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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(LSD / 1 hit) + (Cannabis) - Semiexperienced


Aug 27, 2010
This is a report from about 2 and a half months ago. At that point, I was semi experienced with LSD, having done it maybe 8 or 9 times up until then. It was the first Saturday of Spring Break, and me and my friend decided we wanted to drop some acid and have a good time. We each took a WoW tab, and we knew that these tabs were very, very strong, as we had done them before. So I arrived at his house around 2, and we dropped the acid. His dad was home, but he is in his 60s and never really bothers us/knows when we are on drugs. We were planning on leaving anyways. about 45 minutes later, we felt the acid starting to kick in, and left on our journey. We brought our Ipods, water, and cigarettes. And away we went.

The first thing we did was go to the park. There was some family party going on that day, and there was a bunch of people there. The first thing that tripped us out was this little kid at the water fountain screaming "AGUA!! AGUA!!!". We laughed our asses off, then layed on the grass listening to music watching the sky. We then lit up a cigarette, and decided to walk to the mall. We knew we were in control and wouldnt freak out in public, and wanted to experience the mall on LSD.

So as we get to the mall, we see this guy wearing a shirt of the punk band Crass, a band my friend really likes. Turns out hes homeless (a couple months later i come to find out hes a heroin addict, different story though). He asks us for money. We have none, but we bum him a cigarette. We then stand here talking with him about punk bands for a good 5 minutes. Keep in mind he has no idea we are on acid. We then walk away, and go into Starbucks to get water cups. I go up to the counter, and being on acid, have no idea what to say. So i just look at the guy working there, and say "...Hey". He looks at me and goes "Hey??!! That how you talk?". At this point im frying waaay too hard and just stare at him, and he just smiles and asks me what i need. I ask for a couple water cups. and he gives them to me. At this point I am so grateful for this guy, hes on the job and he seems to be being genuinely nice to me and my friend. So i give a sincere thank you, and then go sit down and drink with my friend. We see this Middle Eastern lady walking by. She looks to be about 35, and even in my frying state, i could tell she was smoking hot. She is lighting a cigarette, and me and my friend ask her for one. We are both just 18, so she asks if we are old enough, then says in a sort of sexy accent "I do not want to get into trooouuble". After she leaves, we realize she gave us the shittiest cigarettes id ever seen, they were super skinny and trashy looking, so we just said fuck it and went inside.

We first go to Forever 21, because a girl my friend knows works there. Let me just say, LSD and this palce do not mix. We immediately left, because for some reason everybody in there just looked sad. Then we go into Best Buy, which was such a trip. We are both really into music, and we realize they have like no CDs there. So we start having this loud, insane conversation about that, then just leave. I remember as we were walking out, listening to music and minding our own business, I saw a middle aged lady give us the "youre a teenager so i dontl ike you" dirty look. So as we walked past her i yelled "were on acid, fuck you!". Obviously this was very immature and dumb, but at the moment it was epic. After this, me and my friend decide to go on the roof off the mall (5 stories high). My friend lays on the concrete, and i sit on the ledge, listening to Bittersweet Symphony. I looked down and realized I could fall and die, and it really would be ok. I had this weird feeling about how life and death weren't all that different. Mind you, this was NOT the stereotypical "im on acid im going to jump off a building scenario". At no time was I ever going to jump, it was all just philospohical thoughts. My friend was scared though and kept yelling at me to get down, so i finally did. At this point we both had insane visuals. The next thing we do is meet two of our friends in the mall. One of them is high as fuck, and wants food. SO he goes to get some, while me, my friend on acid, and my other friend walk to go get an apple. My sober friend kept saying in this trippy as voice "I want Appa!" which was freaking me out not gonna lie. So soon we leave the Mall to go to my friends house.

At this point I Think I should do the whole give my friends letter initials. My friend that was on acid with me will now be known as S. My friend that was high will be known as P. And my friend that wanted the apple is M. me, P, and S are all guys, and M is a girl. So we all go to S house, and me and P smoked a couple bowls. At this point I feel good, and the weed is vibing off the acid. We just kick it for awhile, then decide to walk to M's house. As we are walking, her dad sees us and gives us a ride. I had never met him before, and he was tripping me the fuck out. We go to M's garage, and this is where things get slightly bad. We are smoking hookah, and P busts out a 3 foot bong. I decide to hit it. Around this point, i started getting semi bad vibes, and so did S. We both quickly get up, and go outside for air. I was very close to just taking off and running away, and I come to find out later so was S. We then attempt to go to the backyard, which was pretty traumatizing because we had to walk through the dark and were still tripping hard. From here until we left Ms house, i felt a sort of telepathy with S, like I KNEW he was thinking the exact same things I was.

The end of this trip was a little depressing. Me and S went back to his house, and attempted to sleep. I got caught up in thoughts about some depressing things in my life, and silently cried to myself a little, before I fell asleep. I dont know if S reacted the way I did, but I know he felt depressed at the end of this trip too, yet at the same time I feel like it was good. We had a lot of fun, and definitley did realize things. Overall, a fun, deep experience. Yay LSD.
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Nice report! :)
Hopefully you don't mind me for small retitling?
Sounds like a nice experience, exploring on acid is great, if you are experienced of course. It sounds like you are though and it seems like it went well. I've had some funny stories like that. I can remain really calm while tripping and so I don't mind doing it in public. I guess I just like the psychedelic state so much, I can't become nervous. Not on "heroic" doses mind you but definitely moderate ones.
thanks guys, im about to edit it and add more details, as i left a lot of things out, and didnt finish :)
Sounds pretty fun. I've always loved how easy it is to conceal that you are tripping if you can keep your head. I'll be reading the rest when you finish it.
Thanks for sharing.
Seemed a little risky at times i must say.

Shame it was sad towards the end