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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(lsd/200) - Experienced - Trix Tabs 10/10


Jan 25, 2017
So it was a regular Friday and I just get out of school and decided earlier in the week I was going to trip on Friday so I take two tabs and get ready for the craziest, most amazingly, fu**** up, night of my entire life. About a hour after I swallow my tabs we are taking dabs in my friends room who we will call "A" and he goes to pull his glass nail off the rig and it breaks, slicing his hand open deep. Blood everywhere, all over the floor and walls because he wouldn't quit flinging his hand around causing blood to go everywhere. We try to close the wound with very little luck and he comes to the conclusion he needs to go to the hospital. He calls his mom and she takes him away to the ER and I start to walking home, desperately trying to figure out what just happened. I get home and take a dab or two and realize I want to go outside so I go to the park next to my house and there is this girl I know there named "B". She was stupid drunk and I know this because she called me over and the best part is she hates me completely and if sober would never have called me over lol. She's with some dude and he begins to tell me how he got her drunk and plans on fucking her and he slipped her some SSRI to get her more drunk. At this point I'm tripping balls and am trying to comprehend what he is saying. When I finally get he was going to rape this girl I start to think there's not much I can do I'm tripping on 2 tabs and just get away from the entire situation. Right when I left my friend who cut his hand open calls me saying he got the bleeding to stop and he is home which I was shocked about because it was only like 30 minutes since I left. Apparently he got the bleeding to stop and was alright so he comes to my house and we dab again and then walk back to his. We stayed in his room for a few hours just dabbing and smoking and watching cartoons until another friend who will be called "C" decides to come over. At this point I'm having stomach issues and my stomach hurts very bad. Also I was clenching my leg for hours and couldn't get it to stop so my leg was in pain to. This lasted 40 mins to a hour before we decide to go to another friends house who is called D. I left my buddies room to go to the car and I looked at his mom and she turned her head at me and a snake tongue came out of her mouth and her eyes had slits like cat eyes. I just walked outside and got in the car thinking that was nuts!!!!!While all 3 of us drove to D's home we listened to EDM and my friend has a lot of bass in his car and I felt like the music was not only able to be heard but seen also. It was truly amazing I can't explain. When we arrive we smoke and I am laying down on his floor looking at the ceiling morph and move when everyone decides to go home and drop me off at my house because I wanted alone time. During that time I meditated, got to know myself a little better and drew some amazing drawings for my scrapbook! Overall it was a very fun night filled with a lot of good memories! I'm glad it happened overall and would do it again any second of any day!

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Damn that's a fucked up series of events to have happen. I would have called the police on dude who was planning to date rape the girl though, that's so fucked up. In my opinion you should have tried to do something, sexual assault can fuck people up bad and that dude deserves to get fucked hard, figuratively speaking. :| I get that you wouldn't want to talk to police on LSD, but you probably could have just called and told them he told you and that they left and went to wherever they could find them at the time.