• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

LSD and migraines


Mar 18, 2009
A friend of mine does LSD once a month as a migraine preventative. It's the only thing that works for her. No pharmaceuticals do the job. There used to be an ergotamine suppository on the market called Cafergot but it has since been discontinued and replaced with a myriad of drugs that don't work.

My observation is that migraines in general seem to be a product of some kind of over-sensitivity. The triggers that migraine sufferers have tend to be things that don't bother other people, but for them trigger instant migraine onset... such as cologne, tannins, sudden atmospheric pressure changes, etc.

I researched LSD and found that, along with ergotamine, it's a non-specific ergoloid that acts as an agonist on the entire 5ht system. Other pharmaceuticals target maybe one or two receptor sub-categories, but ergoloids just go for the whole shabang. Somehow this agonism downregulates the receptors from being overactive/oversensitive and thus prevents vasoconstriction and in turn migraines from being triggered.

I'm wondering if anyone here has more specific information aside from what I just wrote, since it could shed more light on this problem for me. My friend doesn't seem bothered that she has to do LSD regularly to treat this problem, but for someone like me, doing LSD that often would cause psychological problems. She insists that it has to be an hallucinogenic dose for it to work, and threshold doses don't cut it.

I would love to discover some kind of generalized 5ht agonist like the ergoloid family, but so far my research has turned up nothing. Maybe if I knew more about the mechanism of LSD I could do more investigating.

Thoughts on this?
there is another migraine drug, i think its only available in france for some reason but the brand is called sansert. the drug is methylsergide (sp?) and its discussed in the tikhal LSD entry. ive been getting migraines since i was 7, now 31 so yea quite a while. thanks mom! she gets them too, so for me its genetic. i know most of my triggers. atmospheric changes such as barometric pressure will wreak havoc on me, i can actually predict a storm front within a day of it happening bc i get aura. fun party trick.

ive tried so many migraine drugs that either dont work, or have nasty side effects. the triptans drugs such as immitrex, zomig and emerge work really well but they are bad for your heart and lately my immitrex which never bothered me before is making my chest hurt when i take it.

pot works well since its anti emetic, like a reallly heavy indica with lots of cbd works well. headband was a good one for me. i have heard of ppl taking mushrooms and low dose lsd to curb their migraines and if you get them, you know its hell whatever works! i wouldnt wish them on anyone. a day of barf unbearable pain behind the left eye (for me its usually there) extreme light and loud noise. they have even started to give botox injections for it. if it ever got that bad id cinsider not being able to move my facial muscles and look like plastic. thankfully i dont get them as often as i did when i was younger. i contribute it to knowing my triggers and staying away from anything that will cause it. but when i do get one now they are so severe its brutal. worst is when you just get one seemingly for no reason. i think there is always a reason.