseous. I went to the bathroom and sat on the floor in front of the toilet, unable to throw up and unable to move. I laid on the floor and managed to crawl halfway out of the bathroom and into the hallway before everything started spinning and bright lights started going off. No one had prepared me for what acid does to you at all. I must have laid there crying for over an hour before someone happened to walk by and see me. The guy I was with at the time sat me up and pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door. He held me real tight next to him and started talking about soothing things and things that were funny (btw, the lights were off and it was pitch black). After about 30min. I calmed down and was able to think slightly more clearly. We went back out into the living room with everyone else and people started pulling 'mind fucks' on me and feeding me things. Luckily they didn't do anything that could scare me, kept everything nice and happy-like. At one point they took me into the back room and had me look at a mirror and let me get stuck for about 5 min. Around 7:30pm we drove up to a local diner to try and eat, with me driving since it seemed my trip had ended. On the way back (around 8:30/9pm) I started seeing things out of the corner of my eyes. Luckily enough we were right around the corner from home. So we got back inside and I just laid in this guys lap while images of evil cabbage patch dolls and the grinch ran in front of my face. Around 10:30/11pm I started driving back to my house. Once again it seemed as though the trip had ended. About halfway home I started seeing these hands out of the corner of my eyes. Then the hands came down in front of my eyes, making everything black for about 2-3 seconds. Immediately I pulled off the road and threw up. It took me about 3 hours to get home (normally a 45 min drive). Once I got home I was unable to sleep and spent the night sitting in my bed, paranoid. It took me about 3 days to fully get over the effects and remember everything that had happened.
The next weekend on Dec. 9, 2000 the same group and I went to the same club. It was this guys last night in town, so the plan was to score some E, go home and roll all day Sunday as one last party for us all. Well, we all split up when we got the club. I scored my pill but put it away for when we left. I ran into the people I was with...and it seems they all forgot the vow to roll. All 3 of them were tripping big time. Now...I began to feel left out. So, I bought 2 blotters and took the first one at around 1:30am. By 2am I had take the second one as well. Everything was going pretty well. The girl I was with decided to go walk around and we decided I would just stay were I was. After she left I saw one of the guys we were with and I was feeling kinda nauseous. So I went up to him and informed him of this. He steered me over to a trash can and said he'd go get some water. After awhile he hadn't come back and I saw the other guy we were with. He took me into the chill room and sat me near the fire. I told him to tell the girl we were with to come in here when he found her. So he left. After some time I began to feel really sick. Then the girl came back. At this time they told me to take my E pill, hoping to bring the trip down faster. I know it was a double stack...but nothing more beyond that. Have no clue as to the time. Her and this guy helped me into the bathroom where I spent the next few hours dry heaving. I had told her to go find the guys we were with and see about leaving. So she left me in the bathroom....and never came back. By now I was pretty upset. Not too much because of the things I was seeing. But because I felt so sick and could not throw up. One girl I didn't know stayed with me in the bathroom and bathed my arms and neck with cold water. Then she left me with another girl so she could go find the people I came with. The 2nd girl gave me some gum to chew and went to get me some food (with the intention that if something was in my stomach, I might be able to get sick). I had a 3rd girl stay with me and she actually knew the people I was with, so she went and found them. Then she helped me out to them. I was leaning against a wall, over a trash can while they were deciding what to do. A security guard came up and offered to watch me while they went and found the person who was driving. This security guard took me outside and proceeded to sexually assault me and try to rape me. I've never been in the position where I could not fight back. I knew what he was doing was wrong and I knew I wanted to get away yet I couldn't move. I was stuck. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. The bathroom attendant, luckily, found me before he could do too much and she helped me back inside where my group was looking for me. We were actually heading home around 5am or so. We got home and I started babbling about the security guard....and was starting to lose it. Throughout the day I broke down into uncontrollable tears and spent about an hour sitting in the shower. The people I was with tried to calm me down (true, telling someone to pretty much suck it up and move on...isn't the way to go). They took me out driving and took me to a pet store and such things. On the way back after trying to eat, I kept having flashbacks mixed in with events that happened about 6 years ago and that's when I completely lost it. All I could do was sit on the ground and cry. The people I was with then decided I was 'nuts' and kicked me out and stopped speaking to me. So I managed to drive home barely and collapsed into bed. When I woke up Monday morning, I was surprisingly able to recall every little detail of what happened.
So far those have been my only trips...and it'll probably stay that way. If I ever decide to try acid again...it's going to be in a very controlled home environment with people I'd trust with my life. People I'm comfortable with that know how to deal with people tripping. Also...they'll be sober. As of right now though....I can't see myself doing acid anytime soon.
Trust is something that takes forever to earn...but can be broken in seconds....
Beatiful/touching story..
You can tell who you can trust/are true friends or just terribly good on how they react when you need them the most.
"I completely lost it. All I could do was sit on the ground and cry. The people I was with then decided I was 'nuts' and kicked me out and stopped speaking to me."
These people you can clearly not trust.
Just take in mind that doing drugs is a experince you can learn from (if openminded)
whether it´s good or bad. From what I´ve read here on bluelight Lsd and Shrooms are very strong on your feelings and make people depressed whenever the drug feels like it.
I´ve just done shrooms myself but never had a totally bad trip. Once tripped at home with 2 friends while my mom and dad where sleeping, i got a little paranoid but not much though (light doze).
. I´m stopping now.. I´m just rammbling some crap.

Your mind is a powerfull tool if you use it right - Nec
im just wondering why if your first lsd experience was bad, would take not one but two blotters the second time?
sorry about the security guard issue. that, i would follow up with the owner/police. even if you don't get them arrested, at least if someone else speaks up, they will know right away.
Please, don't ever take acid again.
For whatever reason, it's just not a drug that you should be doing.
"Roads, where we're going we don't need any roads."
I took 2 blotters....for stupid reasons. The girl I got them from said they were very weak. Said she had a low tolerance for acid and 1 did nothing to her (and yes I was gullable enough to believe her). As for doing acid again in general.....yes I admit, I was an idiot. I guess I have that 'do it til you do it right' frame of mind (which I've been cured of now). I'll never do acid again. Took powerful for me, I know that now. As for the security guard....he was fired and got his ass kicked by the other bouncers, so I guess that'll have to do.
So I've learned from these experiences....and I know I don't have the tolerance for acid. And I've also learned not to trust as easily, lol.
Trust is something that takes forever to earn...but can be broken in seconds....