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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Low on dope, Plugging last effort.


Jan 18, 2009
I feel this is necesary to get the feel of wahts going on right now, after this i will let you know what exactly my problem is.
My use this after noon.
5:00 orally ingested 1 mg clonazapam,; 6-6:30 i insufflated 1 10 mg lortab. Over the next two hours i took 1mg of clonazapam. Then at about 9:15 i took 100mg Tramadol.

I now have 100mg or tramadol and 10 mg hydrocodone.
I have heard of plugging tramadol and that is is nice and i also know that titrating the doses of tramadol helps with potentiation. So this being my second does should help. Should i plug this 100 mg of Tramadol?
Second what should i do with the 10mg hydrocodone? should i eat that before i plug the trams so it peaks about the same time?
plugging sounds like a good way to go.

should i also plus the tabs also?
is there a special way that you have to plug htabs?